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mundo is a very hard matchup because he is so tanky. he has good damage with his q and he out sustains you in lane because he is mana-less. try to farm up and get an early spirit visage after your rod of ages. do what your team needs late game be it diving the enemy carries, or peeling mundo.
gnar is an easy matchup. dont take free auto attacks in lane. trade often when he is mini because he is so squishy, you can out damage him if you make the trades quick. all in at 6 when he is not mega. build frozen heart after rod.
fiora is a pain if she gets going. try to play around her w because it blocks a lot of damage and cc. trade quickly and try not to let her hit your vitals. if she all-ins you at 6 and you are slightly behind, you will lose. farm up and try to harass her with your q before attempting to all-in.
malphite is a super easy matchup. go rod of ages into abyssal if you really wanna mess him up. he has no all-in potentiel without jungle assistance. bully him in lane with your lower mana costs. out sustain him with your passive. transition into the ultimate general sherman tree while he is still a little pebble.
darius is pretty easy. w him to dodge his q. out trade him like that because he loses a lot of damage without it. out farm him with your superiority in lane. ward up if you are gonna bully him a lot because he can snowball with a bit of help. you are more useful late game so have fun after beating him in lane.
Tahm Kench
tahm kench is very hard after he hits level 6. his damage is ridiculous and he out sustains you with his bullsht e. try to get a free kill on him before 6, and out farm him after that. he will be tankier late game, but you will have a lot more utility with the damage reduction and perma root.
jax is a pretty balanced matchup for maokai. depending on how the jax plays, the lane will snowball either way. jax can out trade you really well post-6. try to take quick trades pre-6 and force him to use his e defensively. time your w to dodge his stun if possible. at full build he wins the all-in, but you shouldn't be fighting him 1v1 late game anyway. peel him off your carries in teamfights.
i don't have a lot of experience vs. the new poppy yet, but she seems pretty easy to deal with. she is all physical damage so you can build armour to deal with her. dont stand near walls when she has her stun. avoid her q with your w. similar matchup to darius in terms of laning. late game you can do what your team needs.
riven is another weird matchup. depending on how skilled the riven player is, you can have a blast, or get fked. avoid her 3rd q or her wind slash with your w. build early armour and out trade her. play around her level 2, 3 and 6 powerspikes. peel her off your team late game and destroy her immediately.
nasus is a very weak early laner. deny him stacks with your harass. q displaces him so he can miss stacks under tower. try to get a few free kills early. nasus does worse when he is forced into early magic resist, so take advantage of that. late game he is a monster if he stacked well. peel him off your team late game because he is really easy to peel.
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