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Zed Build Guide by 13DemoN37

Penetrating shadow

Penetrating shadow

Updated on June 22, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 13DemoN37 Build Guide By 13DemoN37 1,171 Views 0 Comments
1,171 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 13DemoN37 Zed Build Guide By 13DemoN37 Updated on June 22, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Zed
  • LoL Champion: Zed
    I'm the best AD


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Summoner's spells

As summoner's spells you will take flash and ignite or exaust. Presonally i think zed with barrier is bad for trades and teleport is not that effective on assassins, it's better for a mage. Flash should be taken because it seems made for zed, outplay potential, more mobility to combo with your shadows, Flash to shadow slash(E) is a pretty combo. Ignite deals true damage so don't increase the R mark damage, but reduce their heals and their chance to restore enough hp to survive to your ultimate. Is also good because if your R won't kill the low target, probably ignite will do it, so you can back to your R's shadow and get the kill safe. Exaust is better if you have a heavy all in champion, specially AD as a Talon, and it's perfect to trade but i don't recomand it against ap laners. You already got hexdrinker as defensive, but against AD team you have to buy damage since first back so it's better have something that peel for you.
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Roam is very important as assassin. First push wave mid or harass your enemy. Then move into enemy's jungle and focus one lane. Ping your teamates you're coming their lane to help, so they will let enemies push or they will push if you want try a towerdive. If roam bot focus the marksman who is squishy, if you invade enemy's jungle to get their jungler be sure to have yours who follow you up to help if you need. If you roam top, be careful when dive a cc tank.
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Poke combos: W-E-Q-E

Harassment combos: W-E-AA-Q

Ultimate combos: W-R-E-AA-Q-AA
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 13DemoN37
13DemoN37 Zed Guide
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Penetrating shadow

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