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Choose Champion Build:
Nocturne Top
Nocturne Mid
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Cho is hard to deal with late game, Is tankyness and stuns will make it hard for you to kill him.
Insane Damage
Can 1vs1 Just About Any Champ
Awesome Abilities
Can Block Ults With His W
Great Ganking
Snowballs Hard
Great Structure Destroyer
Cool Skins
If Fed To Enemy, He May Never Be Good All Game
Ult Can Be Wasted Too Many Times By Using It At The Wrong Time
Long Cooldowns
Low Mana
CC Ruins him
Make sure you build a lot of life steal. Your attacks will be doing around 1000 damage per hit, life steal will help a lot with keeping you alive in 3v1s.
The main things Nocturne needs is, at least 20% crit, 300 damage, 20% Life Steal, and 1.3 attack speed. Make sure you have at least these, then you can keep adding up to the ones you think you need.
Keep moving, and use your w when necessary. Use it when chasing, running away, or when you see an ult about to activate on you (Lux).
Your Q is a great way to run away and catch up with enemies. It grants 55 bonus damage which helps a lot with taking enemies down quick.
Focus on ADC first obviously. You can do this by using your ult, then clicking on an adc in the back.
If youre having trouble getting fed top lane, gank mid or bot. Use your Q to lock on an enemy to catch up to them, use your e to stun them for your team mate to help put damage into them.
Dont focus on buying one item, buy seperate items first, then combine them to make items. I recommend Long Swords for Nocturne at the beginning.
For Farming, use your Q and passive together for easy wave clearing. You will find yourself poking your enemy easily too with the passive.
Use a farsight ward with your ult. This is a must because enemies may end up in the fog of war, wasting your ult.
If youre against tanky units, build a lot of life steal and critical chances. If youre against adc, build armor and high damage.
In Late Game, your job is to kill the ADCs or Mid laners first. If your team does not cooperate with you when you go in, then you're useless. The only thing you can do is look for those who wonder off by themselves to pick off one by one. Otherwise his W can help waste an enemies Ult (Like Lux). His E is great for stunning an enemy for your team to kill. Use his Q when your team goes all in, or if you're wanting to poke.
Nocturne snowballs hard as hell. You should get first blood almost every game. Once you hit level 2, put a point in your E and all in the enemy, you will get first blood or the enemy will use their flash. If they do flash, hide in bush, flash on them and ignite, E them, and then easy first blood.
Nocturne gets 97 damage at the beginning of the game when stacked with his Q.
Nocturne gets 97 damage at the beginning of the game when stacked with his Q.
Nocturne is a fantastic Assassin. He truly is my favorite champion on the Rift. His snowballs lead for you to get 20 kills in 20 minutes if you play right. Hes also great at running away, ganking, and getting first blood. His attack can kill squishies in 3 hits! Its insane, if you want to kill them in 2 hits use your Q. Lots of items go well with Nocturne, so you can always be trying stuff out. Thanks everyone for viewing my guide, I will be adding more to it as I go on with Nocturne. Enjoy this wonderful nightmare.
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