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Rakan Build Guide by Daddywarrbux

Tank Rakan JG - Move like Lee for half the effort (Updated 4/21)

Tank Rakan JG - Move like Lee for half the effort (Updated 4/21)

Updated on April 23, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Daddywarrbux Build Guide By Daddywarrbux 28,629 Views 0 Comments
28,629 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Daddywarrbux Rakan Build Guide By Daddywarrbux Updated on April 23, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

What? Why Play Rakan? (Introduction)

Hi! I'm Daddywarrbux and I'm a jungle main. Rakan has an exciting kit and I think he has potential to be a strong jungler.

Rakan's kit includes high mobility, survivability, and CC. With his ability to navigate a fight and leap in for an AOE knockup and follow it with a charm on the enemy team I feel he could open teamfights and swing it in your favor. Due to the fact that his abilities put you in close quarters with the enemies I feel building high health/resistances is a must.
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Lots of CC
Shields and Heals teammates
Very Mobile

Weak Early Game
Low Dmg
Requires good positioning
Poor jungle clear at earlier levels
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Smite and Flash, two best summoners for Rakan. I feel these are must picks because of the initiation options flash will allow and smite is necessary. There is an argument for Ghost in stead of flash since it synergizes with your ultimate, but honestly both serve the same purpose: give you better positioning for W engages, allow you to hit more champions during your ult duration, and escape in a pinch. Would like to note that I will rarely use my flash to wall hop or escape as your W can do that very well. i prefer to hold flash to position so I can W into a fight.
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Skill Sequence

Max Q first for dmg, then W for better engages. Be mindful when engaging that there is a slight delay and they can flash/walk out of it. Also be aware that you can flash/ghost during your ult duration to charm more enemies. nine times out of ten knocking up the enemy team followed by a charm on them will outright win teamfights.
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Matches and Guide updates

First match down, went well!

After a couple more matches I've discovered that Rakan sucks at jungle clear and that you HAVE to rush Bami's Cinder and even then the priority is finding ganks and NOT clearing jungle farm, at least at earlier levels. Guide has been updated to reflect this. (4/21/17)
Changed masteries again, more information added (4/23/17)
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I will be continuing to work on this guide and updating it with more information. If you are interested in seeing it played I am Daddywarrbux on Twitch and YouTube. Please feel free to comment your opinions on this guide, I would love to see what you guys think.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Daddywarrbux
Daddywarrbux Rakan Guide
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Rakan JG - Move like Lee for half the effort (Updated 4/21)

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