Fiora is only really a threat level 1 and after 1-2 items, between those times you win especially if you utalize your spikes well (Tiamat and Jack stacks), look up if she has boneplating you dont want to trade into that or you will lose. You really wanna start fighting her once you get Tiamat.
You win the 1v1 for a while if you didnt fall behind early but she ofcourse outscales you hard in the 1v1/sidelane the later it goes. You get your team ahead and are better in teamfights tho so i actually quite like the matchup.
The EASIEST matchup for Nocturne! You will stomp this vs 99% of Irelia players. Block her E with your W and punish her lv.1 i feel like you should for sure cheese the lv.1 and go for zoning her from xp or at least lose LOTS of hp for getting the xp
Her lv.1 is scary especailly if the can do fastcombo and have ignite.
Get some armor so she can hopefully not oneshot you at 6.
This matchup changes alot depending on how good the riven is.
If you get your fear off you win those trades of course but riven has many ways play around that.
If feel like with Stridebreaker and Frozenheart you easily should win the 1v1 but a good riven can proxy roam alot and 1v9 teamfights so i guess its even?
You beat him early as you can block his Q3 and W.
You have better gameimpact with your roams, often you can proxy, in later teamfights you can kill his adc easier than he can kill yours. Either win early or freescale both are fine for you
If he missteps once he'll die fast. Other than that you have too much wavecleaer once you get Tiamat you can just freeroam all day
Insanely horrible trash matchup!!
If you somehow get an All-In in lv.1 and can snowball of that zoning him HEAVILY its kinda playable (or with jngl help)
But most of the time Nasus will get to lv6 somewhat unscaved and beat you down and put W on you all through out the game making you useless
Need more testing vs high elo Rengars but the Korean OTP used to bann this champ (Korean Toplane classic)
Very easy lv.1 can even zone from XP if you get in third lane bush!
Its only a good matchup because after 6 you wanna safe your W for his R and react to it. If you can do that this matchup is easy
You can run him down lv.1, check first if he has boneplating and proc it beforehand (even before lane) if he lets you. Then you can force the lv.1 trade even in his minions.
Dont let him get a second Q off tho!!
Afterwards play for your spikes and get your team ahead
Watch out for his 6 where he can run you down with right setup
Garen is weak early! You can punish Garen Players there as you are quite a bit stronger, especially lv.1.
Vs Ignite Garen you can try to use TP to lanelock him by pushing recalling and TPing back with item and health advantage.
Go for 5 Jack Stacks early with Dblade + Dagger + Cloth (no boots) and rush Tiamat after!
Let your team know best even in champ select, that once Garen gets 2+ Items he will perma split your teammates need to be the ones defending while you roam!!
You dont win lv1 all-in, Kled will remount and kill you. Play it smart and play it slow. Early Armor/Steelcaps cut his dmg in half almost.
Use fear on him right before he is about to dismount for it to proc once he dismounts!!
Dont fall for his Remount you normally ALWAYS need to dismount him twice to actually kill him.
You giga outscale if you can just stay even aswell
Use W to block a Q (Q3 best) and punish him pre 6 where you are quite a bit stronger
The 1v1 is HARD. You need to catch her in a very bad position to ever kill her. Once she gets Triforce she can kill you SOOO fast so be careful.
A good Camille is just soo op in lategame thats why i put her as Major(4)
LIKE MOST matchups after 6/after tiamat you want to look to perma roam and maximize income through camps and waves
In most Matchups if you play for & around your spikes youll be fine, which are:
1. level 1 All-In/Cheese
2. 5 Jack of All Trades Stacks
3. fighting in waves with Tiamat.
On top of that if you go even in lane you are happy (for most matchups) as you want the map to open up and start joining teamfights/scirmishes before the enemy toplaner. In lategame teamfights you can often just deny the enemy ADC from playing the game which will autowin you many games. Even if you go 0/3 in lane you will still win many games just because of that, so never give up!
You beat her from lv1 allthroughout lane. She can outscale you and be really dangerous to your team if you have many high hp melees in your team.
Not really bad in lane your spells do generally really well into him, the only problem is mana. Might wanna consider either Presence of Mind or MABYE even Dorans Ring?? (still testing this one)
You should try to fight him lv1. The early 1v1 is really close but you can win it if you play it well. Look for him in middle/late lane brush, most volis look to start E level 1 hitting the first three meeles and stacking up passive uncontested this is where you can catch em and run them down with your INSANE lv1!
Once you get Tiamat you should try to avoid laning and roam Voli will braindead split for the rest of the game
He should never be able to just beat you to death lv.1 if you fight in your minions. Afterwards lv.3+ you win quite easily as Trundle is REALLY vulnerable to your Fear and cant really escape it either. If he ever ults just fear him and run away.
Play for your spikes (Tiamat & 5 Jack stacks)
You win lv1 All-In EASILY (even with minions there!!) Most Setts start E, If W or Q you probably still win but might be closer
just Roam and get Team ahead later on your way more usefull
Obviously pretty trash matchup you can try to cheese lv 1 in tribush or lanebush. AS you quite handily win the lv.1 all-in if the fight starts ontop of him. But i would not recommend trying to cheese him once the minions arrive as he has 2 potions will get lane prio because he is ranged and force you out of lane too hard ... So instead just sit back play with bushes and if he ever oversteps & wastes Q (once you have tiamat) you can flash on him or ult on him and run him down
If the teemo plays well tho you should let your team deal with him and try to create chaos around the map
2 things make this matchup very easy:
1. Your insanely oppresive lv1-3 (where you should zone her from any and all minions)
2. Your overall uncontested Mappressure and proxying ability
Decently playable early dont let him proxy lv1 or ever if you can stop it.
once he gets bramle and especialy once he get thornnail its gg he is thanos
Pretty easy matchup you are fast enough with Q and E movespeed so you should be able to dodge his Q even if he silences you first. If your not silenced you just block it with W
Most smart ChoGath players will go Warmogs Rush so once he has that stop interacting in lane with him, oneshot the wave and make his team suffer from your roams
Block his Q with Spellshield, be careful if your E is on cd thats his All-In window, you can almost match his early dueling and should be freeroams after Tiamat. You will ofcourse lose the 1v1 once he get steelcaps but that is not your purpose
Dr. Mundo
In the 1v1 you should never be able to kill a mundo with a brain, you can proxy quite freely or freeze setting up a kill with your jngl but thats it. Winning vs Mundo is a game of getting your team fast&far enough ahead so that you can end the game before mundo reaches lv16 (thats when he becomes Thanos)
You are a very high tempo midgame accelerating champ so you will be able to snowball most games before he can scale
coming soon
Not too bad of a matchup, you are only slightly weaker early. Once you get W you can block his E and if you ever fully connect an E yourself you can almost 100-0 him while he is feared. I would let myself get pushed in lv1 but start contesting the 1v1 smartly after lv2. Once you get Tiamat do the usual.
Watch out for his 6 where he can run you down if youre not careful!
Can start Dorans Shield and try to safely farm till Tiamat.
You need to play quite safe early a good Jayce will punish you quite hard. If they ever overcommit go with Q+E extending the fight. You can try to predict his Knockback with Spellshield. Farm till Tiamat then go Proxy frequently. Dont try to kill him in lane unless its 100% just use ult on other lanes.
Match his proxy if he goes for that then outroam him
Can start Dorans Shield and try to safely farm till Tiamat
Early levels you win the 1v1 by using your W to block his E.
Comet is even weaker early and usually runs out of mana and you can outsustain/just tank his early Qs.
In the 1v1 you can predict/react to his R with your W.
In skirmishes and Teamfights you are kind of a better version of Malphite, better dmg larger engage/join radius and almost as tanky with a 2.25 sec point&click cc
Quite bad matchup!
Even in jungle Olaf is a Nocturne counter because: He has insane dueling strength and can NULLIFY you biggest 1v1 AND escape tool your insanely long fear!
This means you can pretty much never escape if the enemies have an Olaf, so CHOOSE your engages WISELY!!
Same as yasuo you are stronger early. You go Frozen Heart second which turbo ****s em over. In teamfights you can ult them the fear will make it so he cant play.
Adittionally his Q3 and R are SUPER telegraphed so you can block em
Shen can block your autos and match your roams but your roams but your ult has lower cd and nocturne is more op so its still not too bad
Zacs are always weak early you can do 3rd wave crash into cheater recall then try to bully him pre 6.
Once he is 6 he laughs at your damage while oneshotting you so try to avoid laning as much as possible
Same as yone you are stronger early. You go Frozen Heart second which turbo ****s em over. In teamfights you can ult them the fear will make it so he cant play
Only way he can R-combo you is E->Q->Flash Beyblade combo so if he is obviously going for it predict it with W
IF he has Grasp you NEED to cheese him lvl.1 walk into trybrush and fistfight him you easily win the all-in, try to get some kind of lead of that early ...
IF he has Lethal Tempo or Ignite it might be kinda close, you can still go for the level 1 fight but leave yourself the option to get out
You should lose if you just evenly farm in lane as he HARD outsustains you. You get a decent spike once you get Tiamat and/or 5 Jack stacks (Armor/Dagger/boots) but once he is 6 and gets items of his own he destroys you again in the 1v1
Overall Trynda is not a good matchup as he can Vacuum up infinite recources and QUICKLY destroy turrets while you ult around the map
Cheese lv.1/Zone from XP
Go early boots Dagger for 5 Jack stacks and kill him with your jungler
Nocturnes midgame is too strong often the game snowballs and finishes before smolder can come online
This champ is kinda op rn with the Unending + Fimbul build the Korean OTP banns this currently, but its getting nerfed soon
Really op champ rn, might change after mini-rework
Dont get hit by E its 90% of her dmg and respect her after R (she has about 70% HP execution range with full R->E combo)
Easy vs lowelo akalis Hard vs highelos
100% dependant on GP player skill ...
can be the easiest matchup or one of the hardest
Pretty easy Galio is only really good vs AP champs
Average ranged Matchup, need to survive early get Tiamat and youll be fine, good Gnar can 1v9 teamfights but so can you!
Maokai isnt a great Toplaner, Ignore him, Proxy get team ahead
Isnt the worst in lane he can ofcourse build armor/bramble in lane but if you get to Tiamat you can ignore him/shove/proxy/roam
Ornn scales well and is strong in teamfights tho
Just dont die early you outscale the 1v1
If your team has NO %-HP dmg and enemy has another person with lots of max HP it might be good to go BORK (2nd after Stridebreaker). Sion nowadays doesnt like buying lots of armor so they mostly stack HP with Titanic, Hull, Steraks, Overlords.
Good sion can die early to gain Tempoleads, but most dont do it well and just give many freekills. Never greed for plater unless you have infinite time as he has 0 respawn timers untill lvl.7 (its a passive bug!)
Spellshield E you outrun him with Q
you can either match his proxy or kill him or farm under turret.
Cover your jungle properly lv.1 you dont wanna give him a free proxy there
A good poppy can we REALLY oppressive in earlygame/lanephase
Has good playmaking midgame and she can peel you really well with E and R
Hard ranged matchup in lane + can match roams and destroy your team
New rumble isnt that strong in lane anymore, If you ever catch him with E he insta dies, and he cant punish you hard enough pre tiamat/pre 6
(still testing)
Phase Rush is really good vs you as he can just permaspace you
Skarner in lane is all about the Flash insec or insec with R. You can predict his E with W.
He can perfectly CC chain E-> R avoiding your W, respect that!
Other than that if you can waveclear and dont die to the cheese you will be more usefull all around
Swain is quite OP rn if they go the correct build with Blackfire, Swifties, Cosmic Drive, this gives him perma insane speed and insane damage with Qs.
Champ will probably get nerfed and be more playable against
Tahm Kench
Tahm is a strong lane champ you just play for Tiamat and try to interact as little as possible with him.
Know that he can R->Q combo perfectly if he know how giving 0 time to flash inbetween and beware of getting spat out under turret after he hits 6!!
Hard ranged matchup if the urgot is good. Very strong lane and lv.1 champ
Matchup could be worse! Your E and W really screw up his ult and if he isnt careful you can kill him and you have really strong early damage. You need to try avoid trading as much as possible until lv.3 as he will always heal back up to exactly half hp. Then if he heas barrier you need to bait that out first and only then can you kill him.
If you go even its a big win for you
Extra hard if she goes fleet,
REALLY depends on how good the vayne is if its chall vayne you cant breathe in the earlygame
Spellshield his W!!
Call team for ganks Yorick is really weak pre 6.
Lvl.1 you can even zone him from XP depending on your runes
Introduction: Nocturne is a REALLY UNIQUE and interesting Toplane champ if you want to play him successfully in high elo! With THIS BUILD (copied from Korean 1200LP+ Challenger Nocturne OTP) you have a very special Powercurve fitting COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ROLES throughout different points of the game (also Matchupdependant!!)
Early (Levels 1-5)
You are a SUPER STRONG 1v1 Duelist (especially lv.1 you even beat powerhouses like Sett, Tryndamere quite easily)
You really SPIKE once you get Tiamat!! Your passive applies the Tiamat AoE to all units hit. So fighting inside of BIG WAVES makes you REALLY strong (Insane burst Damage from the passive Auto!) Also it makes you oneshot a wave with Q + passive auto.
Another Spike is 5 JackOfAllTrades stacks, so in tougher matchups or where you need the 1v1 stat power you can buy 2 of: Dagger + Cloth Armor/ Boots to successfully get some extra Attack Damage and Ability Haste for free
Lv6-Midgame (1-2 Items)
You might start losing SOME 1v1s against really strong 1v1 Champions like Fiora, Garen if you aren’t heavily ahead, but you gain insane Roaming power!! You are a mix of Longrange Engager/Assassin, catching off anyone who oversteps their welcome on sidelane/jungle etc.
You are always first to move to help your jungler even if you’re pushed under turret! This is where Nocturne is strongest and can take over the entire Game!!
You are a medium-high Damage Tank (depending on how fed you got in midgame), who still has enough damage to make the enemy Marksman (or immobile Mage Carries) life PURE MISERY. You should lose some 1v1s against bruisers in sidelane but your main purpose are skirmishes and teamfights!! Every fight YOU, with your 4k Health + Stridebreaker + Frozen Heart + Zeke's Convergence (later on) will fly in their face deal about half to all of their Health in dmg and then walk/ Flash out, while your team already won the fight/will follow up and win it from there
The Korean OTP often finishes his build with Serpent's Fang even if the only shield is a Barrier on the ADC because:
It lets you sell Doran's Blade without losing Jack Stacks because of the Lethality
Your build relies mainly on your base damages so Serpent's Fang flat reducing all shields needs no scaling + the lethality amplifies your high base damages vs your squishy targets
This does NOT seem right to many people who think you need to play 1v9 carries to win games/climb rating.
Don’t get me wrong, you WILL have those games where you end up being 15/2 or something similar and feel completely 1v9, but it’s NOT THE NORM and it’s NOT NEEDED!!!
The utility of your Ult alone gives your ADC the freedom to do their job FREELY without needing to worry about getting jumped in a coordinated attack by the enemy team (as they have 0 vision and will focus on YOU, diving into them!!)
On top of that, if you have diving follow-up or something like an Orianna ball on you, the games are EVEN MORE FREE!!
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