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Nocturne Build Guide by Skaarlschloch

Top Nocturne Top is hidden OP (1100LP Challenger Korea)

Top Nocturne Top is hidden OP (1100LP Challenger Korea)

Updated on December 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skaarlschloch Build Guide By Skaarlschloch 11 4 58,919 Views 0 Comments
11 4 58,919 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skaarlschloch Nocturne Build Guide By Skaarlschloch Updated on December 12, 2024
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Runes: Conc + Jack/Cookies

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Biscuit Delivery
Jack of all Trades

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Nocturne Top is hidden OP (1100LP Challenger Korea)

By Skaarlschloch
Credit to:
  1. asap nocky #NA1 (Challenger NA Nocturne Top OTP)
    Helped with matchups & general tips & answers
  2. Geubeuchungi (means Gravesfan/-main)
    The OG 1300+LP Korean Challenger Nocturne Top OTP

Nocturne is a REALLY UNIQUE and interesting Toplane champ if you want to play him successfully in high elo! With THIS BUILD (copied from Korean 1200LP+ Challenger Nocturne OTP) you have a very special Powercurve fitting COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ROLES throughout different points of the game (also Matchupdependant!!)

  1. Early (Levels 1-5)

    You are a SUPER STRONG 1v1 Duelist (especially lv.1 you even beat powerhouses like Sett, Tryndamere quite easily)

    You really SPIKE once you get Tiamat!! Your passive applies the Tiamat AoE to all units hit. So fighting inside of BIG WAVES makes you REALLY strong (Insane burst Damage from the passive Auto!) Also it makes you oneshot a wave with Q + passive auto.

    Another Spike is 5 JackOfAllTrades stacks, so in tougher matchups or where you need the 1v1 stat power you can buy 2 of: Dagger + Cloth Armor/ Boots to successfully get some extra Attack Damage and Ability Haste for free
  2. Lv6-Midgame (1-2 Items)

    You might start losing SOME 1v1s against really strong 1v1 Champions like Fiora, Garen if you aren’t heavily ahead, but you gain insane Roaming power!! You are a mix of Longrange Engager/Assassin, catching off anyone who oversteps their welcome on sidelane/jungle etc.

    You are always first to move to help your jungler even if you’re pushed under turret! This is where Nocturne is strongest and can take over the entire Game!!

    Additionally once you get 10 Jack Stacks (i.e. Doran's Blade + Stridebreaker + Mercury's Treads + Frozen Heart) you spike very heavily again ESPECIALLY vs Autoattackers!
  3. Lategame (3+ Items)

    You are a medium-high Damage Tank (depending on how fed you got in midgame), who still has enough damage to make the enemy Marksman (or immobile Mage Carries) life PURE MISERY. You should lose some 1v1s against bruisers in sidelane but your main purpose are skirmishes and teamfights!! Every fight YOU, with your 4k Health + Stridebreaker + Frozen Heart + Zeke's Convergence (later on) will fly in their face deal about half to all of their Health in dmg and then walk/ Flash out, while your team already won the fight/will follow up and win it from there

The Korean OTP often finishes his build with Serpent's Fang even if the only shield is a Barrier on the ADC because:

It lets you sell Doran's Blade without losing Jack Stacks because of the Lethality
Your build relies mainly on your base damages so Serpent's Fang flat reducing all shields needs no scaling + the lethality amplifies your high base damages vs your squishy targets
Jack of All Traits (Rune)
One of the Runes, which the OTP uses EVERY GAME is Jack of all Trades. Which grants bonus Attack Damage and Ability Haste at 5 or 10 unique stats from items.
Nocturne can achieve this exceptionally well with just Doran's Blade + Mercury's Treads + Stridebreaker + Frozen Heart. At 2 Items + Boots he gets an extra 25 Adaptive Force (15 Attack Damage) + 10 Ability Haste
15 Attack Damage = 525 Gold, 10 Ability Haste = 500 Gold.
So you get a total of 1025 GOLD in stats just from this one Rune at full stacks.

ALSO you get 460 Gold (6 Attack Damage 5 Ability Haste) in stats at 5 Stacks
This can be achieved with Doran's Blade + 2 of: Boots/ Cloth Armor/ Dagger (good in harder lanes)

With Plated Steelcaps you don’t quite get it at Stridebreaker + Frozen Heart, you need to buy full Spectre's Cowl (1250g & builds into Kaenic) to get to 10 unique stats.
low KDA/Teamoriented Pick
Nocturne is a very team-oriented pick. OFTEN AFTER LV6 (depending on the matchup) it’s not as much about dominating the 1v1.

If you play with bad teammates it can be hard to solo match very strong splitpush scalers such as Garen and Fiora as they will ALWAYS outscale you in the 1v1 AT SOME POINT. Also, with this pick you will VERY OFTEN have a negative KDA.
Just look at the OTP’s KDA:
His current KDA looks like this: 4.5 / 5.3 / 6.6 with a 57% Winrate at 1100LP Chall.

This does NOT seem right to many people who think you need to play 1v9 carries to win games/climb rating.

Don’t get me wrong, you WILL have those games where you end up being 15/2 or something similar and feel completely 1v9, but it’s NOT THE NORM and it’s NOT NEEDED!!!

The utility of your Ult alone gives your ADC the freedom to do their job FREELY without needing to worry about getting jumped in a coordinated attack by the enemy team (as they have 0 vision and will focus on YOU, diving into them!!)
On top of that, if you have diving follow-up or something like an Orianna ball on you, the games are EVEN MORE FREE!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skaarlschloch
Skaarlschloch Nocturne Guide
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Nocturne Top is hidden OP (1100LP Challenger Korea)

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