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Try To Damage his cannons because if he out of it he will be easier to kill him and also he is a bad counter just go E and the Q and E again
Try To play safe in early at 6 level
Q+E+W+E+R and try to escape from his passive is extreamely bad for you
Fight him he is extreamely easy for you with conqueror you fight him and be careful he will need many ganks so ward your pushes
A Good GP will put barrels under him and make it impossible to trade him. You may win 1v1s, but his team fights are much better. I ban him every time. Take Dorans Shield.
You might have a chance to kill him early on, however once he gets frozen mallet, then you will be kited all game and your 1v1 potential is done. Just clear waves. Take Dorans Shield.
Blinds can ruin your day and she has a great kit to really mess you up. Once you have 6, you can 1v1 however she will be roaming so make to call MIAs. Shove lane when she leaves.
Q blinds are annoying but once it is over, you can wreck Teemo. Don't tilt and stay calm. If he uses w before the blind is up, you will get wrecked.
There really isn't a point in the game where you will out trade him, however if you can bait out his E, then you should be able to out trade him. If you waste your W on his E, then he can probably kill you.
Don't trade pre 3. Try to survive till you are 6. Once you are 6, you should be able to out trade. Dorans shield is a must.
Dorans shield start. He is much better in team fights. You might be able to kill him if he uses his dash, however you will probably lose every trade. Take advantage of his cooldowns if he makes a mistake.
This matchup sucks. You can't trade with him pre 6 because if you try to get on top of him, then his passive shield will negate damage. Once you hit 6, if he misses his snare, then you possibly have a chance to out trade him. Expect a rough lane and being kited out all game. Good luck.
You need to try to kill her pre 6 and you need to learn to dodge her tentacles. If you can't do those, then you will really struggle after 6. The key is dodging.
Dorans shield start. Do not try to trade with him pre 6. After 6, you will wreck him.
If she doesn't have her passive shield, then you should be able to trade pretty well. Try to bait out her W because it can stop your dash.
At level 3, you can trade decently well, but really depends on how good the singed player is. If you get a lead, then he will proxy. Teleport is a must in this lane.
Tahm Kench
Avoid trading pre 6. Once you are 6, you have a little bit of kill pressure.
Dorans Shield start. Only way you can out trade him is by baiting out his E. If not, then don't look to trade. Just survive laning phase.
You will beat her early, but once she gets 2 items, she will snowball. You need to put her in the dirt and finish the game ASAP.
Bad players I would have as a 2 because without proper combos will get wrecked. D2 and higher elo Riven players will combo correctly and be a tough matchup.
Really easy pre 6. Easy to dodge his abilities with your e. You need to establish dominance early because once he gets his core, then you will have hard times. Silence can also be really annoying. Watch the animation for it and you can dodge it.
As long as you stun him before he gets his Q silence off, you will trade well. Make sure that you keep trading with him so that he can't get his healing up. What makes it difficult is that if you get a kill pre 6, then you will get a villain stack over you and you can't trade with him.
Go with him slice and dice when his W is good he got extreamely damage from you and he is good in teamfight don't focus him focus adc
Go with him slice and dice when his W is good he got extreamely damage from you and he is good in teamfight don't focus him focus adc
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