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Thresh Build Guide by Boltnix

AD Carry "Wretched mongrels get the leash." ADC Thresh

AD Carry "Wretched mongrels get the leash." ADC Thresh

Updated on April 25, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Boltnix Build Guide By Boltnix 2,486 Views 0 Comments
2,486 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Boltnix Thresh Build Guide By Boltnix Updated on April 25, 2015
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Chapter to come eventually

I will eventually get past my laziness and write chapters lol. However what you did need to know is that thresh ADC is actually a lot stronger than some mayy believe. He has his own peel, his first hit has to be close to the highest if not the highest, naturally gets a lot of armor, mix damaged, and infinite scaling thanks to his passive. This scaling also allows him to stay in lane longer since, thanks to his E and with every soul u collect, u do +1 more damage minimum. If you focus just last hits, his E will ramp up and make last hitting easier. Good poke potential if rush a Static Shiv first as well.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Boltnix
Boltnix Thresh Guide
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