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Vladimir Build Guide by hemorrhagee

Ranked play Vampire

Ranked play Vampire

Updated on August 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hemorrhagee Build Guide By hemorrhagee 7,071 Views 12 Comments
7,071 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hemorrhagee Vladimir Build Guide By hemorrhagee Updated on August 28, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



is an extremely strong champion and if played correctly he dominates his lane.Most people think he's UP because he got nerfed a few times,but that's NOT true.In thsi build I'm going to show you how I play as an Tanky Caster DPS.Here we are!
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For Runes i use:

I use Magic Pen runes to ensure maximun damage early/late game.

Greater Seal of Vitality

I use HP/per level seals to increase my survivability and my AP with my passive .You can change seals with Armor as another option.Both changes are viable.

As every uses,i get CDR glyphs to cast my spells more often.You can also change glyphs with AP or AP/per level.

I use HP quintessences to increase my survivability earlier on.

NOTE:Runes are personal preference.Feel free to change them and test new ones.
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I use standard 9/0/21 build,getting increased EXP,movement speed,less CD on and less CD on summoner spells and my abilities.Another viable build is 9/21/0 but I don't like it much.

NOTE:Masteries are personal preference.Feel free to change them.
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For items,start with and 3 to increase your sustainability and maximize control of your lane.Another viable option is a or an and a , but I recommend the first items.

After recalling to base your next items will be because it gives you 40 AP and 15% Spell Vamp. is another good itemd but I like to start with Hextexh Revolver because later on it results in a that helps you and your teammates in teamfights.

Then your next items will be and now your CDR is 15% higher.

After try to get as soon as possible because it gives you HP,MR,CDR(now your CDR is more than 35%!) and increases healing gain and regen by spells by 15%.Also it's very cheap(only 1550g).

Then you need to rush to increase your damage numbers and your HP more.Then your next item is gonna be .

Your final items are listed below.


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Skill Sequence

I max Tranfusion first to increase healing gain and damage.Also to decrease it's CD.Then i max with a point in at level 3 to increase my survivability and my farming potentinal through the AoE damage provides.Also increases the healing and regen on by 8% per stack(stacks up to 4 times).Also each stack increases the damage of your next [icon=Tides of Blood size=24 by 25%,but it costs 50 more HP.

After max .ALWAYS remember to level up your ultimate at levels 6,11,16.

If you want to harrass your opponent remeber to play SAFE.Use Tranfusion with when you are in range.

Remember that is a very good escape method and it's like a mini- .
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Summoner Spells

For Summoner Spells I like using and for greater 1v1 early game and greater survivability. is another viable option because in combo with it's almost 100% to escape.

Telepor can be a good choise to increase your sutainability in lane and gank other lanes in combo with Sight Ward.

can be good on every champion but you don't need it.

Summoner Spells to avoid:

can be useful earlier on but later on it's completely useless because you have 3.5-4.5k HP.



You don't have mana,you don't need it.

It's a better option for tanks.

It's better option for supports and roamers.
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Pros / Cons


-Good sustainability in lane.
-Nice damage.
-Good farmer.
-Viable in teamfights.
-Good survivability.


-Very squishy.
-Low damage.
-Very fragile.
-Get's focused in taemfights.
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Team Fights

In teamfights use and try to hit all enemies to ensure maximum damage on them.Then use to slow enemies and damage them,and then use on their squishiest champion(carry or support sometimes) and use to hit all enemies for maximum AoE damage.

is one of the most viable champion in teamfights,so try to be successful.
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Ranked Play

Vladimir can be successful both in ranked/normal play.As i said before if played correctly he can dominate his lane and can carry the whole game many times.In competitive play hes very viable,but in solo Q he drops a bit because in teamfights you need communication if your team doesn't know what are they doing.
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Laning Phase

I recommend you get solo top lane(solo mid is another viable option but can do better top lane) because there are almost no champions that counter easy.NEVER go duo lane.

Also remember that farm is more needed so tr to last hit more often,and if you dinf a way to harrass your opponent feel free to do it(remember to play safe).
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This was my guid on ,our beloved vampire.Ihope this guise was useful.

Remember to like if this guide was useful.Some feedback would be great too.:)
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