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Teemo Build Guide by CinnamonSlayer

Top Never Underestimate the Power of the Scout's Code (8.2)

Top Never Underestimate the Power of the Scout's Code (8.2)

Updated on January 26, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CinnamonSlayer Build Guide By CinnamonSlayer 4,578 Views 0 Comments
4,578 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CinnamonSlayer Teemo Build Guide By CinnamonSlayer Updated on January 26, 2018
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Summon Aery
The Ultimate Hat
Absolute Focus

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Wave Management

Huge secret of winning with Teemo is freezing minion waves. If your opponent does not understand wave management, and pushes lane constantly because it's easy farm and because they can do it with a single ability (*cough* Galio *cough*), you can build huge CS and level leads by either keeping the minion count even, letting them push in order to set the waves up for a freeze. Letting them poke you also makes the lane push towards you, as they gain minion aggro while their minions keep hitting your minions. Freeze your minion wave to:

1) Deny your opponent experience
2) Poke them down if they get near farm.

As snowballing is Teemo's biggest perk, basic knowledge of wave management can win you lanes.
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Shroom Placement

Shroom placement is pretty straight forward: observe which side of the lane your opponent leans towards, and drop shrooms at points where your opponent has to move through to advance. You should also make sure that your shrooms don't interfere with minion paths, as your shrooms could ruin wave management. Place extravagant shrooms against Zac and Kayn, as they have extravagant ganking paths. Shrooms are always better than wards against Kayn, as the shroom damage can cancel his E or deter him from ganking, all while providing vision.
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Other Summoner Spells

Teemo's W is basically a Ghost on a very low cooldown, so ghost is pretty lame. Teleport is also pretty lame as Teemo's Teleport ganks are tremendously mediocre, and you'd have to get pretty luck with them. Teleporting back to lane is not worth it, as long as you manage your waves well, use your W to get back to lane, and set your opponent back in order to reduce the negative effects of going back to base. Exhaust could be good against a lot of the duelists, but Ignite's kill pressure is unrivalled in my opinion.
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Skin Choice

I honestly hate how Astronaut Teemo, Omega Squad Teemo and Little Devil Teemo feels. Their autos just don't feel right. All other skins are cool.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CinnamonSlayer
CinnamonSlayer Teemo Guide
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Never Underestimate the Power of the Scout's Code (8.2)

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