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Immobile, Squishy, has to land a skillshot to do anything to you.
Obj: Wait for perfect Spear then all in.
Relies on her stun too much, squishy and immobile. If you can side-step the stun you can do a load of dmg even if shes not marked. You'll likely get a flash out of her if you side-step then pounce.
Objective: Dodge the stun and slap her.
Aurelion Sol
In the past 3 seasons have you ever seen a fed Sol?
Obj: Laugh in his face.
If you feed her you've lost. But you outrange her and can aa her off minions. Plus her shroud is useless against you. She's a sinner champ and only really good if she gets a lead. However, she will roam a lot, so try roam too.
Obj: Match her roams, poke her down to half hp in lane, then all in her.
She outranges you, but her Qs her only form of dmg. Dodge the stun, and look for the all in. She's basically a cross between you and Lux. Consider roaming more.
Obj: Keep your wave pushed up, so you have a barricade and she doesnt. Roam if you can't find a good all in.
Can be punished with AA's. Eventually does a lot of dmg, with a full combo, but other than his ult (Dodge the ult or die), you can poke him down and outrange him.
Obj: AA him constantly, if he leaps to you, cougar leap out. Match his roams.
Main gimmick, she dies twice. You outrange her, so Q her down. Save your leap to escape her wall trap.
Obj: Push and outroam her, no point looking for fight with her.
Not very strong for how difficult he is to master. Can outrange him with Qs. He's Squishy, medium ranged but very mobile.
Obj: Keep your distance and poke. Outroam him.
Doesnt do too much dmg. Can sidestep pretty well, but if he steps in a trap you'll catch him with an all in. Doesnt roam much.
Obj: Try force him onto your traps to all in. Outroam him.
More of a skill match up, but you outrange her and do more dmg. Never look to all in her if her abilities are all up, unless youre already ahead. She clears fast so you can't roam too much.
Obj, poke for lead, take adv of low mana. All in if even and she's lower than 50% hp
Very immobile. Main gimmick early is the cage which has a very long cooldown. He mainly wants to farm and teamfight.
Obj: Bait the cage. Beat him early. After 6 only look to poke him. Can look for roams if he's playing too passive.
Can force him off minions early with AA's. Kind of similar to akali, will rely on abilities to farm if you do this well. If you play well, he will mainly look to roam to get a lead. Don't be caught in the jungle, or he'll probably kill you, especially post-6.
Obj: Outfarm, if he roams one way, you roam the other or take turret (Ward).
This is purely a skill match-up. Ahri's not as strong as she used to be, but has a brilliant kit, and she will likely punish you if you get too close. She also roams well post-6.
Obj: Look to beat her before she's lvl-6, whether it be in lane or through roams. After 6 she can roam better than you and she teamfights better than you, but you can still pick people off to stay in the game.
Another skill match-up. You're a long range or short range fighter. He's a mid-range fighter.
Obj: Weave and Bop. Dodge the skillshots and stay healthy, If you land a Q or he steps on a trap and you're full health, you can kill him if even.
Can harass her early lvls with aa's. Don't push up too far in lane or she will all in you. Just try keep the wave towards your side and be patient for her to step on a trap. You can match her roam, if you travel to the sidelane through your jungle and play the teamfight defensively. She can snowball if you play bad.
Obj: Harass early then play defensive vs her. Roam through jungle not river and place good lane traps for her.
Scariest thing about annie is her stun. Punish her with all ins early. But after 6 when she has big boy ready, just poke her and keep a distance. Her full combo is quite lethal, so don't do dumb facechecks, and don't be baited into bushes by her roams. Ward range is all she needs to stun you.
Obj: Early all ins. Late poke and safe. Roam more post-6.
strong points: Great Range, Great dmg.
Weak Points: Immobile
Obj: Wait for good Q or trap to mark him, then all in. Cleanse or QSS will help avoid getting stunned in the all ins. You can outroam him, easily but you need to keep the lanes push up as he clears well.
Her dmg early isnt amazing, but at the same time, you won't beat her, because of her shield. You can outroam her, her clear is decent so you still need to be weary. The main disadvantage of Diana, is her passive relies on her to spam abilities, and she doesn't have much mana. So you can force her to waste her mana on clearing and when shes low mana you can win an all in. If you can go even on trades you can heal whereas she cant.
Obj: Clear waves fast, so she wastes mana. can trade early but avoid her post-6. Push and outroam her after 6.
Ziggs can't be left alone. He has only one objective and thats to take turrets. Just keep your lane pushed up, he's squishy so you can poke him down and look for all ins. But dont roam, he may pick up some kills with his ult if hes good.
Obj: dont roam, focus on taking first turret. Try to win all ins against him. You can snowball vs him, but he can kill turrets in a few shots late. So force an early win.
Skill based match up. Her main flaw is shes immobile. You can outroam her easily. You can beat her with all ins up to lvl 6. After 6 you can still kill her well if you respect her ult. But she's good for teamfights, where she'll probably rack up her kills.
Obj: Beat her early and outroam her.
You can beat him before lvl-6 and after lvl 6 if his ults down. He's more annoying than scary. He clears very fast, meaning he can punish your roams. With Malzahar the main thing to do is dodge his abilities and kill his creeps, then all in. He's also quite mana hungry, so you can sometimes bait his abilities out of him to make him useless.
Obj: Dodge abilities and all in him. Keep control of the waves. If you go even in lane. He's not too much of a threat to your team.
Skill based match up.
Obj: Stay healthy and avoid her E. You clear faster than her early so look to outroam her. If you see her dash look to try and land a spear to all in, shes quite immobile without her W.
Pretty consistently strong, you can harass him early with aa's but beware of him dashing through your minions (limited to once per minion). AA him every time his shield comes up to remove it. You can Q 2/3 times for every windwall he chucks up. He's susceptible to CC. So if you go even in lane, he'll be strong but can still be countered quite well. Keep your wave close to turret so if you land a Q you can all in him and he has no escape.
Obj: Play Defensive (minions next to ally turret), if he's the stereotypical yasuo, you can punish him for dives or have jungle punish him being pushed up. If he roams you can follow (Don't facecheck) as he now has no minions to escape or gap close, so you can outrange him.
Twisted Fate
He will wait until lvl 6 and then use his ult to punish your team. Main thing to be careful of when laning vs him is his stun, otherwise early you should beat him. he has a slow clear, so you can push the wave and roam a lot with him to get an early snowball.
Obj: Beat him early if you can with good Qs and trap placement. Late he gets stronger, but he'll mainly look to cheese with his ult, but hes still fairly squishy, so can be poked down, taking adv of his low mobility without ult.
Syndra is a mid-range champ. So dodge the skillshots, and look to only poke her. Avoid extended trades with her late. Shes immobile so you can roam well.
Obj: Poke, clear and roam.
Early he has a better poke than you as it has 2 chances and goes through minions. Your poke does more dmg and has lower cooldowns though. If he combos well, post-6 he'll destroy you if you try all in. You can shove and roam, because he's pretty vulnerable if he roams too.
Obj: Out-farm and out-roam.
Ekko has a pretty great kit. He's mobile, has a lot of CC, and can burst pretty hard. He's more vulnerable early, and you may be able to catch him with a few trap all ins.
Obj: Beat him early, match his roams. Clear lanes fast then back off and roam. If he's bored of you playing safe and roams a lot, then punish the roams by taking mid turret.
Do not underestimate him. He's super mobile, great base MR, does a lot of dmg, and has a charm. The only downside is he clears pretty slow, so take advantage of this by roaming.
Her abilities do a lot of dmg, and she's pretty slippery. If she's played well she'll punish you whenever you get into mid-range and she'll deceive you constantly. With ult she can devestate botlane.
Obj: Outfarm, poke from a distance. Dont let her roam.
After lvl 6 avoid unless you have Zhonyas or a big lead. Try and win this match up early with harass and pokes. You're full combo does more dmg pre-6. After lvl 6, avoid him at all cost.
Obj: Try and get early lead. Keep lane pushed so he cant roam, but also be careful when keeping the lane pushed to not get too close. This is difficult to do. You can roam, but you need to make sure these roams are worth it.
You have a leap, she has a ground. You throw a spear she has great movement speed. You land a q and burst, she lands a q and bursts more. You try to dive her she stuns you whilst youre mid air with ult. Theres a reason why shes played so much high elo.
Obj: Just push and roam. you can look to poke her, but don't all in post-6.
He snowballs disgustingly. He has a silence, a load of MR, flash on repeat. And on top of that he just does a lot of dmg. This is one of - if not - your biggest counter. If top and bot are AD they can deal with him, but you are useless vs him, he has too much MR. If he snowballs, he will chase down and one shot everyone on your team.
Obj: Outfarm and roam early. Hopefully your team has CC and he becomes there problem. Call for ganks early if you can.
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