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Hecarim Build Guide by Doaenel

Jungle [PRESEASON] The Ultimate Season 11 Hecarim Guide

Jungle [PRESEASON] The Ultimate Season 11 Hecarim Guide

Updated on November 11, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doaenel Build Guide By Doaenel 59 6 142,773 Views 1 Comments
59 6 142,773 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Doaenel Hecarim Build Guide By Doaenel Updated on November 11, 2020
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Runes: Standard Rune Page

Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Bruiser Build
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Champion Build Guide

[PRESEASON] The Ultimate Season 11 Hecarim Guide

By Doaenel
Summoner Spells
If you are going for either the standard build or bruiser build, you need Challenging Smite and Ghost.

If you are going for the assassin build, get Chilling Smite instead to make one shotting easier.
This rune allows for Hecarim to just jump straight into fights and kill everybody. With the damage amplification and healing it offers at full stacks, you can easily take 1v2 fights and double kill, while also being able to destroy everyone during teamfights.

This rune is a necessity. Hecarim is somewhat of a drain-tank, which means he gets low during his fights and relies on healing in order to stay alive, Triumph comes in clutch a lot of the time and allows you to keep fighting and killing everyone.

This rune is the most optimal Legend rune because Hecarim is a champion with very low cooldowns which means any form of CC used against him stops him from doing a good amount of damage output, no matter how long the fight has been dragging for, so Tenacity is a good stat to have.

Of all the three runes, this one is the best. Since Hecarim is a champion that gets in the thick of things while fighting and is usually targeted, he gets pretty low. Last Stand allows your damage to come in big since you're usually hovering on the edge of death most teamfights.

This rune is good because Hecarim's Devastating Charge and Onslaught of Shadows both count as dashes, which means you will pretty much always benefit from the lethality bonus.

This rune is very good because you heal off your Rampage, which you will use hundreds of times per game, effectively giving you around 5k - 10k healing by game end

For the three adaptive, go double damage and then take armor

This will be the build you run on Hecarim when you are versus 4-5 squishies, and can easily one shot the majority of the enemy team.

This item is very good on Hecarim because with the movement speed and shield it gives, it's like having Phase Rush, and makes it easy to initiate fights without dying and run people down / get out after one shotting someone.

This is another insane item because the Ravenous Hydra passive applies to everyone who gets hit by Rampage which makes it so you heal a lot, and also do a lot more damage.

This item is good since it gives a lot of damage, as well as giving a Sheen passive which you lack on other items. It is also nice because it gives mana which means you will never run OOM.

This item is good because it gives lethality and also helps with the one shotting threshhold by doing the 5% execute. It also gives crit which synergizes well with Essence Reaver, allowing you to instantly kill people.

This is a good last item because it gives movement speed with the active, and also gives lethality, which makes one shotting very easy to do.


This will be the build you run on Hecarim when you are versus 3+ tanks and need armor penetration to be able to have a good amount of teamfight impact

This item is very good because it can be used as an animation cancel for Hecarim's Devastating Charge and Onslaught of Shadows. It also applies an AoE slow and damage to everyone which is good. Another good component of it is that it has bonus MS as its mythic passive which allows Hecarim to become even faster

This is another insane item because the Ravenous Hydra passive applies to everyone who gets hit by Rampage which makes it so you heal a lot, and also do a lot more damage.

This item is good because it gives you a lot of armor pen which is good to deal with tanks, and also applies a 30% slow to everyone who gets hit by your abilities in teamfights, which means pretty much everyone is permaslowed by 30%

This item is good because it gives Hecarim a shield which helps with survivability in the later game teamfights, it also gives healing when you attack other champions which makes him very strong.

This item is good because it amplifies the healing from Triumph Conqueror Ravenous Hydra and Spirit of Dread


This will be the standard Hecarim build to run in most games if you don't really need to play around a certain type of champion, whether it be a team full of tanks or a team full of squishies.

This item is essential because it gives the sheen effect, and also gives healing, effectively making you do a lot more damage while also being able to tank a lot more

This is another insane item because the Ravenous Hydra passive applies to everyone who gets hit by Rampage which makes it so you heal a lot, and also do a lot more damage.

This item is good because it gives Hecarim a shield which helps with survivability in the later game teamfights, it also gives healing when you attack other champions which makes him very strong.

Death's Dance is very good for this build because it makes you take less damage initially, which gives you time to heal off all the other abilities and items you have

This item is insane because you get extra healing from literally everything, allowing you to heal for thousands a teamfight even through grievous wounds


For all builds, either go merc treads or plated steelcaps depending on the enemy team comp.
Early Pathing
Blue ---> Gromp ---> Wolves ---> Raptors ---> Red ---> Krugs ---> Scuttle.

Here is an example video to show what the clear should resemble:

Watch until 2:23, do this every single game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doaenel
Doaenel Hecarim Guide
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[PRESEASON] The Ultimate Season 11 Hecarim Guide

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