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I have played since Season 3 and actually peaked Plat 3 during my active game play days. I started maining Orianna during last Season because I saw a coaching video on Orianna mid game play.
Nowadays, I prefer to just play support Orianna. Unfortunately, it is not a well liked pick so I do get some flak for it from time to time, but since I do not play competitively anymore, I do not care. I only play norms now and if I do go ranked, I generally do not pick Orianna support unless I am duo.
Anyway, I created this guide to help people understand the potential of Orianna as a support champion. Hopefully, people will begin to accept her better as she is a really fun champion to play.
Her shield is actually a lot stronger than Karma's empowered shield due to its armor/mr bonus. Combine that with a locket and you'll pretty much be able to save anyone on your team.
Impactful sustained duo lane DPS.
She is one of the few support champions that are capable of mitigating damage (E + Armor/MR Bonus on Ball), buffing your adc (W), and providing impactful trades/damage all at once.
Her kit is useful with all team comps and useful against most team comps.[/b]
Her shield is actually a lot stronger than Karma's empowered shield due to its armor/mr bonus. Combine that with a locket and you'll pretty much be able to save anyone on your team.
Impactful sustained duo lane DPS.
She is one of the few support champions that are capable of mitigating damage (E + Armor/MR Bonus on Ball), buffing your adc (W), and providing impactful trades/damage all at once.
Her kit is useful with all team comps and useful against most team comps.[/b]
Weak skill damage
High likelihood of being ganked due to immobility
Things to do:
- Place ball on your Adc
- Auto attack enemy adc whenever they last hit (This is where the Fresh Blood mastery comes in)
- Auto attack enemy support whenever they come in to try to poke your adc or you
- Keep yourself constantly moving. Constant movement creates more psychological pressure than just standing still which is important if you go orianna support.
- Shield adc during every trade, enemy poke, etc.
Things to do during trades:
- Immediately shield your adc if they are being focused
- Auto attack the enemy adc (be sure to animation cancel your autos)
- If enemy support is squishy, focus it instead so your adc gets a kill.
- Be sure to keep shielding your adc as your Cool downs are up WHILE still orb walking/auto attacking the enemy.
Things NOT to do (during trades or otherwise):
- Use your skills as the main form of poke/trading. (This is bad as your mana will drain very quickly with very little to gain from the small damage it deals. The only exception is when one of the enemy laners is 40% HP or below as this will zone them from CS.)
- Place ball on your Adc
- Auto attack enemy adc whenever they last hit (This is where the Fresh Blood mastery comes in)
- Auto attack enemy support whenever they come in to try to poke your adc or you
- Keep yourself constantly moving. Constant movement creates more psychological pressure than just standing still which is important if you go orianna support.
- Shield adc during every trade, enemy poke, etc.
Things to do during trades:
- Immediately shield your adc if they are being focused
- Auto attack the enemy adc (be sure to animation cancel your autos)
- If enemy support is squishy, focus it instead so your adc gets a kill.
- Be sure to keep shielding your adc as your Cool downs are up WHILE still orb walking/auto attacking the enemy.
Things NOT to do (during trades or otherwise):
- Use your skills as the main form of poke/trading. (This is bad as your mana will drain very quickly with very little to gain from the small damage it deals. The only exception is when one of the enemy laners is 40% HP or below as this will zone them from CS.)
Overall, Orianna is a very good support champion. She doesn't really have damage, but her sustained damage can be impactful if you know how to orb walk well.
In my opinion, she is a very balanced yet high skill cap champion. As she is a champion that combines auto attacks with ranged spells, she requires a lot of fundamental mechanical skill as well. That is, you need to be very good with your movements while still orb walking and micromanaging your ball/skills.
Good movement and orb walking is important on every champion, but Orianna is probably the only ap champion that requires it for you to fully realize the potential of her kit.
As I stated above, she is unique in that she is capable of mitigating damage (E + Armor/MR bonus), Buffing (W) and providing impactful damage during trades all at once or in a very quick succession. She is very fun to play and I hope you give her a shot if you are a support main.
This guide has been strictly for broad informational purposes and is not meant to be too detailed. Thanks for reading.
In my opinion, she is a very balanced yet high skill cap champion. As she is a champion that combines auto attacks with ranged spells, she requires a lot of fundamental mechanical skill as well. That is, you need to be very good with your movements while still orb walking and micromanaging your ball/skills.
Good movement and orb walking is important on every champion, but Orianna is probably the only ap champion that requires it for you to fully realize the potential of her kit.
As I stated above, she is unique in that she is capable of mitigating damage (E + Armor/MR bonus), Buffing (W) and providing impactful damage during trades all at once or in a very quick succession. She is very fun to play and I hope you give her a shot if you are a support main.
This guide has been strictly for broad informational purposes and is not meant to be too detailed. Thanks for reading.
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