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Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
4.9 Khazix Analysis Breakdown
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Khazix is an assassin/carry jungler, his damage is strong and he grew in season 4 because of how the changes to the jungle were made as you can get more income for the jungle and thus having more items and you do not necessarily have to get tank items. Khazix is a snowball-y champion and is one of the best for solo queue because he has a lot of kill potential, can pick up kills easily onto a target as he does bring a lot of CC and can carry a game by himself. Using him is hard and takes a lot of skill while mastering him is still as hard as you have to know when to jump in or when to jump out etc.
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9x 9x 9x 3x |
greater mark of armor penetration Greater Seal of Armor Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage |
greater mark of armor penetration | I take armor penetration runes because it's the best runes to take for any skill oriented jungler, as Khazix has high base damages to make his damage effectively better late game and a bit better mid game. |
Magic resist is for mid game - late game for some resists but can change it to Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction if you want faster clear times etc. |
This mastery page is the best for any jungler who does a ton of damage, use this as you'll want to be bursting people and killing them faster. The longer they are alive the more chance of incoming reinforcements and survival potential.
Taking 9 points into defensive tree since most of it benefits you in the jungle, smite, reduced minion damage and the +3% health is useful..
Explanation of most mastery skills taken:
Double-Edged Sword : 2% will help in the early game damage and taking 1% damage is really nothing, so it's definitely worth it.
Sorcery: More CDR means our ultimate will be up more and other spells, so its good and better than the 5% attack speed.
Brute Force : Gaining +10 attack damage at level 18 is really just having a long sword at level 18, I don't like it but it builds up to a better skill.
Martial Mastery : +4 Attack damage at level 1 is too much to not take, always get for most junglers who scale with AD.
Expose Weakness : I actually take this skill because my ultimate is global so I feel this will activate a lot of times, and it's just 1 point.
Executioner : 5% damage is a lot, and if we can take down targets quicker the better, you can think of this mastery as a 2.5% damage increase as a whole, since it only applies to 50% and under targets.
Dangerous Game : This can save you from ignite tic or maybe a minion that's about to attack you when you finish someone off, it's good for junglers who get a lot of kills as it could be that saving grace.
Warlord : Since you get the Spirit of the Elder Lizard and black cleaver and maybe Maw, I'd say its a worthy investment to improve your damage.
Devastating Strikes : Everyone must get this mastery and 3 points in it, it just increases your damage by a lot no matter who you are, it's best for hybrid characters like Evelynn but it helps with basically every other champion in the game.
Havoc : 3% increase for 1 point, and since we want to maximize our early game damage. I'd probably say it's the best last skill for a mastery page between the other +5% movement speed and 15% tenacity.
Basic start for a jungler, need health potions to survive early game jungle and machete helps us clear it, I take warding totem early but sell it later as wards are needed for early game.
Get Spirit of the Elder Lizard as it's probably the best item for Khazix since he's a carry jungler who actually has one of the most damage coming out of the jungle and he'll need damage to take out targets swiftly.
Boots of Mobility is recommended for any jungler who gets a lead as your presence will be seen a lot more around the map and you can get to situations faster to clean up. If you aren't snow balling I recommend you stick to tier 1 boots and eventually upgrade it to defensive boots.
Back to old assassin Khazix, so we build Tiamat for the faster clears + burst in mid-air combo with active + Q.
Get a Brutalizer, this item increases your damage by a lot and gives cooldown reduction.
Mercury Tread's since if we get caught out and CC'd were dead since we are also squishy.
Last whisper is probably recommended to get after your core items as people will start building armor and it's still a good item to have against squishies since you will be doing the last whisper + Brutalizer combo for effective armor penetration. If you are ahead I recommend building Brutalizer after hydra since people won't be building armor if your more ahead of them.
Sell your warding trinket and get sweeping lens, this item will be your oracles from season 3 and upgrade it when you need to actually have to clear a certain area as it gives you oracles for 10 seconds.
Ravenous Hydra I get now since the life steal could come in handy, though it's just to complete the item and get more AD.
The Black Cleaver is a good item to complete now as you don't really have anything else to build except Guardian Angel or something else, so if you're seeking more damage then you have ATM you can complete your brutalizer and get this item.
Banshee's veil, too good right now it's like the new Season 2 Guardian Angel, health regen on it is pretty good and it blocks a spell, or if you think you need resists against everything + a revive for a team fight. GUARDIAN ANGEL IS THE WAY TO GO.
Get Spirit of the Elder Lizard as it's probably the best item for Khazix since he's a carry jungler who actually has one of the most damage coming out of the jungle and he'll need damage to take out targets swiftly.
Boots of Mobility is recommended for any jungler who gets a lead as your presence will be seen a lot more around the map and you can get to situations faster to clean up. If you aren't snow balling I recommend you stick to tier 1 boots and eventually upgrade it to defensive boots.
Back to old assassin Khazix, so we build Tiamat for the faster clears + burst in mid-air combo with active + Q.
Get a Brutalizer, this item increases your damage by a lot and gives cooldown reduction.
Mercury Tread's since if we get caught out and CC'd were dead since we are also squishy.
Last whisper is probably recommended to get after your core items as people will start building armor and it's still a good item to have against squishies since you will be doing the last whisper + Brutalizer combo for effective armor penetration. If you are ahead I recommend building Brutalizer after hydra since people won't be building armor if your more ahead of them.
Sell your warding trinket and get sweeping lens, this item will be your oracles from season 3 and upgrade it when you need to actually have to clear a certain area as it gives you oracles for 10 seconds.
Ravenous Hydra I get now since the life steal could come in handy, though it's just to complete the item and get more AD.
The Black Cleaver is a good item to complete now as you don't really have anything else to build except Guardian Angel or something else, so if you're seeking more damage then you have ATM you can complete your brutalizer and get this item.
Banshee's veil, too good right now it's like the new Season 2 Guardian Angel, health regen on it is pretty good and it blocks a spell, or if you think you need resists against everything + a revive for a team fight. GUARDIAN ANGEL IS THE WAY TO GO.
This is an optional item, but prefer hydra over this because you can use the hydra active in the air while this one will just flat out increase your damage and apply to bonus AD ratios. |
I get this so AD's won't be doing a lot of damage to me, but most of the time I'll get a mercury treads. |
1st we max out Void Spike (W) as it gives us faster clear speeds since it's AoE and the sustain from it isn't bad.
2nd I max out Taste Their Fear (Q), since it is one of Khazix's main damaging skills.
The reason we max out Leap (E) last is because it does increase in base damage but the cooldown from it isn't as useful because we evolve E 2nd, so it's not as valued.
Evolve Taste Their Fear (Q) first as it's the best skill to level up since the isolation damage is a lot and scales with level.
2nd you'll want to evolve Leap (E) because it's Khazix's main skill for cleaning up fights + longer range is very useful.
Last we'll evolve Void Assault (R) because it has received a buff and making the stealth duration increased from 1 second to 2 seconds.
Khazix has good ganks and decent clears, he has a damaging skill that happens every 2 seconds to chain with your auto attacks, he has a sustain skill to keep him healthy and after he gets elder lizard, a few levels and level 6 his clears become really fast, his ganks become scary because he brings a lot of mobility + CC + damage. His ganks are good because he has a gap closer, he's got 2 slows to bring with him and of course damage, and once 6 he can use his ultimate for more gap closing + slow.
Usually when I jungle Khazix, I have the mentality of ganking 60% and farming 40% since his clears are decently fast as his ganks are strong and he can snowball off 1 kill and once I've gained my ultimate it changes to 40% ganking 60% farming.I will jungle if my smite is up or if I have stacks up from the jungle item or if I can't find a gank (by analyzing situations), Khazix's pre-6 ganks are decently strong but a bit slow to do because of the short range with his leap but once your in range of all your spells you will be doing a lot of damage and CC'ing targets, basically try to get in range for your skills and your slows. Once I've obtained my ultimate, ganks become relatively easier and can keep coming constantly because I have evolved wings to gap close even harder and I have 2 extra stacks of my passive to contribute to more slows and mobility to catch someone, also the damage from my passive resetting is great and my Q is almost max level so I'll be doing some great damage. I'll also look for low HP targets to dive or to clean up if some skirmishes have happened.
A successful gank involves you getting in melee range of the opponent which is easily do-able with a gap closer or slow with void spike. If you are leaping in for melee range try to do a mid-air Q so you can do more damage in succession, and once your in melee range try to auto attack the enemy to get the slow off, then cast your Q if it's still up or use W to slow even more, then just stick with the enemy. I usually go in when the enemy goes in for a trade or aggression because this means he's moving towards me so I can get in range easier for my E.
Usually when I jungle Khazix, I have the mentality of ganking 60% and farming 40% since his clears are decently fast as his ganks are strong and he can snowball off 1 kill and once I've gained my ultimate it changes to 40% ganking 60% farming.I will jungle if my smite is up or if I have stacks up from the jungle item or if I can't find a gank (by analyzing situations), Khazix's pre-6 ganks are decently strong but a bit slow to do because of the short range with his leap but once your in range of all your spells you will be doing a lot of damage and CC'ing targets, basically try to get in range for your skills and your slows. Once I've obtained my ultimate, ganks become relatively easier and can keep coming constantly because I have evolved wings to gap close even harder and I have 2 extra stacks of my passive to contribute to more slows and mobility to catch someone, also the damage from my passive resetting is great and my Q is almost max level so I'll be doing some great damage. I'll also look for low HP targets to dive or to clean up if some skirmishes have happened.
Always keep tabs on your blue buff/red buff and do them immediately or have some ward coverage so the enemy jungler doesn't steal it, he will steal your red buff (blue side) if you're ganking top and he notices you started there and it's 7:15 minutes. These are general rules I go by, but if you can get a kill and lose a buff it's worth it in my opinion so if you think you can get a kill go for it. Some Junglers out there will not keep tabs on their buff, and at 7:15 if you know he started blue on purple side and you see him ganking top, that's a free blue for you. Little notes like these will make you a better counter jungler and player. |
A successful gank involves you getting in melee range of the opponent which is easily do-able with a gap closer or slow with void spike. If you are leaping in for melee range try to do a mid-air Q so you can do more damage in succession, and once your in melee range try to auto attack the enemy to get the slow off, then cast your Q if it's still up or use W to slow even more, then just stick with the enemy. I usually go in when the enemy goes in for a trade or aggression because this means he's moving towards me so I can get in range easier for my E.
When to do Dragon
- Bot Lane is dead. Reason: When doing dragon, it would be a 4v2 if they try to contest it.
- You see bot lane recall and your mid and bot lane help do dragon (your team has to have immediate reaction from you and your teammates).
- Mid laner down. Reason: Mid is basically worth 1.5x of an ADC early game, because of the level advantage. So you have a clear advantage at dragon.
- You feel confident on doing it. You feel that the enemy team won't contest, feeling more powerful, etc.
- Vision warded or sweeping lens'd, can solo or ask for some help.
How to Effectively do Jungle Creeps
Level 1 : AA - Q - AA
Level 2 : AA-W-Q-AA
Level 3 : Add E at the front, though I recommend you save your leap if you are either about to gank or feel like your going to be getting ganked/invaded etc.
Blue Side Route
1. Red (smite)
2. Wolves
3. Blue (smite)
4. Gank or Super Wraith
5. Wolves
6. Wraiths
7. Golems
When ganking:
- Usual Combo: E - Q - AA - W - R - AA and then use skills whenever up.
Purple Side Route
1. Blue (smite)
2. Wolves
3. Red (smite)
4. Gank or Golems
5. Wraiths
6. Wolves
7. Super Wraith
Ganking Mid Lane
Khazix's kill potential on mid only happens if they are overextended into your lane, since if there close to there tower your gonna probably get a E+Q+AA+W combo but can't chase any farther into tower unless hes low. Now since mid's usually have crowd control and if they are over extended it should be easy for Khazix since he brings damage and a lot of slows to his ganks, though the E leap is a bit low ranged. Once he hits 6 he's really good at picking off mid since he'll bring a lot of burst and of course can get in the fray faster while persistantly hunting the enemy down with his ultimate and of course the constant slows coming in back and forth. He can also tower dive now since he can just jump out after he gets the kill.
Ganking Bottom Lane
The hardest lane to gank, this lane is probably the trickiest to pull off as everything is warded most of the time. I will be talking about this from blue side perspective.
Ganking this lane is actually the hardest lane to gank because it's warded literally everywhere around it, the trick to ganking this lane through a lane gank is waiting until the enemy trades with your lane or your lane lands a CC, that way you can follow up with your damage and can stick with the target. I prefer to gank this lane of course if they are over extended
This lane is usually warded though and you'll need your bot lane to feed you information on where the wards are, but fairly the gank should be relatively easily, once your in range of your leap, jump in pick your target, ping your target, and then try and get your slows onto him (W, AA) and use your R to catch up with the enemy or to reactivate your passive and then just keep using your Q for DPS. After you get a kill, decide whether you can jump to the next target or if it's enough (ex: don't jump if he's at tower already and you can't dive no longer.
Start with Q as it's your most damaging skill.
When to do Dragon Comes up every 6 minutes |
The dragon comes up every 6 minutes, knowing when to dragon is key, remember its every 6 minutes and you need to have some sort of advantage most of the time when doing it.
Khazix's dragon is superior to most junglers, because of the isolation damage and his Q being up every 2-3 seconds for it to come. Usually you can solo it at level 9 with elder lizard and level 7 with some back up, and he actually has one of the fastest damage on dragon and baron in the game along with Elise.
BARON NASHOR aka Dragon V2 Comes up every 7 minutes |
The Baron comes up every 7 minutes. Again like dragon, Baron is done extremely fast with Khazix as he does have the evolved claws by now and the isolation damage. He'll need someone to tank it for him but he'll be done with it super quickly and of course you should outsmite anyone who dares to try steal it because of the smite + Q combo.
Counter Jungling
Khazix is a good counter jungler, as he can use his ultimate and leap to disengage to a safe place if needed. Once confrontated with the enemy jungler, Khazix has a lot of kill potential on the enemy, because of the amount of CC he can bring, the amount of gap closing and lastly the isolation damage which is optimal for 1v1s. Basically if your ahead also you'll have a lot of kill potential on the enemy and if you catch him off guard he's yours to prey.
A good way to go in there jungle is when you have vision of the enemy jungler, having that gives you an idea of what to do in a jungle for example, say he's ganking bot lane at 7:15 when he should be getting his buffs is like saying free buffs for Khazix.
Counter Ganking:
Find your enemy jungler, then set up in a place where he will come and you can come kill the enemy jungler or whoever is squishier with your allied laner, make sure to pick a target that you can burst and your ally knows it, or else the disperse damage could cause you to die.
Khazix is a great counter ganker, as the damage has been put onto your ally and if he hasn't died yet then you can come in, clean up and since there cooldowns are down they can't focus you and Khazix's damage is very high, and of course once he gets a kill he can jump to the other person for another kill if possible.
How to Spike Objectives
Smite + Q.
Mid game you should have Spirit of the Elder Lizard and The Brutalizer, and you'll actually be outputting a lot of damage with this and can do a full combo on a squishy and probably kill them with it. |
This is where also the best team fights come alive, since everyone is around level 13 and multiple variables happen instead of late game where it's peel for carries and kill the crowd controlled guy, refer to team fights section for what to do with skills and mindset.
In the mean time, keep trying to find picks as Khazix is a heavy mobile assassin champion who loves to find prey and can 1v1 a lot of champions in the game, especially squishies and vulnerable targets like Ziggs, Ashe etc. Careful of the 1v1ers like Vayne, people with BotRK, other assassins and mids who can 1 shot you.
Now with the new isolation mechanics, you can either split push or again try finding picks as in team fights it's really hard to find isolated targets since they are so close together (unless your in lower elo) then people tend to stray off and be isolated. Remember Khazix's prime time is now isolation instead of just going in and diving.
Try to find objectives to secure if you have an advantage and push with your advantage.
Also you should be keeping track of objectives on timers like dragon and baron, 6 minutes for dragon and 7 minutes for baron.
Team fighting will be referred to the team fights section so remember to look at that!
By now you should have a Last Whisper, obtained your Black Cleaver or may want to consider building a defensive item like Banshee's Veil.
Kha'Zix stays decently strong late game, as most AD champions do since they have the auto attacks and can survive throughout a mage's burst. He still has incredibly high damage, has poke and of course can dive in and out still, but also now he has great survivability with his R giving him 3 stacks of invisibility and also giving him in total 6 seconds of stealth any sources which makes him an incredible assassin. He can still 1v1 most enemies with his kit as explained before.
Kha'Zix stays decently strong late game, as most AD champions do since they have the auto attacks and can survive throughout a mage's burst. He still has incredibly high damage, has poke and of course can dive in and out still, but also now he has great survivability with his R giving him 3 stacks of invisibility and also giving him in total 6 seconds of stealth any sources which makes him an incredible assassin. He can still 1v1 most enemies with his kit as explained before.
What is your role in a team fight?
The Assassin, is the one who can take out targets swiftly and have extreme agility.
What do you do with your skills?
Taste Their Fear - This is used to poke the enemy team down and widdle them down before a team fight, it is ranged and should be used when you need to damage someone from a distance. When jumping in you should use it to damage someone in succession of your combo after laning with leap and landing the auto attack while using this after.
Void Spike - This is used to poke the enemy team down and widdle them down before a team fight, it is ranged and should be used when you need to damage someone from a distance. When jumping in you should use it to damage someone in succession of your combo after laning with leap and landing the auto attack while using this after.
Leap - This skill is the most important part of playing Khazix, knowing when to jump in and out. Basically the only time I'll jump in is if I know I can get a kill, so if I see the opportunity to get a kill I'll jump out, if they engaged on me/focusing me I'll jump out and let them switch focus, once I'm out I'll just wait til I see a kill..
Void Assault - This is used once you have jumped in the fight as it provides you cover and makes the enemy have to switch focus for awhile, and also since it's evolved to R you'll get longer stealth duration, if your winning the team fight use it to chase down enemies and stop them from getting away.
What positioning should you have?
Alright, as opposed to other guides this one will be what I do during the team fight 90% of the time and explain every situation with Khazix.
Initiating - Example of us initiating is say we have a Leona. If she gets a good target and it's a squishy I can dive on with her as that character is going to blow up, so I'm going to leap in and just start whaling onto the enemy while using my ultimate for cover and of course resetting the passive, I'll also decide whether I can leap to another target but if I start getting focused I'll jump to my team for cover and use my W to poke or if I see a kill I can either flash onto him if my leap isn't up.
Enemy Initiates - An example of us initiating is say we have a Leona. If she gets a good target and it's a squishy I can dive on with her as that character is going to blow up, so I'm going to leap in and just start whaling onto the enemy while using my ultimate for cover and of course resetting the passive, I'll also decide whether I can leap to another target but if I start getting focused I'll jump to my team for cover and use my W to poke or if I see a kill I can either flash onto him if my leap isn't up. Afterwards I will try to play the assassin and wait to clean up kills so I can jump in and out and clean up easily.
Enemy Initiates not on you - Another example of the enemy initating on us is that if the initiation was on me I'll have to jump out immediately and just wait for my team to cover for me and I'll just poke with my W and damage people, once my leap is up I can jump back in and look for a kill steal (because that's what reset characters do).
An example of the enemy initiating on us and if the initation isn't on me, I'll focus there front line as if I dived onto the enemy back line without any sort of back up I'll just end up dying or being a distraction who might still die. So I'll just peel until I see an opening for me to jump in and assassinate them.
Once your HP is low, you should only attack someone when you can get in melee range and not die or if you have your W up, if you see the enemies cooldowns are down that's another point to make. Remember you want to always be surviving throughout the whole fight and that's your goal, but you still want to have presence in a fight even with low HP or unless you can find a camp to heal off of.
Khazix is an assassin jungle, he's very dominate in the jungle with the season 4 changes because junglers can get more gold. He plays now again to his old self where he jumps in and out and cleans up the fight as contrary to his tanky Khazix.
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