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Ability Order
Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
Introduction Why picking MAOKAI ?
His passive will allow you to heal yourself for 7% of your maximum health, if 5 spells are activated in your near enviroment.
So this is pretty when you are in the jungle and need a heal or if you are in a fight and you one just auto-attack one enemy and you are fine :)
When your are ganking always W the enemy and then go a few steps in front of him and then knock him back with your Q so u get the maximum out of ur gank.
If you want to kill him then just throw your E in front of him and by saying "in front of him" I mean in front of him then they react not as they should so be aware of that.
Moreover, never use your ulti to tank the tower, then it wont work but u can tank everything else so place your ulti right and then stay in there and break it when the enemies want to get out .
So W->Q->E->R
For more tactics : It will all come naturally when you start playing Maokai , you will start "warding" with your E and and and. So dont worry if I dont talk more about tactics.
For surviving in combats just place your Ulti(R) right and initiat with W and Q combos.
Before starting a fight you can "ward" or "annoy" them with your SAPLINGS (E).
SO never be a ***** with Maokai and dont forget to auto-attack them when your passive is up.
When your are ganking always W the enemy and then go a few steps in front of him and then knock him back with your Q so u get the maximum out of ur gank.
If you want to kill him then just throw your E in front of him and by saying "in front of him" I mean in front of him then they react not as they should so be aware of that.
Moreover, never use your ulti to tank the tower, then it wont work but u can tank everything else so place your ulti right and then stay in there and break it when the enemies want to get out .
So W->Q->E->R
For more tactics : It will all come naturally when you start playing Maokai , you will start "warding" with your E and and and. So dont worry if I dont talk more about tactics.
For surviving in combats just place your Ulti(R) right and initiat with W and Q combos.
Before starting a fight you can "ward" or "annoy" them with your SAPLINGS (E).
SO never be a ***** with Maokai and dont forget to auto-attack them when your passive is up.
As I said earlier start by skilling your Q and then get the blue immediately after that skill your W for your W Q Combo and then gank Top or Bot.
The rest is up to, you can do the wolves or ghosts or you can even go back if you have the gold for upgrading your Hunters Machete.
So try get First BLood with your mate and grow.. become The TITAN of the JUNGLE
The rest is up to, you can do the wolves or ghosts or you can even go back if you have the gold for upgrading your Hunters Machete.
So try get First BLood with your mate and grow.. become The TITAN of the JUNGLE
Here are my Games in season 3, never lost a game and quite a lot ranked games.
CLICK HERE =>![]()

So mate, if you have understood this you will win every single time.
Keep the moral of your team always up, never flame or insta lock and never leave a game.
Always Look at your enemies DMG output and what kind of DMG it is. Then if you dont counter build Maokai you never ever will unchain this TITAN and use his full potential.

So mate, if you have understood this you will win every single time.
Keep the moral of your team always up, never flame or insta lock and never leave a game.
Always Look at your enemies DMG output and what kind of DMG it is. Then if you dont counter build Maokai you never ever will unchain this TITAN and use his full potential.
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