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Has a ton of CC and can one shot you if fed. His Stuns keep you from ulting.
Very Strong 1v1. Hard to kite because of her dash, and really hard to outplay because if she hits you you get marked with her moonlight.
Dr. Mundo
If he hits you with a Cleaver he can run you down, otherwise just buy Executioners and he goes down pretty easy
A Ekko's Burst can be pretty problematic, and his ult is frustrating, but he is pretty squishy. Overall just watch out if he is ahead and play off his cooldowns.
If you are facing a good Elise her burst dmg along with her stun will One shot you, if you can dodge her stun she can be easily outplayed.
If want to beat Evelynn just take her out early, if she is behind she becomes useless, just watch out for her charms and you should be fine
Fiddle is really weak to early invades, so make sure to take advantage of that. if he is fed he can one shot you if he gets off his original fear from stealth so make sure to play around Vision.
Gragas can one shot you, and his Displacement can kick you out of ult and kill you from lack of positioning. Overall just avoid him until you get a chance to collapse with your laners.
Graves overall is less mobile than Kindred, but he has high dmg, and his smokescreen can easily lose you fights, so just make sure to kite him out and play around his abiltiy cooldowns, because if you dodge his W and Q you outdmg him significantly.
Hecarim can easily run you down and kill you. His ult fear can keep you from ulting and his E can knock you out of your ult. Just try to avoid him until he focuses someone else, because if he is focusing you youll probably lose. If you find yourself in a 1v1 situation try to play around you ability to jump over walls to beat him.
Ivern is quite annoying due to his supportive nature and his Bushes, which can keep you from attacking him. To beat him just Counter gank him and let him waste all of his abilites until he falls behind, then invade on him. Dont Underestimate his Dmg.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan can beat you 1v1 if he gets to E>Q you. If he misses try to stay away from his flag as he gains attack speed around it and can still beat you. Just kite him out and you should win. His ults burst can be a problem but you can just jump over the walls.
A good Jax can beat you 1v1 because of his gap closer and his E. To beat jax just play around his E and kite him out, jumping over walls to try to get him to jump onto you, then jump back.
His Single Target dmg on his Q can hurt, but just dodge his Wall of Pain to not be slowed and have you magic resistance shredded. Your ult can counteract his, and your mobility and speed can let you kite out his abilities.
Kayn is pretty weak early, so try to invade him. if he gets ahead just try to play around his cooldowns and kite out his abilities.
Kha'Zix is very strong against Kindred because of his heavy burst, and if he evolves R first his Stealth keeps you from being able to attack him, because if you cant target him you cant attack him, as Kindred has no Skillshots.
Lee Sin
Just Dodge his Q and Kite him out. wait for him to Ult before you ult because it can knock you out of it and kill you.
She is very fast and does a lot of dmg. So Kiting her is pretty hard. To beat her just invade and kill her because if she is ahead she becomes very problematic.
Master Yi
Yi can run you down and his Q can keep him from dying to your autos. His W gives him a ton of reduced dmg do make sure to take conq in this matchup as it is really easy to stack it on him. If he begins to snowball avoid him 1v1, and take him out in teamfights.
Nidalee is a very skill based Champion. So this matchup heavily depends on skill. To beat Nidalee avoid her Spear and Traps as most of her dmg relies on her passive. if you manage to dodge her abilites its an easy 1v1 if she cant jump over a wall or run through a bush.
Nocturne is very weak early, so make sure to try to invade if possible. If he gets ahead he will become very hard to kill, so wait for counterganking opportunities and kill him there.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu's cc can be a big problem for Kindred, but if you manage to catch nunu off guard its an easy kill. If you get caught by his Snowball he can lock you down kill you.
To beat Olaf avoid his axes and try to kite him out. Once he reaches 6 he can run you down so use walls to your advantage, and try to keep him from autoing you.
Pantheon is extremely problematic for Kindred because of his Burst and Tankiness. To beat him wait for him to use his W on something then go on him, dodge his Q and E dmg and you should win, but his W is a target stun so you need to watch out for it.
A good poppy will try to fight you in the jungle so she can stun you against a wall. She does a lot of dmg and his pretty hard to kill, and her W keeps you from using Q, so you cant rely on wall jumps to beat her. Like most other champs, just play off her cooldowns and you win.
Her Versatility makes her hard to master, but if she is good you'll be beat in pretty much every matchup, as she can follow you over walls and stun you with her Q. Play off Cooldowns.
If he hits you with his Q you'll most likely lose the fight. Try to catch him off guard and dont let him catch you off guard, as you'll be unable to do anything to him for a while.
Dodge Rek'sais knockup and you beat her. Dont invade her as she will always have knowledge of your presence with her W Tremor Sense. Just Kite reksai out and time your ult with hers and you win.
Rengar's one shot Potential and invisibility can be a huge problem. His Empowered E can root you and keep you from escaping, and his ult means your never safe if he is fed. Play off his cooldowns and try to use your laners as bait and countergank him.
Her abundance of CC means you have to be careful fighting her near her allies. Try to invade her as she cant beat you 1v1, and dodge her W with your Q.
To beat Sett just dodge his W. He can be problematic if fed, as he can ult you out of your ult. but the majority of his dmg early and mid game is his W true dmg, so make sure to avoid it in a fight.
Fuck Shaco. You'll have to watch very closely to see where he is going with his Q, and watch for movement patterns when his ult is around as if he fears you you die.
Shyvana is really weak early so make sure to invade her. If she goes AP she can one-shot you with her E so try to play off that cooldown. Overall just make sure she doesnt snowball.
His ult absolutely Destroys you in a fight, his slow and stuns can really mess you up. Just make sure he doesnt get ahead and invade on his camps, but try not to fight him directly.
If you dodge his Abilities you win any fight, but he scales really hard so try to kill him early on so he cant snowball any harder than you can. This matchup is weird because depending on who you have on your team it can be harder or easier. If he has a Malphite ult your Screwed, but if he has like a Soraka ult or something you win.
Just dodge his E and Dont get hit by his Q. If you can kite him out he cant dmg you as all of his abilities rely on him being on top of you, so take advantage of that.
Play off his Ult CD and the amount of time until its turns off(5 secs if you didnt know), then kill him afterwards. His slow can be pretty problematic and he can chase you. Make sure he isnt ahead.
If you can Kite him its gg. If he gets to hit you you lose. He falls off late game so just avoid him or countergank him until you get Phantom Dancer and Black Cleaver as he wont be able to catch up with you.
Her Q and ult can really mess you up in teamfights, so try to stay out of range until she uses her ult, then go in. If you manage to dodge her Q you win any 1v1 as you can just kite her out.
Since his Recent nerfs he has become less of a problem, but his Q movement speed can still really mess you up. try to kite him out and use wall to your advantage because he has no way to scale terrain other than his ult.
His Healing means you wont beat him 1v1 until you have executioners, but if you find yourself in that situation then use your Q to wall jump to avoid as much dmg as possible, and avoid his ult and E fear.
His Knockup can easily keep you from ulting, and his stealth from his clone can let him avoid a lot of dmg, so just kite him out and play around his clone and ultimate. Kindred and Wukong are evenly matched pretty much all game if one of them doesnt snowball, so its a heavy skill matchup.
Xin Zhao
Kite him out, once he E's onto you flash or Q over all wall as his Q can knock youup. his Ultimate can be a real problem in teamfights, but overall you outdual him if you are in the right spot.
He si pretty weak early, so take advantage and invade and kill him. His E allows him to gank and Escape easily so counterganking after he uses if is extremely effective, try not to get hit by his knockup or displacement abilities
IF you want to be good at Kindred Jungle it takes Practice, so dont be discouraged if your bad when you start. Kindred is a very mobile champion, and you do a lot of dmg. As She is an ADC you are quite squishy, so make sure you acknowledge that. Mainly play off enemy Cooldowns, and dont understimate your ability, as once you get used to your dmg you will begin to understand what you can do in game.
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