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Choose Champion Build:
- Minigun Havoc
- Endless Fishbones Destruction
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Get Excited! (PASSIVE)
Jinx Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Tristana stomps Jinx in the early mid game so be careful, Therefore late game Jinx outdamages her
Press the Attack allows you to stack damage in addition with your minigun to maximize your damage output. Sorcery and especially Ultimate hat Allows you to clean up kills with your ulti and have more global impact to the game.Gatherim storm gives you an even better lead to the late game
This Buid will grant you a sure late game victory
Infinity Edge is a must item on Jinx since it gives you more damage on critical strikes, overall flat ad and critical chance.I suggest you to buy it first item since with the runes and masteries , you have enough attack speed to win most of the early trades.
Runaans Hurricane is the second core item on this build with Jinx and general in most of Jinx's builds.You can deal aoe damage even more since you already have fishbones, you can clear fast the waves and overall gain the attack speed and critical you need
After Runaans I recommend buying Phantom Dancer since it maximazies your attack speed and critical capability, allows you to win easier the duels with its passive and does better job in 1v1 duels than statikk shiv or firecannon
Bloodthirster is the mascot of this build since we are focusing on the lifesteal and its cons.You can build Bloodthirster right after Runaans Hurricane and then go for Phantom Dancer. Bloodthirster gives you the +20%Life Steal , the flat ad and the passive shield which can protect you from aoe damage or even single target spells.
Last but not least Blade of the Ruined Kingcomes to put an end to the heavy tanks of the enemy team, grant you even more lifesteal and gain attackspeed on fishbones. Blade is what makes this build special because you gain its benefits and combining the mwith the rest build,runes and masteries you become and indistructable beast!
Infinity Edge is a must item on Jinx since it gives you more damage on critical strikes, overall flat ad and critical chance.I suggest you to buy it first item since with the runes and masteries , you have enough attack speed to win most of the early trades.
Runaans Hurricane is the second core item on this build with Jinx and general in most of Jinx's builds.You can deal aoe damage even more since you already have fishbones, you can clear fast the waves and overall gain the attack speed and critical you need
After Runaans I recommend buying Phantom Dancer since it maximazies your attack speed and critical capability, allows you to win easier the duels with its passive and does better job in 1v1 duels than statikk shiv or firecannon
Bloodthirster is the mascot of this build since we are focusing on the lifesteal and its cons.You can build Bloodthirster right after Runaans Hurricane and then go for Phantom Dancer. Bloodthirster gives you the +20%Life Steal , the flat ad and the passive shield which can protect you from aoe damage or even single target spells.
Last but not least Blade of the Ruined Kingcomes to put an end to the heavy tanks of the enemy team, grant you even more lifesteal and gain attackspeed on fishbones. Blade is what makes this build special because you gain its benefits and combining the mwith the rest build,runes and masteries you become and indistructable beast!
This Spells can help you escape, engage or survive a fight.
Heal is a common adc rune because it grants you heal and movement speed.Jinx doesnt have a lot of mobility other than her passive so she needs that extra healing and speed in order to survive a dangerous gank!
Flash is the most common spell in almost every champion because it can help you on a chase , to escape or to dodge a critical move from the enemy.I highly recommend it on jinx because she doesnt have a lot of moblity!
Heal is a common adc rune because it grants you heal and movement speed.Jinx doesnt have a lot of mobility other than her passive so she needs that extra healing and speed in order to survive a dangerous gank!
Flash is the most common spell in almost every champion because it can help you on a chase , to escape or to dodge a critical move from the enemy.I highly recommend it on jinx because she doesnt have a lot of moblity!
Your mid/late game is like no other.With this build you have the maximum durability and damage output. You deal Tons Of Damageno matter if the enemies have tanks or not because you have blade of the ruined king which pierce the life of your enemies, and critical for the squishy ones.In the late game you can one shot the enemy carries literally and 2 or 3 shot the rest of the team.Youc an also survive a 3 or even 4v1 thanks to your high attackspeed damage and lifesteal.You can easily carry the whole game even if you misposition yourself.When you get full build you can also sell the boots to get a statikk shiv/guardian angel/lord dominik depending on the situation to maximize your power.You can also solo kill the baron nashor Baron Nashor after getting full build which gives enough time to your team to push or take other objectives like dragon etc
Even tho you are a powerful in the mid/late game , your Early game is pretty weak.You need to play pretty deffensive and just farm for the first 13~ mins in order to purchase your Infinity Edge and Runaans.Especially when battling early damage Adcs like Draven , Caitlyn etc.
Try to play passive and wait for a gank or a fight in dragon pit.Keep an eye for low health opponents in order to get a fast kill and some extra gold which will give you a great advantage since you are buying more items.
Your mid/late game is like no other.With this build you have the maximum durability and damage output. You deal Tons Of Damageno matter if the enemies have tanks or not because you have blade of the ruined king which pierce the life of your enemies, and critical for the squishy ones.In the late game you can one shot the enemy carries literally and 2 or 3 shot the rest of the team.Youc an also survive a 3 or even 4v1 thanks to your high attackspeed damage and lifesteal.You can easily carry the whole game even if you misposition yourself.When you get full build you can also sell the boots to get a statikk shiv/guardian angel/lord dominik depending on the situation to maximize your power.You can also solo kill the baron nashor Baron Nashor after getting full build which gives enough time to your team to push or take other objectives like dragon etc
Even tho you are a powerful in the mid/late game , your Early game is pretty weak.You need to play pretty deffensive and just farm for the first 13~ mins in order to purchase your Infinity Edge and Runaans.Especially when battling early damage Adcs like Draven , Caitlyn etc.
Try to play passive and wait for a gank or a fight in dragon pit.Keep an eye for low health opponents in order to get a fast kill and some extra gold which will give you a great advantage since you are buying more items.
The Partners
Jinx Works well with suppports that can provide her enough sustain allowing her to be more time in the treamfights, the best supports to play with jinx is:
Jinx Players who have easy time dodging skillshots and are able to have a good position in the teamfight can work really well with supports such as:
Because theyr cc allows them to react fast and grab some easy kills while also evading other players abilities
The Counters
Jinx has hard time playing versus adcs with strong early game such as Draven Tristana and Caitlyn because she lack early game these situations its good to have a cc suppport with you if the enemy adc has a squishy one because in this scenario you can actually get some early kills from lane and then snowball.If the enemy pick kill supports with the adcs above you are gonna have a hard time playing the lane since one cc equals death for you, in this situtation you are gonna need a strong tank/sustain support but also the help of your jungler, otherwise they are gonna shove the lane and eventually win the matchup. Playing safe and smart in this situtations is the key to win the lane and thus win lategame aswell. You should not play wrecklessly because Jinx has a eally HARD time getting back into the game after being behind.
Jinx Works well with suppports that can provide her enough sustain allowing her to be more time in the treamfights, the best supports to play with jinx is:
Jinx Players who have easy time dodging skillshots and are able to have a good position in the teamfight can work really well with supports such as:
Because theyr cc allows them to react fast and grab some easy kills while also evading other players abilities
The Counters
Jinx has hard time playing versus adcs with strong early game such as Draven Tristana and Caitlyn because she lack early game these situations its good to have a cc suppport with you if the enemy adc has a squishy one because in this scenario you can actually get some early kills from lane and then snowball.If the enemy pick kill supports with the adcs above you are gonna have a hard time playing the lane since one cc equals death for you, in this situtation you are gonna need a strong tank/sustain support but also the help of your jungler, otherwise they are gonna shove the lane and eventually win the matchup. Playing safe and smart in this situtations is the key to win the lane and thus win lategame aswell. You should not play wrecklessly because Jinx has a eally HARD time getting back into the game after being behind.
My name is Victorious in league of legends and I was Platinum division 2 years in a row (mostly because i didnt play much of a ranked games).I've been playing league for 5 years and have lived all the changes, the metas and the reworks of the league.This build isnt a build to be taken so serious of, its mostly to have fun and deal some heck of a damage. Tho with enough train this build come become pretty handy and help you even climb some divisions.I would like you to give me some feedback on the build and tell me your experience with this build. Have fun! :)
Send me your thoughts in the discussion section.Stay tuned! :)
Send me your thoughts in the discussion section.Stay tuned! :)
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