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Sona Build Guide by JimmyIZundead

Support Let's make a Masterpiece ~ Support Sona

Support Let's make a Masterpiece ~ Support Sona

Updated on September 24, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JimmyIZundead Build Guide By JimmyIZundead 6,094 Views 5 Comments
6,094 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JimmyIZundead Sona Build Guide By JimmyIZundead Updated on September 24, 2013
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So before we get started: I call the example build: "pointy tits sona". Enjoy!

Greetings summoner, and welcome to my Support Sona guide. My name is JimmyIzUndead, I recently was promoted from bronze V to silver V, entirely as a support. My favorite supports to play as are Leona, Janna, Nami, and of course Sona. What makes Sona the ideal support, is that she has excellent engage with her Ultimate: Crescendo, excellent poke with Hymn of Valor and Power Chord, a somewhat reliable Chase/Disengage with Song of Celerity, and sustain for her and her ADC with Aria of Perseverance. This separates her from all other supports. Leona has only engage and a VERY unreliable disengage. Janna has almost all Disengage and a very unreliable engage. Thresh is... well he's a pretty nice support not going to lie, but he is almost always banned in ranked, same with Blitzcrank. Lulu and Nami are well rounded supports but they have complicated mechanics (to me at least). Sona is a very simple, and flexible support that does well with most ADC's.

This guide will teach you not only how to use Sona, but give you a general idea of what the support role is. I will teach you how to ward, how to synergize with ADCs, how you behave in team fights, and how you behave in lane.
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Pro's and Con's of Sona

Sona is very well rounded champion, with some major pros and a few major cons.
~ High damage support
~ Good Poke with her Q
~ Good Sustain with her W
~ Amazing engage with her R
~ Very Flexible in terms of Laning and Fighting
~ One of the most well rounded supports in LoL
~ easily ganked in lane.
~ Good at taking kills
~ No solid engage until Level 6
~ No real escape for her or the ADC
~ unreliable CC on her E
~ Dead if she get's caught out
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On your first trip out, i suggest grabbing a a Faerie Charm, and 3 Mana Potion, and no Health Potion. The reason being, is when you hit level 2, you can spam heals when you needs them, and drink Mana Potion to regenerate mana! And the rest, is up to you!

There's a reason people get this as apposed to a Sightstone. 1: 3 wards > 2 wards. This, believe it or not, is a huge difference. With this, you can manage to ward dragon, river, and the tri bush all at once eliminating all chances of a gank. also the extra health is awesome!!! This is the most standard of standard support items.

I like to rush this or a Athene's Unholy Grail. If youre doing either steady or bad, get Aegis of the Legion. Getting extra armor and magic resistance will make you survive longer, and eventually ripping the head off of Tristana. Also, it gives armor to your tank, which is nice. It keeps your entire team alive by just a bit, but it's always worth getting first or third.

If you and your carry are doing really good, grab this so you can spamspamspamspamspamSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM your heals and poke. Mana is one major problem on Sona, but do not get this if it's a stale lane, or if youre getting killed. Get Aegis of the Legion, then boots, then the grail. This also gives you CDR, AP, and magic resistance. You cannot fathom how much mana regen this thing gives you. it's amazing. Once you get this and Aegis of the Legion, you will be targeted. BIG TIME.

The locket at 3.10 is amazing, but it's not a necessity. That 600 gold, could be put towards a Frozen Heart or Randuin's Omen. It's active at level 18 gives you and your team a pretty solid shield, which is good most of the time, but 200 damage is about the amount of 1 AA from the ADC and it's not going to protect your team much. Only get it if you want to stop the abuse of "Wtf no Locket?" but then again, LCS teams suck as Cloud 9 (omg i love them so much) and TSM get aegis and leave it like that, which isn't a bad thing. It's very reasonable route and I personally recommend that.

This is a very VERY solid choice on Sona because of the Mana and armor, and the passive slow which is great against high mobility champions such as Evelynn. Pair this with a Randuin's Omen and youre set for life! Your team will love you. My favorite combination is to ulti, run into the team, activate the Omen, and get as close as you can to the carry and go nuts with your Q. This item is very helpful and makes you a CC queen. You have a slow, and a stun already, so with these two items, you'll have even MORE slows :D who doesn't like slows right?

This item is a gamble on Sona and I don't suggest getting this unless you're skilled with her, and at supporting. What I've done recently, is buy frozen heart then a Randuins when enemy adc is fed, because armor is lovely. i tried a trick once, granted it's hard to master, but when i land a good Crescendo, i go/flash in and let the passive on Frozen Heart kick in. Just before they get out of range of me, I activate Randuin's Omen. while this is going on, i ready my Power Chord and send it at the prime target. Once i got the hang of this, i became a VERY deadly *****. With a nice rack i might add.

This is the defensive version of Athene's Unholy Grail, mixed with a Quicksilver Sash. It passively gives you 40 MR, and 18 mana regeneration, plus the passive of Athene's. It's active removes all forms of CC from target allied champion, and heals them for an amount based on their health. It's one of the best support items against a high cc team with people like Zyra, Fiddlesticks and Shen. So basically if you can't decide what you want to turn your chalice into: If your adc is fed: Athene's Unholy Grail if you both fed them pretty hard: Mikael's Blessing.

This item, is completely a situational item. Is you want to do more in team fights, activate this and it'll slow the enemy team meanwhile giving you some MR, AP, and some much needed movement speed. It gives you the right amount of everything, but it's only for when youre ahead and need to stay ahead. It's not very gold efficient for what it costs unless 280g is worth the 6% movement speed. I personally only run this item in hide and seek on AP malphite. Just a preference of mine. If your team tells you to get it, you're already about to win so you might as well

This thing is a must have with junglers like Jarvan IV and Zac ganking for you. Since they're going to be in Melee range (at least if all goes well) they could use some extra cc. Cast Shard of True Ice on them and it slows them down. It's also good defensive item is the enemy jungler is melee. Say he's on top of your Miss Fortune and she just cast Make it Rain but the cc isn't enough, put the shard on her, and it might be enough to get her away. also, it gives you 4 gold every 10 seconds which adds up. I've actually started rushing this every game and selling it late game when it looses it's utility.

This item is good if you're ahead, and need to get away after a bad fight, or need to chase a run away. It gives you health which is awlways nice, same with cooldown reduction. I suggest this for those people new to Sona/Supporting.

So. This item is normally on APC's, but Sona does AP damage, so i tried this on her. not only was my poke unbelievably hilarious, but i was setting up kills like no tomorrow! your passive procs the slow, and so does your "Q". it only slows 15% on your Q, but 15% off of 425 is 357, which is like chasing someone without boots. It's really strong. it also gives you a NICE portion of health. You get pretty tanky with this build, and that's okay. it's a little less pressure for the tanks. Also you want the support to be alive, because they're the game changers.
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Boots & Enchantments

Here are some pretty viable ideas for boots on Sona

These boots are nice for the people like me who don't want to grab a Locket of the Iron Solari. The reason being, is the locked gives you cooldown reduction. just less of the amount that to boots give you. As a support, the items you'll be getting give a lot of cooldown reduction, so these boots arn't always necessary, but i run Ice Cold Sona, which barley caps the CDR rate if i decide Locket of the Iron Solari is worth it. These are the "support" boots, but there are other options

If you straight up know that you are the kind of support to always cap on CDR, get these. It'll allow your Hymn of Valor to do a little bit more damage, making those 10 health fleers die! nothing drives me more insane when i realize how much that extra little bit of damage could've helped.

These are mainly for supports that are at the front lines. They give people running in your direction more movement speed for either chasing or peeling. Say their movement speed is 400 (like yours is). They need to go protect a tower that you're on your own at. they'll have 432 movement speed as apposed to 400. That's a pretty big difference. Say youre in lane and your carry goes balls deep on a kill you didn't set up and she/he gets caught. Have no fear, they have an extra 8% movement speed to help them out! :D

This is really the only other viable enchantment for supports. Since you'll more than likely be the first one out of the base when you lose a really bad team fight, These boots will get you out of your base and to where you need to be in no time. Which isn't as viable as getting OTHERS there, since you shouldn't be farming/killing, but it's up to you.
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Ability strategy Skill Sequence.

As Sona, you hold a lot of initiation power. If you see a chance to land a Crescendo that'll hit a major target, take that chance. You need to have your Hymn of Valor on if youre engaging a fight, Aria of Perseverance if you got jumped, Song of Celerity if you need to get the f*ck out of there. You have the power to make or break fights as Sona. All your abilities have auras so you can give your team a kick. 20 ad & 20 ap extra on everyone in a teamfight is a HUGE helping hand. Especially when youre launching 200 damage nukes every 4 seconds, and healing people in the off seconds! For this reason, good game or bad, i go sill sequence R>Q>W>E because launching 200 damage nukes at that rapid of a rate, is a game changer!

In the case of a lane where the enemy team is going HAM on you guys, you can get R>W>Q>E. NEVER get R>E>Q=W. You do not need the mobility in game.
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My Map Key:

So here is the guide for the map:

★ stars ★ : You MUST do whatever has stars if you want an easier life and low harassment levels

Green Circles: Sight ward this location

Purple Circles: Vision ward this location

Red Markings: go to this Target Location

White markings: Cation!
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Starting off

So running into lane, cast your Hymn of Valor so you have it's aurora up in case of an emergency. You should Use the above diagram when going into lane. take that path and put your Explorer's Ward in the red buff at around 1 minute, then you and your carry should head down into the river bush. Half the time, path finder will take the enemy's into their lane through the river, where you'll be waiting. If all goes well, sit there until they get too close to run away, then cast/spam everything. Waste exhaust if you need to. If they come through lane, wait until they get close enough to cast a Q or a passive too. It's a very simple trick to getting first blood, or a quick back.

So i cannot stress this enough. You need to do the 5 ward trick. Here's why: The enemy will more than likely run the Mana regeneration item, along with 1 or 2 sight wards and some potions. If you head in with 5 wards and some mana pots, your sight will be up more, making ganks on you a failure. If you let them push when they have no vision, your jungler can come in and "yaaaaay first blood". As sona, you want to be poking as much as possible if your lane is even. Spam your q and TRY not to hit minions. Eventually, your poke will be enough to have you and your carry engage on the ADC. It is CRUCIAL to focus the adc. Without the ADC, the support can do nothing but sit there and try and get exp. If he does that, you can poke him down to nothing as well. For aggressive lanes and passive lanes alike, i suggest the diagram below until mid game roles around, to avoid jungle ganks from all sides.

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Early game

During this part of the game, you want to get as much poke off as possible. At level two, analyze the situation. This will determine your course of leveling, and overall game play while in lane.

~How is your carry doing?
text*Is she/he ahead on farm, or behind? You need to make sure that your ADC is getting the money they need in order to properly deal damage to the enemy team.
text*Is she/he getting poked too hard? If he s, play more passive. focuson warding the bot lane bush and tribush, instead of he river. The jungler is more likely to lane gank instead of river gank if you're playing pasive.

~Do you have vision on the river?

~Are you hurting the enemy carry/support?

~Is mid MIA?
text*The most devastating ganks come from mid, because you aren't expecting them. They're pure burst, so the second they arrive, you're pretty much dead which raises my previous point USE YOUR WARDS!!!

If all looks well, keep pressuring you opponents. Aim for the first tier tower, and make sure that there isn't a jungler on his way to gank you. ESPECIALLY a Lee Sin, Zac or Jarvan IV, for they are the junglers that are the hardest people to escape from in my personal experience.
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Mid Game

So at around 20 minutes, you really want to have your mind set looking something like this:

You want to keep dragon pinked, and wards in the above places. Above all KEEP AN EYE ON MID for their job is to set you farther back, while getting them ahead. Mid lane is the game changer! Getting them kills is no bueno if it's not in your favor. The main objective at the moment is Towers and dragon. Global gold is how come backs happen so if you get set behind, global gold is key. If you want some NICE gold, bait a dragon fight. Start dragon (while you know it's warded) but don't commit. their team will collapse on you, and it's the best way to catch the stragglers. This point in the game is all about mind tricks. my favorite is pinking dragon, while they have a pink at dragon, and not destroying it. So they know, that you know, that they see you. it's quite brilliant if i do say so myself because half of the team will dive in regardless, while the smart ones stay back. Aim for the top tier towers and get gold flowing in all lanes is how you get through mid lane.
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Mid/Late Game

When objectives are finally down, you want your mind set to look like this

Pretty much you want wards in the major path ways so you can catch out the stupid people on the enemy team. Also, you want to keep constant pinks on baron and dragon so you can catch them when they try to get some extra gold in their pocket. you want to know where they are at all times, and take advantage of it. when you finally catch 1-2 people off guard, that's your chance to do baron. That buff will give you the kick you need to either force a fight, or take out some inhibitors, which of course, will win you the game.
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Late game

This is extremely important part of the game!!! When it hits late game, and you die, you're out for about a minute or more. In this time, the other time can SERIOUSLY F*ck some sh*t up. The main part of this phase is not getting cocky. one wrong move, and BAM:Defeat. You need to be cautious and have wards and USE THEM!! to have a general idea on where to ward, here's a simple diagram.

Pretty straight forward if i do say so myself. Just keep constant wardage up, look for a time to strike, and TAKE IT!!
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ADC Synergy

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........................................................................... THE WHOMBO COMBO
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Sona is one of the most amazing supports, you just need to make sure your team comp calls for a sona, and you NEED to land good Crescendos. Stick to this guide, make adjustments, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
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