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She is pretty strong, her poke is amazing and with her R can escape to you when you ult her, so just poke her aswell and dodge her charm, then try go in when she's low enough that even if she ults you kill her with mark.
She has a good powerspikes after 6 but don't worry just buy a pink and go all in her after 6.
Care Anivia's poke and burst, dodge stun or you're in trouble, care her wall too,
Annie's Tibbers will give you some problems, but nothing you can resolve using the brain and shadows, just care because with her hard cc their jungler will come and you'll die easy in a 2v1, specially when stunned.
Impossible matchup, or you get 1/2 in the first minutes, or just roam or lane swap.
Aurelion Sol
He has poke but his stun is easy to dodge, and even if he push you away with R just switch with shadow and you're there again so is not hard.
He's a lane bully, he will poke you hard but if you farm until 6 and don't get stuck in his wall you're free to kill him. Make him waste his spells to get ganked and get easy kill.
After rework he's damn strong, but if you dodge his stun he can hit only 2 skills of 4 because E and R are target spells(don't get too much damage by staying near minions when he R you)
Her rework is simply amazing, she will poke hard and if she stuns with R you're dead, so try avoid it with shadow and try an all in, just remember you can't use W to escape/engage is she blocks you with her W
After 6 she has good burst but yours is greater. Just fight her with R, but care because her R cd is 20 seconds, in early yours is over 100seconds, so if you waste it you have to play safe for a while.
His passive early make you a lot of damage and his ult is perfect to counter yours. Also W AOE stun is very effective... better play safe or catch him our of position.
AP Ez... Just dodge W and R him. EZ
He's the typical champion makes people tilt, so buil hexdrinker and engage him with R when his E is on cooldown.
Placing turrets can be annoying, but just poke him and remove towers with W,then engage him when maybe is not near turrets or jungler comes. Just care his R-Q, don't underastemate it.
Seriusly pretty easy, just go in. nothing to say about this matchup. (oh yhea when kill him don't BM too much, he can kill you when he's dead :D)
She will roam more than you for sure. Just push her early and follow her after 6 when she roams. Remember, unless she's fed she can't face you 1v1.
Her level 2 is huge, better farm until 6 and poke her, roam for get ahead and please don't waste ult and spells on her passive.
Pretty hard matchup she pokes and zone you hard with her cc, and she's also a bit tanky. Try caught her with a cc jungler or support roam. Be careful because her ultimate can counter yours if she ults her for healing and AOE damage.
Lulu has a nice poke and her R+shield can deny your R damage. However if you dodge her Q and make her waste her spells you can try an all in, but care polymorph.
Not an hard matchup. poke with Q so he can't have his shield up and never engage him without making his shield proc.
Very good mage to face Zed. Try to trade him when he has not his passive ready or you'll die.
Very hard champion to lane against at the moment. But he's a slow mage so try to invade/roam or gank him when he's oom. Remmeber the only escape he has is his own flash.
Full skillshot mage, the only target spell is her R which can be blocked my hexdrinker shield. If you avoid the stun and go straight on you shouldn't have problems.
Still new champions, there are only a couple of players who can play her VERY WELL. Anyway you can dodge kinda everything so shouldn't be hard.
Spell shield is usless, and if dodge Q well you won the trade. Get out of R range and come back in with shadows and it will be easy.
Twisted Fate
A target spell stun can't be dodged easly but if you use R well you can deny it. Dodge his Q when he pokes in lane and try get him when he waste is W.
Pretty easy lane, he can't farm if you bully him and 2 kills of 3 for deal damage are skill shot. If dodge them with shadows he isn't able to ult you because now scales with missing health, but don't get stunned in late game or you're dead.
Quite sustained mage but his E is hard to land, just get out of his W as fast as you can or his combo will deals you lot of damage.
Annoying sustain and damage with the new E. Poke and trade him with W and when he pops his W... kill him with R!
Full skill shot mage. Just dodge. Not that hard then.
He has a good map control with his ult and big range on his Q. Be sure to follow him up when he use his Satchel(W) to get away from you.
Talon scales better, so just get ahead early by roaming or waiting a jungle gank, but if you wait to much to get ahead you're done.
Yasuo is still weak against assassins, so just farm safly until 6 and then deny his combo with your shadows and kill him easy.
Corki has plenty of damage, but don't forget he is a marksman, squishy but if you hesitate when you go in to get the kill you are...Dead.
Same as corki, if you find AD ez mid just care poke and his range, but if you make him waste his spells, then it's a easy kill for you.
The only thing you have to care in this lane are his barrels, because his W can't remove your R. The best thing you can do is bait him to use him barrel, throw W near him and dodge barrels to re-engage with your pre-placed W.
Same as Talon scales better, but as yasuo you can go in after 6 without fear, just always trade with brain or jayce will kill you. Oh and dodge his damn E-Q combo
Yhea Jhin mid... Easy lane, just farm until 6 and dodge his W.
Irelia is very dangerous to face...better roam and get ahead by killing other people before try trade her, just poke until jungler comes to help you.
Kha'Zix can punish you for your bad positioning, care his evolved Q when not around minions or allies, and try to counter his roam but still taking care to don't get caught or you will fall too behind.
Same as corki, he's a marksman, so it's kinda squishy. Just care his ult with the korean build.
Lee Sin
His mobility is very annoying, but you should kill him, just care because his early damage is higher than your, and it will be a little problem when you trade.
Master Yi
Master yi mid is very rare but you shouldn't have problems unless their jungler camper you, so have fun poking him and then bursting him, just care his W damage reduction, this matchup is preferible ignite.
STILL A MARKSMAN, just care her blind and her E positioning reset, but if you caught her while she is ulting/roaming you should kill her easly
Riven has a lot of mobility, but nothing you can outplay with your shadows. Poke her but care her double cc when go in.
ok he's another marksman. But care his Q poke and his R that can stuck you... don't dive him if you're not sure about what you're doing.
Pantheon mid is becoming very popular, and i'm not surprise, he will poke you hard and try a all in with the Q-W-E-AA-Q so play safe and don't trade him, just get ahead of creeps or roam, but never NEVER go 1v1 him when he's full hp.
If it's a normal game mirror lane, the only thing you have to use for win is... skill! The one who plays him better wins.
As summoner's spells you will take flash and ignite or exaust. Presonally i think zed with barrier is bad for trades and teleport is not that effective on assassins, it's better for a mage. Flash should be taken because it seems made for zed, outplay potential, more mobility to combo with your shadows, Flash to shadow slash(E) is a pretty combo. Ignite deals true damage so don't increase the R mark damage, but reduce their heals and their chance to restore enough hp to survive to your ultimate. Is also good because if your R won't kill the low target, probably ignite will do it, so you can back to your R's shadow and get the kill safe. Exaust is better if you have a heavy all in champion, specially AD as a Talon, and it's perfect to trade but i don't recomand it against ap laners. You already got hexdrinker as defensive, but against AD team you have to buy damage since first back so it's better have something that peel for you.
Roam is very important as assassin. First push wave mid or harass your enemy. Then move into enemy's jungle and focus one lane. Ping your teamates you're coming their lane to help, so they will let enemies push or they will push if you want try a towerdive. If roam bot focus the marksman who is squishy, if you invade enemy's jungle to get their jungler be sure to have yours who follow you up to help if you need. If you roam top, be careful when dive a cc tank.
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