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Ability Order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
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If you get hooked you are mostly dead. but avoiding that just makes blitzcrank sensless
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U take Poppy mostly to counter the dashes from the enemy jungler (Lee sin)or support(Leona), to keep them away from the fight or don't let them escape. I personally pick Poppy everytime because i am too bad for other champions but you can decide on your own when you pick her.
Start with your E and try to get the enemy adc stunned all the time and engage a bit with your adc, BUT NO FULL ENGAGE ON LVL1!. Try to Keep the enemy adc away from the farm so he is behind. I recommend playing a dou Q bot lane, because then you can tell your adc when you engage. Don't use your Q in engages at earlygame, because you Need much mana for stunning all the time, but if you see a chance for killing the victim you can use it.
: Draven can work sometimes, but not always because he doesn't goes attack speed and most of the Time the enemys will try to escape when you stunned them, your draven has to kill the enemy fast or they are safe.
: This yordle bottom lane can destroy if you work good together, when you stunned the enemy, Tristana places the bomb on them and uses her attack speed buff to burst them out of the life. I reccomend this adc for poppy supp.
: When you have Bard adc (that doesn't happens often)you have to terrorise the enemy adc so that Bard gets farm, because his/her/its waveclear is not good in early game, but when you have the first kill, you go back and he is collecting Meeps around the map, when he has enough Meeps his/her/his waveclear gets better. When you hit an stun to an enemy, Bard can follow up with his Q and stun them again, so you both can deal a lot of damage. Toower dives are good with bard because he ults the Turret and then you have a short time period to kill the enemys. Also a good tactic is to go an a Magical journey (Bard E)together and hope that an enemys is dumb enough to follow. You wait at the end of the magical journey and when the enemy is out of it Bard Qs and you use E to stun him/her and then bard finishes it. Bard can work well if the bard player has experience.
: With the permanet slow of ashe the enemys are easy to hit with the E and when she starts the fight with an ult you can position yourself to keep the enemy in Range of Ashe or/and the jungler.
: This yordle bottom lane can destroy if you work good together, when you stunned the enemy, Tristana places the bomb on them and uses her attack speed buff to burst them out of the life. I reccomend this adc for poppy supp.
: When you have Bard adc (that doesn't happens often)you have to terrorise the enemy adc so that Bard gets farm, because his/her/its waveclear is not good in early game, but when you have the first kill, you go back and he is collecting Meeps around the map, when he has enough Meeps his/her/his waveclear gets better. When you hit an stun to an enemy, Bard can follow up with his Q and stun them again, so you both can deal a lot of damage. Toower dives are good with bard because he ults the Turret and then you have a short time period to kill the enemys. Also a good tactic is to go an a Magical journey (Bard E)together and hope that an enemys is dumb enough to follow. You wait at the end of the magical journey and when the enemy is out of it Bard Qs and you use E to stun him/her and then bard finishes it. Bard can work well if the bard player has experience.
: With the permanet slow of ashe the enemys are easy to hit with the E and when she starts the fight with an ult you can position yourself to keep the enemy in Range of Ashe or/and the jungler.
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