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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Why did I choose theses items ? It's simple.
-Rylai gives a annoying slow to your poison and to you fling, nobody will escape. It gives a good hp pool too with a little amount of AP.
-Seraph's embrace gives a lot of mana (so a lot of HP with Singed passive), gives a good shield to enter in a fight and gives a good amount of AP (It will help you while lane time, you won't get oom so easily with tear of gods).
-Liandry's torment is one of the best items for Singed now. The passive is just amazing, it will burn 5% HP of ennemies that you(ll touch with your Poison of Fling every 3-4 seconds! And here if the enemy is slowed, 10% of their life will burn (And it's here that Rylai help a lot!) ! This item provide some HP and some AP too, with 15 magic penetration.
-Rabandon is necessary to deal a lot of damages with your poison.
-Abyssal scepter will give you the magic penetration you were needing to get (and will give some AP more + Some Magic Resist).
-Rylai gives a annoying slow to your poison and to you fling, nobody will escape. It gives a good hp pool too with a little amount of AP.
-Seraph's embrace gives a lot of mana (so a lot of HP with Singed passive), gives a good shield to enter in a fight and gives a good amount of AP (It will help you while lane time, you won't get oom so easily with tear of gods).
-Liandry's torment is one of the best items for Singed now. The passive is just amazing, it will burn 5% HP of ennemies that you(ll touch with your Poison of Fling every 3-4 seconds! And here if the enemy is slowed, 10% of their life will burn (And it's here that Rylai help a lot!) ! This item provide some HP and some AP too, with 15 magic penetration.
-Rabandon is necessary to deal a lot of damages with your poison.
-Abyssal scepter will give you the magic penetration you were needing to get (and will give some AP more + Some Magic Resist).
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