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Easy. It's a skill match up (according to 40k xp Silver Singed player aka average Plat autistic Garen ignite player). An easy skill match up if you're an autist who believe he's a Canadian War Hero (they don't exist) and dabbles extensively with hallucinogens...alone...because no eating teemo schrooms alone...that is what makes him a skill match up.
Dr. Mundo
Stay behind minions and lane against this one. You won't kill him, but you will go even and farm like crazy.
Can be pretty bad in lane and with proxy. Look to cheese him early and all in level 2 with Ignite. Once he has 6 he will likely kill you if you fail to dodge his Q.
Sword lady will stick it where it hurts. Play Teemo into her or proxy like crazy. Maybe even take smite and unsealed since you'll need jungle camps to make up for the deaths. She's a complete commie.
Does a gigrillion true damage and will beat you if she's anywhere above silver. You can dodge he wall dash by cutting inside toward the direction she started from. This usually works on really really bad people and she'll destroy you if Silver +
Used to be zero threat and would literally int. Now he's revamped with even less brain cells and will run silver elo sums like Ignite rather than TP for that great level 6 DEEERRMATTHHIAAAAAA while drooling and banging his face on the keyboard. Then his mom calls and he has to ride the short bus to his speech therapist. Threat Level: Retarded
If they're Plat+ they'll beat you. Otherwise they're hilarious and you can just proxy and watch them die to the minions in lane which is top kek.
He's the 11/10. You gotta deep proxy behind the second tower and prepare to get blasted in the ass if he catches you. He's a very naughty yordle.
Out of meta but does % health and will ruin you.
she's so bad right now. the worst toplaner fr.
You can beat her easy if she's stupid. She will scale and diddle you hard later though.
Below Gold one of the easiest match ups. Anything higher and he diddles you hard and beats you down till you call him daddy via lamppost technique. But easy to beat by just throwing W while he spins- according to Ignite Garen toplane...
Hard proxy and you have a chance. He can't farm under tower to save his life. The tard will likely run Ignite and all in you with jungler level 6.
He's thristing for half your health 100% of the time. Probably a skill match up too according to Garen Ignite players.
Haven't had that big of issues with him but others insist he's terrible. I can't remember losing to him despite having 1 mil xp. If you anticipate his hook and lane, you should be ok. The key is to be much much better than him. That's the OP part.
Proxy and run TP. You'll get fed af.
Run Dark Harvest and Ignite to all in him ASAP. Lane against him and last hit to draw him out. You need 1 or 2 kills on him before 6 or you're in trouble.
He likes to snuff it
She will touch dinky. Same strat as Nasus except she will chase you down for your dinky...
Again, a skill match up for unmitigated autism...
lelz. Proxy him or lane. Either way you'll send him packing for Calil
hide behind minions but he'll still do you dirty. A deep proxy might help but he will come looking with the jungler since his range is huge. Diddle time...
Still a Skill Match Up! SMU. The best strat to skill match him is by posting old pics of yourself before you were morbidly obese.
Master Yi
Pub stomp in low elo. You need to hope your team is running cc...better yet, hope they actually land it.
HUGE skill match up. You gotta just have skill, be high, and laugh like Seth Rogan huhuuuhuhuuuu
gotta match autism with autism while talking about all the drugs you don't do anymore.
Get him in Jungle and make sure he has the Beemo skin for HIVE LIFE!
You can run singed botlane with her on you. You will penta kill. It's bonkerz.
Skill Match Up...Again, easy for one trick Garen Ignite toplane tards- esp. when he's Iron...
Get him in Jungle and make sure he has the Beemo skin for HIVE LIFE!
You can run singed botlane with her on you. You will penta kill. It's bonkerz.
Skill Match Up...Again, easy for one trick Garen Ignite toplane tards- esp. when he's Iron...
It's very important to be as pretentious, pompous, and supercilious as possible while autisming out hard. You gotta speak is short, crisp sentences and enunciate the last syllable of each word to ensure that others know how superior... and intellectual... you are... To ensure smooth skill match ups, you will also need a small, obnoxious, immature, squeeker to back you along with a gang of insufferable gamerz who drop in just to denigrate and ridicule others online due to deep underlying insecurities. This is how you win. This is how you GeT GuDDZz GamERz. You must also offer to coach others esp. when you know nothing about the champ or match up. Make sure to obnoxiously interject frequently thus demonstrating how erudite you are. The squeeker will then back you, love you, and begin to call you daddy (Singed's unofficial nickname)
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