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Lucian Build Guide by Ultimox3

Other Lucian - How to purify souls

Other Lucian - How to purify souls

Updated on August 23, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ultimox3 Build Guide By Ultimox3 4,280 Views 0 Comments
4,280 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ultimox3 Lucian Build Guide By Ultimox3 Updated on August 23, 2013
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Hey Guys,

Im ultimox from the EUW-Server. At the moment im around Gold 3 cause i quitted rankeds for a while. I hope i am able to make u a better Lucian player.

Just to let u all know im German so excuse me if my english isn't this good.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush


For Marks i choose Mpen to give myself significant more damage. And at all there the only suitable Marks for AP runes in my opinion.

You can choose HybridPen aswell to give ur ult a bit more dmg cause it will do physical dmg.


For Seals i choose Armor so i got a better laning phase vs AD mids like


For Glyphs i choose Flat-AP to scale a bit more into the early game cause this is AP-Lucians weakest gaming phase. If your vs high burst AP's you should pick MR-Glyphs to resist some of the dmg.


Here i got Flat-AP aswell so i am able to switch my glyphs and still do some dmg.
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Farming with Lucian is pretty easy. With lvl 3 u should be able to clear the caster minions with your q and w if u hit both your skills on all minions
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Just started writing the guide i hope i got everything for standard ap lucian till the end of August. Other builds and techniques will follow then
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ultimox3
Ultimox3 Lucian Guide
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Lucian - How to purify souls

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