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Ability Order
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
Hey what is up guys today i will be teaching you how to play kha zix in the mid lane or give you some cool tips
Champion Introduction
Kha zix is a strong assassin champion since he can assassinate people very easily especially squishy champions like Vayne or Syndra
When playing kha zix your goal is to assasinate the ad carry,
For kha zix you wanna max out your q since it's your damage spell/skill, it has high burst damage with very low cool down and mana cost, the damage is increased by 45% if the target's isolated/alone.
This is your seconds main damage ability and you only sustain ability, it costs you a fair bit of mana so i don't recommend you to spam it as you will run out of mana pretty quickly unless you have blue buff or tear. You wanna max it seconds because like i said your second damage ability and only sustain ability.
this is your main chasing ability as well as escape, you wanna max it last because the ad ratio is very low compare to his other abilities, you might wanna max it second just for the cool down but i don't recommend that.
this is your ult and you want to max it when ever it's available, this is you second escape/chasing ability because it has the stealth thing and gives bonus movement speed. this spell/skill is also good dueling someone since is can reset your passive.
Kha zix isn't so great in teamfights since he can be targeted very easily
What you want to do in teamfights is to jump in with your Leap, kill the ad carry then jump out with your Leap, it must be elovled so it can reset the cooldown of leap to jump out, i said that in introduction but here with more details.
*High mobility
*high burst damage
*Good assassin
*Decent sustain
*Reveal stealth counters kha zix
*High chance of being focused at teamfights
*Uses alot of mana when spaming Void Spike
*Lack of cc
Veigar - Medium
Diana - hard
Lee Sin - hard
Lux - easy
Syndra - medium
Gragas - easy
Kassadin - easy
Annie - medium
Katarina - medium
Akali - medium
Vel'Koz - easy
Riven - medium
Ryze - easy
Lissandra - medium
Ahri - medium
Zed - medium
Heimerdinger - hard
Morgana - medium
Xerath - medium
LeBlanc - hard
Kog'Maw - medium
Anivia - easy
Karma - medium
Karthus - easy
Jayce - medium
Mordekaiser - hard
Kennen - medium
Lulu - medium
Orianna - easy
Swain - hard
Twisted Fate - easy
Ziggs - easy
Zyra - medium
Diana - hard
Lee Sin - hard
Lux - easy
Syndra - medium
Gragas - easy
Kassadin - easy
Annie - medium
Katarina - medium
Akali - medium
Vel'Koz - easy
Riven - medium
Ryze - easy
Lissandra - medium
Ahri - medium
Zed - medium
Heimerdinger - hard
Morgana - medium
Xerath - medium
LeBlanc - hard
Kog'Maw - medium
Anivia - easy
Karma - medium
Karthus - easy
Jayce - medium
Mordekaiser - hard
Kennen - medium
Lulu - medium
Orianna - easy
Swain - hard
Twisted Fate - easy
Ziggs - easy
Zyra - medium
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