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Leona Build Guide by Starh

Leona the solar tank! Read before you comment.

Leona the solar tank! Read before you comment.

Updated on July 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Starh Build Guide By Starh 2,711 Views 1 Comments
2,711 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Starh Leona Build Guide By Starh Updated on July 18, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Leona
  • LoL Champion: Leona


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Pros / Cons

- Great pure tank!
- aoe ultimate
- High survival
- Good farm as a tank


- hard to play without good team
- slow jungling :(
- no damage on the late game;( (build 1)
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Hi, its my first build on mobafire. I want to share with you my knowledge about Leona.

Let's begin with a quick understanding of the role Leona should play in League of Legends.Leona is a pure tank! Building she into ap / hybrid is destroying the potential of this champion. Your job is to protect your carry! You dont have to kill only to protect! You cant forget about that! If you will not protect your carry/mates, dont play as Leona.
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Marks , Seals or (boost Nimbleness from mastery tree), glyph or (She have long cd at start), quints - Greater Quint of Fortitude or Greater Quint of Swiftness (leona is very slow - 380 movement speed with mercury treads)
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0-21-9 - Standard tank build.
0-9-21 is good too (more CDR+ movement speed), but I prefer the first option (more hp and survi - its very important when we go solo top).
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Summoner Spells

Flash + Teleport - We need to move quickly across the map... Leona is very slow. (you will se on the replay, what I mean - TP to tower/wards and ambush enemy ;))

Flash + Exhaust is also good If in the opposite team is Trynde or jax etc.
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Skill Sequence and farming as Leona - solo top.

Why first W + E before q? Since the combination of W + E, gives a great farm! (watch the replay)
Our combo is: W before dash, and after that fast q - At one time enemy champion getting damage from the three skills.
On the line we are trying to use a shield + e to provide easy farm for us.

Remeber to buy many wards;)
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Every game as Leona is difirent. You need to buy right items, depending on opponents. These items are only examples, which you can choose. You have to choose also between the items reduce Cooldowns and items increase your Survive.

REMEMBER to buy wards all the time!
1. First shoping +
2. First back to base - and finish Philosopher's Stone - Mana/HP regen + gold per second - mniam:)!
3. Second back to base- (tenacity + mr - compulsory purchase) - health + gold ;)!
Now we have two items that generate gold. Its our core!
Why is this core? Leona in the early phase of the game does'nt need to increase resist items. We have resists from second skill.

4.We buy, depending on opponents: (If support wont buy this item)// (Yea! Great item! Mana+armor + CDR!! - we need CDR)
finish (MORE CDR!/HP + FREE GHOST for our team).
You can buy or too (vs magic enemy). If you need more hp, just buy it;)
is great item - hp + armor and good pasiv - better farm for us;)
5. Finish (imba active) or buy the item increasing the health like warmorg.
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Team Work

    Leona is a tank... so our duty is to protect our carry! Her
E skill is great to start the team fight. We need to stuns enemy carry, and try to use exlent our ultimae (Sometimes this spell wins TF - love aoe stun with hige range). Leona have a imba passive! Your aoe speels apply solar shining on enemy (140 dmg at 18 lvl), its realy great! You must learn how to mark right that passive (Only your mates can use it).

The most iportant tip - ALWAYS GO SOLO TOP AS LEONA!
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Summary/screens + replays

I hope this information will prove useful to you and you will enjoy the game as Leona.
Sorry for all the mistakes and typos

Build will be expanded.


1. - ranked (solo top vs mordekaiser)
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