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Pros and Cons
+ Burst
+ Good Poke
+ Good Sustain
+ Very Mobile.
- Little Crowd Control
- Unreliable Ranged Damage
- Tough to Trade
- Bad Safe Wave Clear
Helps you avoid ganks, outplay kids and close gaps. Always take flash.
Gives you much more kill pressure and can be important in early fights.
When your in a lane that you think you might lose than take this.
When your against high damage assassins this can be a good choice.
When your against a champion that could easily lock you down with cc take this.
Gives you much more kill pressure and can be important in early fights.
When your in a lane that you think you might lose than take this.
When your against high damage assassins this can be a good choice.
When your against a champion that could easily lock you down with cc take this.
Starting Items
Good safe start. Good for mana and health sustain.
Good for sustain and the burn on enemy champions is good for early all ins.
Aggressive item that still gives mana and cdr.
Safe item that gives mana and cdr but also magic resistence.
Gives you lots of gold but also mana and cdr.
Good against AD assassins.
Good item that provides lots of ap and is standard against ap matchups.
Good against heavy ap laners or heavy ap enemy team.
Gives you a massive amount of ap and lots of burst.
Get this every game lets you do more damage to tanks.
Standard boots that gives magic pen.
Go when against a heavy ap champion thats snowballing.
Situational Items
Good if your ahead but still risky.
The slow is good for chasing and it adds a good tankiness for when your going in cougar.
Go when your against an assassin like rengar because it adds a lot of burst to yuor cougar form Q.
Good safe start. Good for mana and health sustain.
Good for sustain and the burn on enemy champions is good for early all ins.
Aggressive item that still gives mana and cdr.
Safe item that gives mana and cdr but also magic resistence.
Gives you lots of gold but also mana and cdr.
Good against AD assassins.
Good item that provides lots of ap and is standard against ap matchups.
Good against heavy ap laners or heavy ap enemy team.
Gives you a massive amount of ap and lots of burst.
Get this every game lets you do more damage to tanks.
Standard boots that gives magic pen.
Go when against a heavy ap champion thats snowballing.
Situational Items
Good if your ahead but still risky.
The slow is good for chasing and it adds a good tankiness for when your going in cougar.
Go when your against an assassin like rengar because it adds a lot of burst to yuor cougar form Q.
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