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Katarina Build Guide by Lightravenn

Assassin Katarina Uruguaya

Assassin Katarina Uruguaya

Updated on December 1, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lightravenn Build Guide By Lightravenn 1,468 Views 0 Comments
1,468 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lightravenn Katarina Build Guide By Lightravenn Updated on December 1, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hello, im an old NA player, now playing on LAS, in which i have reached Diamond tier only maining Katarina. I have mastered her, its been 4 years now, i saw victories, and also defeats, but i can tell you, this champion is by far the one that with some skilled gamer can lead easily the team to a win.
Katarina is not an AP MID which can do all by herself, she needs a team that supports her playstyle. With that said, ill try to explain all i know so far.
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Pros / Cons


+ High burst AoE damage
+ Fast mobility
+ Easy mechanics
+ Pasive skills that grants cd reset after kill or assist(the source of katarina teamfight damage)
+ No mana (hell yeah, mana potions? not today!)
+ Ability to shunpo into a lot of stuff.(wards, shrooms, creeps, neutral creeps, champions)
+ As an assasin, can easily jump in to finish off any enemy with low hp, and chainhit any other champion as soon as the first dies.


- Low hp
- Weak against any kind of cc
- Hard to comprehend when to dive.(needs to know the abilities and mechanics of all the champions)
- If teammates arent confident of initiating a teamfight or pushing, katarina will face defeat.
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Working on it..

Building up..
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lightravenn
Lightravenn Katarina Guide
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Katarina Uruguaya

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