can easily dodge his w with e. you are faster than him so you can get to fights faster. his ult doesnt reduce your ult dmg. only threat is mid/late game cuz hes more useful
Respect his early game dmg. you can use e when he uses q and kidnap him into your tower early game. tenacity runes/mr boots great options vs him
just pay attention to her stun, if down you can punish easily.
his early game is VERY weak. just kill him early game and snowball
no mobility easy target. just be careful about her slow and dont over commit.
Very hard matchup. outroams you outdmgs . 10x tankier than you. only tip i can give you is : win lvl 2 or 3 by getting his flash. it will make the matchup just a tiny bit easier.
his e can cancel your e. if you get hooked dont e right away use e when he has already used e on you. pretty even matchup if you play it right.
this is the most boring supp matchup you will get. the only thing you can do is outroam him or catch him offgaurd.
Respect his dmg. second wind good choice vs him
if she has e , use w and get as close to her as you can, then hold hook as much as you can and then when she uses e use q it should hit her. dont do fast q pulls cuz most of the times she just uses e( unless low rank)
you can easily use e when she uses e towards you/ your adc. its guaranteed stun and afterwards just hook her.
skill matchup. he can cancel your q with his e. you can use hook on the place his axe is going to drop, he will most likely go to take the axe.
this is the most boring adc matchup you will get. try to get his flash lvl 1 or 2 so its easier to play. running relentless/ mobis is good you can just roam.
fiora supp counters you hard. early game you cant do anything to her she just parries/out dmgs you. try to kite/ play around her cds
just kill him
you will hate everything after going vs this. try to roam or play around his turrets cd. his burst is very high celestial opposition can be good vs him.
99% of janna players are bad. just hook her and kill her and youll win.
has no dash rush cyclos and youll make his life hell. be careful of his stun .
has no dash no mobility. rush cyclos = easy win
you can also just e tap q and go behind her to stun her if she doesnt have flash.
respect her burst early game. her burst mostly comes from w and isolated q dmg so be careful about that . hold q and after she wastes e hook her. cyclos good item vs her
very hard to land hooks on her. try to hold q and when shes just about to aa you, hook her or just 50/50 it and hook to sides. respect her early game dmg.
respect her lvl 1 dmg. try to hold q untill she uses e and when her e runs out then hook. cyclos good item vs her
respect his dmg. save w or e to get out of his passive range.
you just cant do anything to her. you can only outroam.
rush cyclos= easy win
try to bait her into using e to you. if she does just use e and bring to tower range. kiting her is also quite easy. tenacity boots great option vs her.
try to predict his dash. be careful of his burst. armor boots good option vs him.
shes weak early punish her as much as possible to make her fall behind. be careful of her r it can out heal your r and make it so it wont execute.
dodge her spells and kill her.
boring matchup his saplings will annoy the sh*t out of you. if he uses w use e to bring him to your teammates. he can dodge your e and q with his w and cancel your q with his q so play around his cds.
his ball can cancel your q. you can hold q for a bit and as the ball is coming towards you release it. youll get knocked back but your q will still go. be careful of his r , it heals and can negate your r execute.
Miss Fortune
rush cyclos
99% of morgana players are bad. dodge her q play around her e cd.
pyke likes fishing.
in laning phase let him hook you instead of your adc. after he hooks you can hook him and then use e to go behind him and put him in a bad spot. mid to late game he does 10x the things you do so try to end as soon as possible.
out dmgs you. can use clone to block your hook. try to get her flash early lvls . count the minions.
has 2 dashes,her w can negate your hail of blades attacks. try to not start with e he can just use e on you or his ally to get away. try to fight her lvl 1 or 2 cuz shes weak and you can get her summs.
skill matchup. you can hook him when hes jumping on you to cancel his w. you can place r behind him so your r will execute him even he uses e towards you. DO NOT OVER COMMIT BE CAREFUL OF HIS EARLY GAME DMG.
too many dashes/cc. just a pain to play vs him. i recommend perma banning it
be careful of her cc chain. dont over commit.
Renata Glasc
her w can negate your r which you can play around it easily, her q can also intrupt your q but you can release it as soon as her q lands on you its very hard for her to dodge it cuz she gets slowed cuz of her own q.
you cant engage on her. her w negates all your combos. play around her w cd and her e dash. she can use e to get out of your e so dont waste e.
cyclos rush.
cyclos rush
annoying matchup. if hes going ap try to ignore him and focus his adc. if hes ad try to wait out his q and when he comes out of stealth use e to stun him.
boring matchup. its like ezreal matchup, play around her spellshield cd. roam if cant kill. get her summs lvl 1 or 2.
rush cyclos.
rush cyclos. edge of night good choice too.
she can cancel your q with her around her e cd try to bait her e and then use q ,you can also release q the second you see her going to use e on you and your q will still go . her r can negate your r.
play around his e cd. if he uses r run away youll deal negative dmg to him. dont give him kills.
respect his dmg.
Tahm Kench
he is very tanky. try to focus his adc instead of him. you can r him when hes in execute range even if he uses e. save e or q when you caught him so he doesnt w away.
99% of tarics are bad.
skill matchup slightly thresh favored. thresh in early game is very squishy try to dodge his lvl 2 hook and hook him afterwards youll win it easily. his e can intrupt your e so be careful about that
she can use w after your q and you cant do anything about it. try to engage with e and then hook her midair. be careful of her burst dmg.
rush cyclos
respect his dmg and his r. cyclos rush. edge of night good choice vs him.
vayne is broken at the moment so shes hard to play vs. she can use e on you to cancel your q . play around her q cd and try to predict where shes gonna dash to. cyclos good against her. edge of night great choice against her.
dodge his abilities . kill him.
her lvl 1 is weak you can punish her. be careful of her feathers. her r can negate your r, use r if shes hard cced or you are sure she doesnt have r.
dodge his e and then engage. you can hold q and as soon as he uses e and its gonna hit you, release it and your q will go through. you can use w to easily run from his r .
if she jumps out flash q pull her she just dies. you can just roam freely and easily win the map.
cyclos rush. shes weak early just kill her
his r negates your ult. play around his r. try to win lane before lvl 6. after lvl 6 you can roam or call your jger for help.
zyra players dont use brain. just kill her. respect her burst.
hard cc chain.
his purple gun can setup your combos .
you can run people down because of her slow. her r can setup your combos.
you can hook em into her traps or she can trap when you hook.
cass can instantly use w on someone that you have hooked. he cant flash out of cass w and youll both burst him down.
very strong early game. each hook during laning phase can mean a kill.
boring af . either roam or get all the kills to make the game fun for yourself.
your cc can setup hwei to hit spells .
his w can set up your combos. his early game dmg is quite high so you can play more agressive.
she can use e when you hit hook or e. thats it.
if she runs hail ofblades your early game becomes very strong. she can follow your engages quite easily
your early game becomes strong.
idk you just win lane but you lose the game. good pick but bad players iguess.
Miss Fortune
she can ult on your e.
her passive increases your passive healing. her passive makes you both to get more xp which is huge for pyke. her ult sets up your combos. her w can save you from enemy adc so you can easily engage. one of the best adc champs with pyke.
whats worse than having a pyke on your team? having 2!
can follow your engages easily
can follow your engages easily. strong early game.
seraphine is just broken as an adc.
boring af. she will just perma push and you wont be able to do anything in botlane. leave her and win the map.
Twisted Fate
gold card into full pyke combo. how terrifying.
you both have stealth so you can surprise enemy .
his r sets you up to land spells. you both deal so much dmg early game.
vayne is broken at the moment so no comment.
very strong laning. you both deal so much dmg. her r can mess up your r tho.
if you see your adc picks zeri, just dodge the champ is garbage.
he cages then you easily hook. you hook then he easily uses cage. he hard outscales most of the adcs. just be patient and try to save him if needed.
she can easily do full combo on someone if you land a hook.
any good hook or swain e means either a flash or kill. just use e whenever swain hits e and then he can just pull em into your e.
hard cc chain.
his purple gun can setup your combos .
you can run people down because of her slow. her r can setup your combos.
you can hook em into her traps or she can trap when you hook.
cass can instantly use w on someone that you have hooked. he cant flash out of cass w and youll both burst him down.
very strong early game. each hook during laning phase can mean a kill.
boring af . either roam or get all the kills to make the game fun for yourself.
your cc can setup hwei to hit spells .
his w can set up your combos. his early game dmg is quite high so you can play more agressive.
she can use e when you hit hook or e. thats it.
if she runs hail ofblades your early game becomes very strong. she can follow your engages quite easily
your early game becomes strong.
idk you just win lane but you lose the game. good pick but bad players iguess.
Miss Fortune
she can ult on your e.
her passive increases your passive healing. her passive makes you both to get more xp which is huge for pyke. her ult sets up your combos. her w can save you from enemy adc so you can easily engage. one of the best adc champs with pyke.
whats worse than having a pyke on your team? having 2!
can follow your engages easily
can follow your engages easily. strong early game.
seraphine is just broken as an adc.
boring af. she will just perma push and you wont be able to do anything in botlane. leave her and win the map.
Twisted Fate
gold card into full pyke combo. how terrifying.
you both have stealth so you can surprise enemy .
his r sets you up to land spells. you both deal so much dmg early game.
vayne is broken at the moment so no comment.
very strong laning. you both deal so much dmg. her r can mess up your r tho.
if you see your adc picks zeri, just dodge the champ is garbage.
he cages then you easily hook. you hook then he easily uses cage. he hard outscales most of the adcs. just be patient and try to save him if needed.
she can easily do full combo on someone if you land a hook.
any good hook or swain e means either a flash or kill. just use e whenever swain hits e and then he can just pull em into your e.
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