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Runes: Your safe with this.
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Alaways go like this
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If played this only once, and it was painful, she can cancel your ult with your e and you almost never want to use ult ona support. So she will annoy you alot.
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Champion Build Guide
Your level 1 and 2 are good, but after level 3 try to play defensiv untill you reach level 6. When you get that lvl 6 try to get a fight or roam to catch the jungler doing crab.
Remember to ult last, first Q-E-W then R.
Always use your wards to look for enemys around the botside jungle, your ultimate is a extreamly dangerous weapon against solo`s.
Controll wards are important because you need to get surpirse ulties on some people, for instance a tristana can jump out of your ult range.
-Right before a teamfight breaks out in a lane with minions close by, you can E one of them while your team is clearing them, so the virus will eventually end up on one of the enemysl.
-Because you are the support, enemys will underestimate your damage, you can use this to your advantage, for instance when you are baiting. I often pretend to clear a ward when I see a enemy sneaking up on me (which I know I can onehsot), in the moment they get into my range I turn on them. Note that you need to be 100% sure you can kill them, otherwise you will die.
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