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Leona Build Guide by mashyette

Support Leona Bot Lane Support

Support Leona Bot Lane Support

Updated on July 31, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mashyette Build Guide By mashyette 2,089 Views 0 Comments
2,089 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mashyette Leona Build Guide By mashyette Updated on July 31, 2013
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Support Bot lane

Leona is a very powerful and underacted support champion. She can be use to completely turn a lane around.
When starting off the game on the blue side, make your way to the bot lane tri-bush under dragon. You can ether face dodge into the bush or take the safe way by using your Explorer's ward to check the bush for enemy's. This bush is on your side so it should be safe. From here move into the river to check for the enemy team. If you see them protecting their blue buff drop a ward in front of dragon and retreat back to your own lane. By doing this you can see the enemy team coming into your lane within the next 3 minutes.

When starting on the purple side, help your jungler with blue by leashing it and warding the river in the same spot as the blue guide. You are going to want to rush to the river as fast as you can and place an explorer's ward in the spot by dragon if you see any activity, warn your team and ether defend or flee from blue buff. If the enemy team warded the river and retreated to lane enter the river with your adc drop a vision ward where they place it and let the adc take the gold from killing the enemy sight/vision/explorer's ward.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mashyette
mashyette Leona Guide
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