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She's a tanky CC hard champion, Leona is an engage champion and set's up kill for her team, Ahri is also very vulnerable to CC making Leona very dangerous to Ahri
He's exactly like Leona, high CC and can drag a teammate into the fight with him to burst you down even more, this is also why Thresh is Very dangerous to Ahri
He's very mobile, making it hard to land your charm, and his wind-wall is also really annoying, but when he doesn't have any of these, or the person playing him is bad, then he's not much of a threat.
Like Yasuo, she can burst you down and is also very mobile, she is more vulnerable then Yasuo but this doesn't change how dangerous she is to everyone.
Like Leona, a good Morgana is very dangerous with her Black Shield and her Q making Ahri not the best at 1v1ing her or her with her team.
High CC like the other 3 (Leo, Morg, Thresh) but she's more vulnerable to you, this does NOT mean she's not mean she's a threat to Ahri, she has her Q which can make you ever more vulnerable to her or her team and the way Lux can burst you down, but against a Lux, it's a very skill base battle.
Not as dangerous then the other 2 but Akali still can burst her down very fast, with her shroud making it harder to land your charm and Akali is still very mobile, but her E, W, R is also on a very long CD not making her as dangerous as Yasuo or Leblanc.
High CC helps Ahri with her burst.
People with CC makes it easier for her to land her E and can help her burs them down
Like Lux, Morgana is has CC that helps Ahri land her E and her Black Shield makes Ahri less vulnerable to CC
He has a lot of CC, the problem is that she doesn't offer her as much utility as the other 2 (Lux and Morgana) but none the less, still really good with Ahri
High CC helps Ahri with her burst.
People with CC makes it easier for her to land her E and can help her burs them down
Like Lux, Morgana is has CC that helps Ahri land her E and her Black Shield makes Ahri less vulnerable to CC
He has a lot of CC, the problem is that she doesn't offer her as much utility as the other 2 (Lux and Morgana) but none the less, still really good with Ahri
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