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She can be a bit annoying post 6 because of her mobility. Make sure to E her to slow her down before using q. If you win lane early though you should have no problems.
Unless you are have gotten to diamond with Nami and decide to smurf a bronze 5 account, you will never win this. Might as well go follow your jungler around and heal him. Best you can do in lane is rush Zhonyas and pray to god you only go 0/3 when he reaches 6. Roam like and animal if you're up against him and don't give away any kills. just buy ad items and farm from tower until you guys team fight. Late Game however it isn't that bad. if you land a q when he ults you don't stick around. E,AA attack him and run. If he has no ult you can 1v1 him.
Remeber she always dashes behind you. I cannot count how many times i see her dash and I q right in front of me just to remember she jumps behind you.
A FUN A TOTALY BALANCED CHAMPION. NEW AND CREATIVE MECHANICS SUCH AS R+FACEROll=TRIPLEKILL. If he does ult you use zhonyas after the knock up right before he hits the ground. you can make sure you have enough time by Q him as soon as he ults you. When zhonyas us over turn the tide by W yourself, AA,E,AA,Q,AA,W,AA
Youre only chance is when windwall is on cooldown, or he is stunned. If you get him stunned you have to go all in. Let lose the full combo and ride the wave baby.
Dont be afraid to take this ranked. But if you are facing a Nami mid then know you're both looking at the same guide. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE FISH.
When she comes in W yourself AA and Q where she came from. Then make her pay for daring to Disrespect the Ocean Queen
Predicting is key with most of these. If you think shes gonna shunpo Q yourself to stop her combo. If you do it right you can laugh as you slow her and AA her to death. Make sure to ctrl+2 when done.
Best death annimation in game. Sit back and enjoy it every time you E,AA,Q,AA,W,AA
OH NO! you're in a circle, whatever will you do. The only thing you can do is Q,w,E then AA attack once its gone
I went 26/0/21 against him mid. His e is so easy to predict. Give him a break and dont BM him too hard (im just saying that to make myself seem like less of an ass. BM every kill to make you're game a 4v5 @ 10 mins. And don't worry, his team will BM him as well for losing to a fish)
MMMMMMMMMM BOI! He'll hit you with that fire and cook you for dinner. If you dodge his stun though you're fine. If he ults back out immediately until its over.
Youre the only water type in the game. (fizz and naut are fakers) Its up to you to rep the ocean. watch out for that 4th spell and that crusty ass bear. Show them what happens when fire gets close to water.
Aurelion Sol
when hes in your bubble or your ult his stars go away. its funny because he will still try to stun you even if hes 0/4. if that is the case let him do it. hell go in but once that stun is up he'll be sleeping with the fishes.
Just dont get stunned. Also remeber he has the egg thing and that really sucks because your W cant target it. You're W can however, proc sheen. Take cleanse over ignite for this one
Master Yi
Balanced, Fun, Not-Easy to play, great with kids. Whats not to love? Don't 1v1 this guy after 20 mins. No matter how fed you are. When he q's you stun him and run. If youre under tower however, you stunned him there, and youre feeling ballzy, you can W,ULT,AA,E,AA,AA. If this didn't kill him i am not responsible for any loss of LP due to the following of this guide.
He is probabaly your hardest counter and you will have 0 chance of winning against him as he will just build MR and dog you. Also anyone who is willing to bet their LP on Galio should be feared.
Shout out to all the Janna mains
Jarvan IV
All these L's
Lee Sin
The biggest L goes to everyone who thinks they're hots**t because they bought Elemental Lux
Nami. When most people think of this champion they think of an AP support who, as far a supports go, does a good job. I fell in love with Nami since the first time i saw her in a lobby. Something about that Koi Nami skin made me want to pick her up and play her. Before that point i had literally never played another champion apart from Ekko (this was bout 4 months into me playing league, level 20ish). Playing her for the first time changed my play style for ever, such a beautifully designed champion, I didn't care if i had to play "boring" supports, it was never boring when I played her. But something about support never felt right to me. It wasn't that the role was boring (I'm a support main), its that I felt limited it. I could never take the kills, build what i wanted, sure it was fun to help the team, but i felt like i could be helping more from a different position. I took Nami mid and although it was rough at first, I managed to start consistently winning my lane and loved the feeling of coming in as a dark horse and carrying games. So i now present to you all my knowledge of over a year of playing Nami mid in this guide.
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