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Ability Order
Clockwork Windup (PASSIVE)
Orianna Passive Ability
Hi Everyone, I'm Kenex from LoLph and this is my very first LoL Guide Featuring Orianna. Any Feedbacks will be much appreciated! and I hope this guide will help you win while having fun playing Orianna.
Orianna, for me is the best poke/kite champion in the game.
Primarily because of her " Ball ". You can send it around bushes to check enemies or set up an enemy champion to a poisition you like in order to harass the enemy at a safe distance.
With all the Cons, you may think Orianna is a bad champion but when you mastered the Ball, and have farmed most of your items, Cons will be forgotten!.
- High AP Burst
- Additional Champ namely the Ball
- Saves Allies
- Controls the Enemy
- Controls Clashes
- Very Squishy
- Kinda Mana Hungry
- Item Dependent
- Always Targeted in Clashes
With all the Cons, you may think Orianna is a bad champion but when you mastered the Ball, and have farmed most of your items, Cons will be forgotten!.
For the Runes, it's basically what you prefer, my runes are utility based, I get more AP from the Items in game.And if you really want to follow my Runes well go,and btw these are my alternate runes.
For Seals:
- "Greater Seal of Clarity" - More Mana Regen at Higher levels
- "Greater Seal of Force" - Higher AP at Higher levels, but will need to play safe early.
- "Greater Seal of Potency" - More AP at Early levels, which means you have more damage to harass.
For Glyphs:
- "Greater Glyph of Focus" - I use this together when Orianna was just released, ball was always ready, but the drawback is that it dosent hurt the enemy.
For Quintessence:
- "Greater Quintessence of Insight" - More MagPen or
- "Greater Quintessence of Potency" - More AP , more damage!
- "Greater Quintessence of Focus" - More CD, Together with "Greater Glyph of Focus" Ball was ALWAYS ready.
- Mental Force - 4/4 for more AP to help your Early game harassment.
- Sorcery - More Cooldown means more Ball Mobility.
*Also Notice that I did not get Runic Affinity You can also get this but, I always give Blue Golem Buff to my Teammates. So I don't really need this.
- Summoner's Insight - To lessen the Cooldown of your Flash and Teleport
- Swiftness - I max this to synergize with my Swiftness Runes, having more mobility is good for escaping, poking, and kiting.
- Transmutation - +2% Spell Vamp is nice, with your AP Items and Fast Cooldown of your Ball, this will be a great help.
Most Orianna Players would go for 21/0/9 Offense based, that's also good. There's no perfect build here so take your choice. :)
Start off with Boots and 3 red potions, more mobility is good, and gives you advantage in harassment and good for escaping ganks.
After you make Rod of Ages and Ionian Boots of Lucidity you can go for:
For Enemy AD:
For Enemy AP:
If you're fed and/or snowballing the enemy champ you can go for:
- Gives you more AP if you have more stacks. Plus, Gives you Cooldown Reduction if the stacks is maxed.
- Combined with Mejai's AP then go for:
- More AP = More Spell Vamp = Unkillable.
- This item is also good, but you don't need aspd so much, because you have to Move while Attacking, setting up the enemy champ with your ball.
What if I'm always being killed? :(
Sometimes this happens, or this thing always happens. You have to go for:
- ATLEAST 2, then you have to save your money for another item. Having so many Doran's Ring won't help you.
*Also Be more of a support when you always get killed.
After you make Rod of Ages and Ionian Boots of Lucidity you can go for:
For Enemy AD:
- - If Enemy AD is fed or if there are more AD champs than AP.
- - More AP, More Armor and a Great Active skill, this can save you while winning in clashes or 1v1.
- - For Heavy AD, with and Active Slow AoE Spell.
For Enemy AP:
- If Enemy AP is fed or if there are more AP champs. and this would also give you +20 MagPen, which is always great!
- - Gives you Health/Mana and A Spell shield Good for countering Stuns like Taric.
- - Also good for countering AP while giving your Normal attack a huge boost when casting every 2 seconds.
- - Combine this badass with Lich Bane you have insane MagRes and Movespeed.
If you're fed and/or snowballing the enemy champ you can go for:
- Gives you more AP if you have more stacks. Plus, Gives you Cooldown Reduction if the stacks is maxed.
- Combined with Mejai's AP then go for:
- More AP = More Spell Vamp = Unkillable.
- This item is also good, but you don't need aspd so much, because you have to Move while Attacking, setting up the enemy champ with your ball.
What if I'm always being killed? :(
Sometimes this happens, or this thing always happens. You have to go for:
- ATLEAST 2, then you have to save your money for another item. Having so many Doran's Ring won't help you.
*Also Be more of a support when you always get killed.
- This is an OP Summoner Spell, You can use this as an extension of your ball or Flash in and Command: Protect Somebody. But primarily, this is your escape mechanism. | - Your OP Mobility Summoner Spell, Can Teleport through wards, Shaco's boxes, Teemo's Shrooms. Good for teleporting in and pushing, helping your teammates. | - You can get this if you prefer more offense, and if you took Summoner's Wrath good for solo mid. | - Actually was pretty useful for me, I use this on ranked games when Orianna was just released, saved me and my teammates a LOT. Even though they called me a noob for getting this. |
A list of info's you need during the game:
- Your Ball is your Extension, Always take advantage of that.
- Always Leash Red/Blue Golems if your jungler wants to.
- If you have a spare 75 gold, Please buy a ward.
- Map Awareness, You have Teleport, Signal for Gank or Back.
- For easier harassment, always advance your ball then use Command: Attack whenever the enemy champion is in range, then quickly use Command: Dissonance Followed by your Normal attack, Then go back, Command: Protect if the enemy strikes back. Rinse and Repeat.
- If you're being chased by someone, use your Command: Attack then Command; Dissonance to slow him down.
- In Clashes, always be aware of where you are and where your ball is, always advance your ball and Command: Protect any teammates who would need it.
- You can also be a buffer, using Command: Protect then, Command: Dissonance to help your teammate chase the enemy or help your teammate retreat.
- Also, don't hesitate to use Command: Shockwave when you're going to finish of an enemy, some Orianna users still save this for whatever reason.
- Lastly, Command: Shockwave wins Clashes.Place it where there are more enemy Champs during a Clash.
For a little motivation boost:
A Picture of my win percentage with Orianna:
Please forget about the Maokai and Janna win percentages, really embarassing.
Anyways, you start middle lane most of the time. Leash Blue or Red Golem whenever your Jungler Teammate needs it.
Farm, and play DEFENSIVE, this is the key to victory!
Poke the enemy champion whenever he/she is in range of your ball
Also you if you have a spare 75 gold, please buy a ward. This will help you and your teammates avoid ganks, And most of the time.... Win Games with this item.
Communicate always with your teammates if any enemy champ is missing.
And Lastly, Always be at the back of the Clash, while your ball is in the front together with your Melee Allies.
Please forget about the Maokai and Janna win percentages, really embarassing.
Anyways, you start middle lane most of the time. Leash Blue or Red Golem whenever your Jungler Teammate needs it.
Farm, and play DEFENSIVE, this is the key to victory!
Poke the enemy champion whenever he/she is in range of your ball
Also you if you have a spare 75 gold, please buy a ward. This will help you and your teammates avoid ganks, And most of the time.... Win Games with this item.
Communicate always with your teammates if any enemy champ is missing.
And Lastly, Always be at the back of the Clash, while your ball is in the front together with your Melee Allies.
To sum it all up, Orianna for me is a versatile champion at the same time, she has the AP to fight with the enemy champions, and I think this champions is going to be OP if played right, you don't just control the ball, but you also control your enemies.
Anyway Bottomline is
Kill and Have Fun Playing Orianna! :)
Oh, and here's a pic of my man Sasori, Orianna is a little bit like this, if you know what I mean :)
Anyway Bottomline is
Kill and Have Fun Playing Orianna! :)
Oh, and here's a pic of my man Sasori, Orianna is a little bit like this, if you know what I mean :)
I would like to thank the following people:
jhoijhoi - I thank this guy a lot, I've learned a lot about starting a guide and also learned a lot about the codes, a lot of improvement still needs to be made on my guide and my other future guides. Again Thank you sir!
Clanmates - Namely the Cyborg Clan, they always help me when I try to experiment with my Orianna and also help me get some wins XD.
And to you, my dear reader. For your time and help. Thank You!
jhoijhoi - I thank this guy a lot, I've learned a lot about starting a guide and also learned a lot about the codes, a lot of improvement still needs to be made on my guide and my other future guides. Again Thank you sir!
Clanmates - Namely the Cyborg Clan, they always help me when I try to experiment with my Orianna and also help me get some wins XD.
And to you, my dear reader. For your time and help. Thank You!
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