Do not get caught. Do not get caught. Do not get caught.
Any tank/melee champ with low mobility or who is easily kiteable will just melt. Don't be afraid to be aggressive within reason and always contest minions when it's safe to do so.
In general anyone who can consistently apply more damage than you when you're trying to poke, lock you down with stuns, or who is really hard to kite is going to be a rough matchup for you. In general ranged toplaners are kinda scary, but if they pick a melee character you should be fine.
Little tip for briar: Your W invisibility breaks her self-taunt aggro. Use it to run the fuck away when she tries to W you and ideally follow it up with an E for the slow to guarantee you can slip her. A good Briar is still absolutely scary for Aurora though, so don't get cocky.
Buy Zhonya's and get good at dodging.
The GP/Aurora matchup is really rough since he can push you out of auto range quite well if he's good, and bullies you out of CS fairly effectively to boot. You need to play the mental game and bait him into wasting his barrels, but it's tough vs a decent player. He's not really played enough currently to justify banning IMO, but it's not a fun time.
You fuck Malphite up 9 times out of 10 because he has low range - just play around that fact and don't get surprise bush ulted.
Really depends if you know how to dodge/space vs. Aatrox. If you do this becomes trivial, but if you can't or he outplays you it will be bad.
Kill him as many times as you can before he Qs to infinity, he does nothing early. Do not assume you will be able to continue spanking him when he has 400 stacks, you will get bonked.
The shield is really fucking rough, he does a bootload of damage, and he can easily get on you, lock you down, and chase you.
Garen is kind of free as long as you're not greedy and you don't get surprise buttsexed from a bush. That being said, don't fight him when you're low; he will run on your ass, press R, and send you to a grey screen faster than you can say 'DEMACIA!'
You can't just melt this guy as hard as some other melee champs. Just poke him down and when he's getting low bully him out of lane or go for the kill if you feel confident. If you manage him well and mind your mana/hp you should be able to outfarm him pretty hard. Also you can use your W and E to jump out of his W. Remember to auto the ghouls.
Heimercringer is a miserable laner to deal with unless your jungler is really, really on the ball with it - try to get them to gank when he shoves waves, but if you get left alone it's pretty hard, since you can't go aggro on him unless he's significantly behind already.
Let him spend his mana setting up turrets, don't fight around them. In general just don't EVER fight him on his terms
You can really just bully mordekaiser early on. Once he has his ult and access to slow through Rylai's you need to be careful. Try to bait the E and then just poke him. Consider buying Liandry's second for damage, or cosmic drive to outrun him.
My mouth starts watering whenever I see Free'Gath in my lane. Literally just melt him with autos when he tries to CS and he'll never be able to do anything.
In my experience this matchup is Fineā¢ but you do have to play quite safe. Do not get caught without mana halfway up lane it will be your death. Proc your passive as often as you can without going too aggro and you're pretty gucci.
The average Darius player is greedy and kiteable especially in low elo, so abuse that if it's present. Be aware of his healing if he all-ins you, he can very quickly become scary again if he hits abilities on you. Otherwise the gameplay is similar to other melee toplaners - contest minions and poke him down. He's not very scary.
So generally anyone who has good CC and can lock enemies down is amazing for Aurora. Peely frontlines are nice too, especially since if you're going attack speed you won't get as much health as you would if you had items like Riftmaker or Cosmic Drive
Leona can roam very well during laning phase, and you can secure kills together extremely easily once you both have level 6. She compensates for your squishiness and offers excellent lock-down potential on enemy champs. If you're playing Aurora as a botlane carry she's a great support for the same reasons.
Skarner also has great lockdown and tankiness that make his ganks super good for Aurora. Just let him take the aggro and tank/cc while you pelt them with autos and your QE combo.
Galio's tankiness and ability to frontline along with his amazing ganks and teamfight potential work really nicely with your squishy but mobile and damaging champ.
If you can poke your enemy down a bit and then bait them into pushing up lane Wukong's ganking potential with your kit is very nice. His ultimate synergises well with yours in teamfights too.
Your engage and chase potential together is absolutely disgusting.
Alistar's mixture of CC and ability to frontline for you is very nice - another strong contender for support if you're playing in botlane, and very useful in teamfights regardless of what lane you pick.
Rammus has basically everything you could want from a jungler as Aurora - great speedy engage and chase, tankiness, and reliable CC in the form of his taunt.
So generally anyone who has good CC and can lock enemies down is amazing for Aurora. Peely frontlines are nice too, especially since if you're going attack speed you won't get as much health as you would if you had items like Riftmaker or Cosmic Drive
Leona can roam very well during laning phase, and you can secure kills together extremely easily once you both have level 6. She compensates for your squishiness and offers excellent lock-down potential on enemy champs. If you're playing Aurora as a botlane carry she's a great support for the same reasons.
Skarner also has great lockdown and tankiness that make his ganks super good for Aurora. Just let him take the aggro and tank/cc while you pelt them with autos and your QE combo.
Galio's tankiness and ability to frontline along with his amazing ganks and teamfight potential work really nicely with your squishy but mobile and damaging champ.
If you can poke your enemy down a bit and then bait them into pushing up lane Wukong's ganking potential with your kit is very nice. His ultimate synergises well with yours in teamfights too.
Your engage and chase potential together is absolutely disgusting.
Alistar's mixture of CC and ability to frontline for you is very nice - another strong contender for support if you're playing in botlane, and very useful in teamfights regardless of what lane you pick.
Rammus has basically everything you could want from a jungler as Aurora - great speedy engage and chase, tankiness, and reliable CC in the form of his taunt.
Hi! I'm Maia, and this is my first guide. Attack speed/on-hit Aurora is something I've been experimenting with for a little while now, and while it's probably pretty safe to say that it's not as strong as full AP Aurora it is, in my opinion, extremely fun to play. I go fairly in-depth on my item choices in the notes sections, but the build is fairly flexible - as long as you're playing aurora and you're building attack speed you've achieved Prrring!
It should also be noted that this guide is mainly formulated assuming that you're playing in toplane but the build can be played in mid too, and while I wouldn't play it in botlane unless you're premade with your support I think it's actually really fun there too,
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