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Runes: unkillable talon
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Whenever you go against a good Katarina player they will destroy you 9 out the 10 times you guys fight. This is because Katerina is a harder champ then talon and have a higher skill cap.
Syndra support is extremely compatible with talon because the Syndra supports that I usually play with always leave their adcs and roam up to my lane to help me kill my laner and get me ahead enough to hard carry the game
Syndra support is extremely compatible with talon because the Syndra supports that I usually play with always leave their adcs and roam up to my lane to help me kill my laner and get me ahead enough to hard carry the game
Champion Build Guide
Conqueror - You want to be engager for your team during team fight because of the insane sustain and healing you have with this build.
Electrocute - The playstyle for electrocute is all about you camping in enemy jungle and try to pick off the enemy jungler during laning phase. During team fight you want to just let your teammate do all the damage and engage first. Then, you show up and clean them up and get yourself a pentakill.
Conqueror - Conqueror better than electrocute for the bruiser build because it give healings and allow you to stay in team fight longer.
Triumph - Its the best out of the three options available.
Legend: Tenacity - Its allows you to be cc for a shorter time. But you can change it to bloodline if the enemy team don't have much cc
Last Stand - I like this better because it allow me to outplayed the enemy as the Korean challenger smurf who just moved to NA.
Taste of Blood - Good runes for sustain in lane and also give more healing to us which make us unkillable late game. Sudden impact is another option if you want that instead.
Relentless Hunter - This rune give a lot of movement speed to talon which is good for him. Another option would be Ravenous Hunter since it offer healing for you.
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