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Lillia Build Guide by X3mHills

Jungle ⭐Lillia Guide 14.24 The Bambi Deer ⭐ Jungle 🔥Nerfed again

Jungle ⭐Lillia Guide 14.24 The Bambi Deer ⭐ Jungle 🔥Nerfed again

Updated on December 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author X3mHills Build Guide By X3mHills 204 10 466,570 Views 6 Comments
204 10 466,570 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author X3mHills Lillia Build Guide By X3mHills Updated on December 18, 2024
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Runes: Conqueror - Teamfights

1 2 3
Legend: Haste
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Speedy deer
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

⭐Lillia Guide 14.24 The Bambi Deer ⭐ Jungle 🔥Nerfed again

By X3mHills
About me
I'm X3m. Not so long ago, I reached Diamond rank in my favorite game. My main champions are Lillia and Graves. I have been playing Lillia for two years now, and it was largely because of her that I managed to climb out of bronze and achieve a good rating. Throughout my journey of improving my ranking, I have gathered numerous tips on game strategy and positioning, which I am more than willing to share.
My accounts:
What to do in Games?

Farm and farm

Object and teamfights

Play with Team

In duels, it is crucial to kite effectively and avoid getting hit by the opponent's abilities. This may sound simple, but in reality, it can be quite challenging. For instance, when facing Viego in a fight, it is essential to sidestep his Q and R. Doing so will significantly increase your chances of defeating him without encountering major issues.

In teamfights, your primary objective is to use your ultimate ability to target as many enemy champions as possible. You should focus on carrying the team, but be ready to support if needed, and wait for your teammates to initiate the fight before joining in. Ideally, your team should have a tank, such as Ornn. Avoid spamming your abilities and instead aim to carefully time your attacks, retreat when necessary, and then re-engage.
Table of contents
pros and cons
Champion strengths & weaknesses
An explanation of what? how? And why?
Dream-Laden Bough (Passive):
This is Lillia's main feature, as it allows her to excel in teamfights. In addition to dealing percentage damage, she also restores her health for each defeated champion.

Blooming Blows (Q):
This skill has both a passive and an active effect. The passive effect grants acceleration for each skill that hits an enemy. The active part of the skill has two applications, similar to Darius's Q so Lillia needs to be constantly in motion and hit the outer part of the skill

Watch Out! Eep! (W):
A crucial skill with high damage, it also allows for a small leap forward, making it useful for both evading pursuers and closing the distance to engage.

Swirlseed (E):
Lillia throws a seed that rolls until it hits a terrain feature or an enemy, making it a great way to initiate a fight and set up a standard E+R combo.

Lilting Lullaby (R):
Lillia's most impactful skill is her ultimate, which provides significant crowd control and damage in teamfights. It is crucial to use her ultimate on at least 2 champions to maximize its effectiveness.
Pros and Cons
+ Damage
+ Mobility
+ Great teamfights

Lillia is a champion with a playful personality, boasting high mobility and significant damage potential. This combination makes her a formidable force, capable of single-handedly turning the tide of a match. In teamfights, Lillia shines as one of the most powerful champions due to her area damage and impressive crowd control abilities.

- weak early game
- squishy
- difficult to master

Lillia is a delicate champion who is vulnerable to being burst down by assassins or champions with strong crowd control. Her early game is particularly weak, especially in the jungle, where she is susceptible to invades from champions with high early damage, such as Xin Zhao or Rek'Sai.
Important aspects

Conqueror rune

Dark Harvest
Why is Conqueror better than Dark Harvest? Firstly, it provides an additional heal and extra AP. In terms of value, this is more advantageous in a teamfight, as the AP is sustained throughout the entire encounter, whereas Dark Harvest procs only once at most. Dark harvest scales perfectly and in late it has high damage, which helps to kill squishy champions very quickly, however, in teamfight it shows itself worse than the Conqueror, but as we know Lillia's strength is teamfight, so it is better to strengthen it.
Liandry's Torment is a great item, but now it doesn't give us CDR, which is sad, but now it has HP. Often you will collect it with the first item, because it gives a lot of temptation: in some builds, but even there you can find a place for this item.
The main difference between Riftmaker and Liandry's Torment is that the first one is aimed at teamfats and protracted battles, and the second item gives a lot of damage, I advise everyone to put them together, but there are builds in which either one or the other item looks good and it's worth choosing from what you want.
Do not forget about protection
Never forget about Zhonya's Hourglass, as it can help you survive longer in teamfights and deal more damage. It also enables important and game-changing combos during teamfights. Therefore, it is advisable to include Zhonya's Hourglass as the third or fourth item in every game.
Very Hard – Q + Flash + R + Zhonya's Hourglass + W + E + Q
Use this combo for engage, when the enemies are very conveniently standing together, the most difficult, but the most powerful combo that can win the game.

Hard - E + Q + R + W + Zhonya's Hourglass + Q
Maximum damage and damage avoidance, great for duels.

Normal - E + Flash + Q + W
If you want to catch up with the enemy

Normal – W + E + Q
Maximizing DPS

Basic – W + Zhonya's Hourglass
Basic – E + Zhonya's Hourglass
Basic – Q + Zhonya's Hourglass

Finishing and avoiding damage

Basic – E + Q
Basic – W + Q

Maximizing damage in short trades

First combo:
Second combo:
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League of Legends Build Guide Author X3mHills
X3mHills Lillia Guide
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⭐Lillia Guide 14.24 The Bambi Deer ⭐ Jungle 🔥Nerfed again

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