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Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
Dangerous!!! Braum vs Lee Sin no chance it will lose unless if the player is a beginner / bad. Use your head and try play ranged from him!
Team Work
Also, in Top mit Braum zu spielen ist nicht zu einfach. Man braucht nur Hirn und benötigt man auch eine guten Jungler. Bittet ihn(Jungler) dass er soll öfters Top ganken. Und in TeamFight
benutzt nicht Ulti einfach sinnlos. Benutz nur falls die Gegner mehr als 2 zusammen sind(AuĂźer am Anfang Top-Lane).
So to play in top with Braum's not too easy. One need only brain and you also need a good Jungler. Ask him (Jungler) that he should frequently top gank. And in Teamfight
not used Ulti simply pointless. Never use if the opponents are more than 2 together (except at the beginning Top Lane).
First Problem: Many People think
Braum Top is a troll Player. And too thinking he is a Supporter not an AD Offtank! It´s allright Braum is a Supporter but he CAN Top and too be usefull. If someone flame to you that you pick Braum and go Top then please mute him!
Second Problem: If you can´t play with Jungler(also Jungler is a noob/****/troll) then play NEVER aggressive! Play safe and try farming and help Mid-Lane.
Third Problem: "First time with
Braum" If you play first time Braum or noob then play please first Supporter if you can play good with him then try Top-Lane!

Second Problem: If you can´t play with Jungler(also Jungler is a noob/****/troll) then play NEVER aggressive! Play safe and try farming and help Mid-Lane.
Third Problem: "First time with

I am a Bronze III players but due to bad companions I fell. At first I was gold 1.
I've been playing a long time already Top Lane and have a lot of experience. I love playing Exceptional Champions Top Lane (Top Lane Leona or Blitzcrank)
and I wobbled around the expert Braum and so have decided that I should publish (my build, Counter picks, and especially skin xD)
I hope that many people are interested in my build. It's my first build
Of course, they can improve me :))
My Fav. Champs are
Nocturne and
I've been playing a long time already Top Lane and have a lot of experience. I love playing Exceptional Champions Top Lane (Top Lane Leona or Blitzcrank)
and I wobbled around the expert Braum and so have decided that I should publish (my build, Counter picks, and especially skin xD)
I hope that many people are interested in my build. It's my first build
Of course, they can improve me :))
My Fav. Champs are

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