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Zed Build Guide by Atomowy Klaun

Life Steal zed still exists?!

Life Steal zed still exists?!

Updated on March 17, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Atomowy Klaun Build Guide By Atomowy Klaun 6 1 10,805 Views 0 Comments
6 1 10,805 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Atomowy Klaun Zed Build Guide By Atomowy Klaun Updated on March 17, 2016
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So why Life Steal zed? I remember that everyone was playing him like that in season 4. Im a huge Bjergsen Fan and he did build like this and he played with these runes ( ofc there was no Duskblade so u did something else (BlackClever or GA )

Life Steal Zed is still really great pick. You can stay alive in Teamfight after few AA to get your life back. Its important coz this game rely on teamfights ;)
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Standard runes with some LifeSteal.
Its good
Its Retro

Gives u great start if u get poked a lot
With Dorans Blade u have 10% life steal at start
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12/18 - nothing special, typical masteries for assasins

Damn these chapters are long :D
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Pros / Cons

ok So lets go Pros / Cons


- GREAT sustain
- Good 1v1 sytuation if u're fed
- Easy snowball and roam
- DMG from hell post 6lvl


- Easy to counter, just zhonyas
- Late game is mmm meh if u dont focus correctly
- Easy counter by adc, QSS
- If u get behind you're pretty much screwed and u lost
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This is the easiest part tho
Just use ur passive, its great for farming
And with the sustain mmmmmmmm perfect
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Zed is one of the srongest assassins in the game right now in my opinion

He has great potential to carry
Life Steal on him is just great coz u can solo everybody (yes, even rammus)
If u get fed = GG
If u outfarm your enemy on mid without kills = GG
Of Course this is one of the hardest champs in League but after mastering him u can win every game

Master him, Master the Shadow
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Atomowy Klaun
Atomowy Klaun Zed Guide
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Life Steal zed still exists?!

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