Because Shyvana doesn't have any real CC ability, Yi can easily rein a terror on you since he has free True Damage ability(not to even mention his Q) which allows him to cut you in pieces as if you're a steak that's being prepared for Sunday's afternoon BBQ. So ban him every game.
Along with Yi, Udyr is definitely the hardest counter to Shyvana. Purely because he has DoT damage, shields & heals, stun, and massive AoE damage.
She was nerfed recently but that doesn't stop from CC chaining you with all 3 abilities, even more so once she hit's level 6. Thankfully she isn't often played, so don't worry much about her being threat.
Her base AD and base damage on her Q is enough lower you so you can be executed when she invades you. She's quite strong in early and mid game, but afterwards her scale hit's the wall in 30 min.
Nunu & Willump
Since you as Shyvana lacks CC, Nunu can counter you very easily with his W and E CC, then proceed to heal from you with his Q, also base damage on his abilities is really strong. Also he has more HP than you which means it really takes a long time to kill him while in that time he can just easily escape.
Long as you can beat him by invading him on his either Red or Blue where he is, but you have to set your eyes on minimap when he ganks because he can easily get kills with just Q and E. Try to out scale him much as humanly possible because otherwise it requires 3 people to kill him at all.
Don't try to pick a fight on him unless you have a level advantage to help you out, but otherwise he can just steal your R and spam E on you. Alternatively wait for team mate to help you out.
Avoid her charm and let it decay if you caught her charm timer, also don't fight her on low HP because of her R, unless you have Wit's end to help you out which in case just burn her to the ground.
He can be just straight up annoying when he runs with his E on you and escape with it since the cooldown on it is shorter than Shyvana's E in early game
The trouble starts as soon as he has the E and Passive in early game, but long as you have help to kill him in early game, then he wouldn't pose that much threat in later parts of the game.
Recently he has been starting to appear in jungle, so be careful of his Q since he can easily just yeet you behind him and spam his E, also keep in mind his Passive cooldown. Only big threat he poses is his W which can be hard to deal with in early game but late game he's pretty much useless besides when he pops his R.
She can be troublesome once she get's 1 or 2 kills before you, but once you beat her in duel every time, then she's just pretty much useless.
Lee Sin
Long as you dodge his Q, you're going to be fine but watch out for his R, because he can then easily Q on you and lower your HP.
His W can be troublesome if you're ambushed by that, but otherwise just keep dodging his Q, so he can't E on you. Also keep him in one place so he can't use his R to yeet away.
He can snowball you with his E and W, but once you avoid his E, then you can fight him easily.
Long as you avoid her E and wait till she's gone from her E in spider form, then she's got nothing going for her since her abilities don't deal much damage on you except her Q in spider form and her spiderlings.
Don't be isolated in early game and get Ninja tabis to survive it, that's it.
Could be threat if he's fed, but then again in early game he's easy to kill.
Jarvan IV
Even though he isn't much of a threat, he can easily burst you, but once he popped off, then basically he's dead on the spot
Xin Zhao
Nothing to say much except to be aware of his Q and R cooldowns.
Just look out on his E and you're good to kill him.
It takes longer to kill him when he has R 6 stacks or more(and more HP) from jungling.
Even though he isn't much of a threat, he can be a bit annoying to play against him.
So let's talk about runes that I'm using and explain some of the things about it:
-This rune is obviously the best for Shyvana when you play her tank since it gives you the sustain(heal) and some damage, so you're not exactly useless in a team fight or in a duel. Now you can take Press The Attack rune, but the trade-off is that you lack sustain and survivability, which means you're very easily killed in a team fight and not to even mention that your team has to be there with you in order to be really effective which we all know that won't happen in Solo Que.
Which is why you should use Conqueror all the time.
-Obviously you're taking this rune for getting the heal(heals you for 12% of your missing health) when you get takedowns on your enemy and you get 20 gold which is small but it can help you in long run when you're farming jungle.
-Attack speed is core stat and important one on Shyvana because of the reset on her Twin bite when ever she AA's her opponent, minions or jungle camp but not on turret, so keep in mind that.
Of course you can take Legend: Tenacity if you feel like you're going to need against heavy CC comp, but overall you'll want to take the Legend: Alacrity for extra attack speed since it really helps you with slowing down opponent with Frostfire Gauntlet and gives you that small increase in overall DPS you're going to do.
-This is something you want to take it, so when you're low HP and then you can pop off the damage and kill squishy's with no problem. Of course, if you feel like doing more damage when the enemy is low HP then you can freely take Coup de grace, but the otherwise whole point of playing tank Shyvana is to have survivability which is why you take Last Stand.
-The rune really compliments Shyvana because of her Fury of the Dragonborn passive and every drake she gets, the more armor and magic resist you get, which is when you're playing her jungle, drakes are must to do objective because later in the game she becomes almost unkillable in duels and team fights.
-Overgrowth is most important in all of this, simply because it compliments due to extra HP she gets from it when you activate it and also the playstyle itself which heavily leans into farming instead of ganking compared to other champions which are complete opposite(i.e. , and etc).
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