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Aatrox is a very complicated matchup, but, with the right runes, and build you can possibly ease the difficulty. Take Movement Speed Runes and Anti-Healing.
Akali is a walk in the park pre 6. Even though she has the shroud, when its down you can poke her all night all day, and, her passive (which is her major damage output in laning phase) is completely denied by your Q. After level 6, be very VERY careful, because her full combo anihalates you. If she ults or E's you, try to get to safety as fast as you can.
You win lane by default. You completely delete garen, legit, he can do anything against you. You can poke him for free because he cant get away due to him having no mobility, his Q is just negated by your blind, he cant get you with his E because you are faster than him and many other factors. Take the runes for hyper poking and enjoy the free lane.
You just got counterpicked. Your blind is useless on her, she can poke you better, she is faster than you, she has cc and she even has sustain. You cant do anything in this matchup because she will bully you to oblivion. Stay under turret and try to get as many ganks as you can. Take your bad matchup or speed runes and take teleport to try and roam to get kills
I've never actually fought any camille as Teemo, so I'll be talking not by experience but by logic. I consider her a minor threat as you can litteraly deny her major damage source (The Cho'Gath ult on her Q) by pressing 1 button. The reason she is in tiny is only because she can very easily engage with her E, as it offers her mobility and cc, but, if you dodge that or waste it so your jgler can come, its a free lane.
Cho'Gath is one of Teemo's worst matchups... Well, kinda. You see, if you take the movement speed runes and spells and the proper anti tank items, you will see that Cho isn't as scary as he actually may seem (I'm saying not as scary, not saying that he isnt scary). With your high af movement speed, if you can kite Cho'Gath well, using shrooms and movement speed in your favor, you will see that he is just an oversized minion, as his Ult and Q are his main damage sources, so, if he cant hit any of those, he doesnt do damage at all. Take movement speed runes, spells and items.
I consider Darius a skill matchup, the better player wins. Unlike garen, Darius has a good way to engage, and, since most dariuses take ghost, whenever he wants, he can just run at you, E and do a full combo. But if you are aware of that and kite properly and blinding when he goes for a W, since he will only be able to get 1 Hemmorage Stack (from his Q) or none (if he misses the edge), his ult wont do you much other than mildly inconvenience you. That said, still be careful as Darius is Darius so he may still be able to kill you even though he missed his W and has no range/mobility.
Dr. Mundo
If Dr. Mundo goes top, you're screwed. Your poking isn't any good as his passive will let him just walk it off, he allways builds Sirit's Visage which comes with Magic Resistance, he already has a great amount of base MR, he can poke you with Q, his ult makes him faster than you and fully regens him, etc. etc. etc.
You're doomed if you're against Mundo. Even tho he has so many things against you, you should still take Ignite and the Base Runes
Even? But you're ranged, you can destroy his barrels! Sure, you can, if you're against a bad GP, but, a good gp will chain his barrel with another to slow you and speed him up, walk to you and stab you to death (although you can blind his passive). It's a skill machup, depends on who's better.
Shaco and teemo is the best combo ever. Since both of them are annoying champs you will win the game because youll mentally destroy the enemy team. Wherever shaco puts a box, put a shroom in the limit of the range of the box so if both take liandry's, they will die no cap.Take some damage when shaco ganks and when he places the shaco box, start attacking and the enemy cant fight back cause of the blind, fear, high mobility of you 2, etc. Get shaco to camp your lane and you will win easily.
Althought she is horrible to go against, having a cassiopeia on your team makes one of the greatest synergies ever, as her fang deals increased damage and heals her to poisoned targets and your shrooms and autos poison. Maybe if you can, ask her to go adc and you'll sup.
Shaco and teemo is the best combo ever. Since both of them are annoying champs you will win the game because youll mentally destroy the enemy team. Wherever shaco puts a box, put a shroom in the limit of the range of the box so if both take liandry's, they will die no cap.Take some damage when shaco ganks and when he places the shaco box, start attacking and the enemy cant fight back cause of the blind, fear, high mobility of you 2, etc. Get shaco to camp your lane and you will win easily.
Althought she is horrible to go against, having a cassiopeia on your team makes one of the greatest synergies ever, as her fang deals increased damage and heals her to poisoned targets and your shrooms and autos poison. Maybe if you can, ask her to go adc and you'll sup.
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