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Riven Build Guide by Faker pls no

AD Offtank Riven can q over terrain? Brb. Going to Challenger{Season 5

AD Offtank Riven can q over terrain? Brb. Going to Challenger{Season 5

Updated on December 4, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Faker pls no Build Guide By Faker pls no 40,052 Views 0 Comments
40,052 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Faker pls no Riven Build Guide By Faker pls no Updated on December 4, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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HI THERE! I'm faker pls no, and i'm a high platinum player in league of legends. I felt like making this guide because in my opinion there aren't any really good and in depth guides on here. A lot of guides are rather bad. This will be one of the most in depth guides you can find and answer all of your questions. I will even answer any more questions if you message me in game and if i feel i left something out from a question i will edit the guide. I fell in love with Riven, or as i like to call her Rivo, because how much she brings to a game. With her high mobility from Broken Wings and Valor, insane damage and burst from Blade of the Exile, snowball potential and versatility, she is so much fun to play, but ridiculously hard to master. I learned everything i know by intently studying this champ spamming her in normals and solo queue non stop, and most importantly watching box box, best riven NA and of course Faker. With this guide i'll be sharing everything i know and have learned from the three best rivens in the world. (imo)
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Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush

I chose these runes for clear reasons. Riven excels at all points in the game, but i target her early game damage because of how strong her snowball potential is. Targeting her late game with runes is pretty pointless imo. So taking hard ad armor to take trade and cd because cd on riv is god. Although facing an ap match up i.e. or going all Magic Resist on glyphs is definitely acceptable.
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... Anyways Sorcery sorcery is a must, cdr is god. And taking three points in Warlord is extremely recommended because you build an insane amount of flat ad so this is gonna give you a good amount of bonus ad throughout all points in the game.
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This section contains a lot of information so paying attention closely is recommended.
Starting Long Sword 3 health pots is a standard start. But, if you dont start this and you start Doran's Blade you should be expecting to stay in lane for a while as dorans only provides better sustain over a larger amount of time. (something like 40 aa's) Anyways if you get bullied out of lane early, or you have to be for any reason picking up an extra dorans or just a dorans is always good. If you get far enough behind going 3 dorans is not a bad thing. Playing lanes such as darius you may have to pick up 2 dorans before you go into anything else.
If you get ahead always always always ALWAYS pick up a The Brutalizer this item is god on riven. Armor penn ad and cdr its like buying a win at 8 minutes. If you're not ahead or you're getting beat it's ok to not pick it up going straight into a hydra from 2 or 3 dorans.

SIDE NOTE- if you're facing an ap champ and taking damage grab an early Hexdrinker to stop the burst damage.

After the Bloodthirster nerf starting bt isn't good anymore. At all. Ravenous Hydra gives you 5 less damage instead of 25 so with the active it just gives you more damage all around. It's 100 percent of the time a better starting item bar none. After picking up hydra it's pretty standard going into Last Whisper. Gives you great damage armor penn and burst. After that grabbing a defensive item is smart. Depending on your needs you can go Guardian Angel GA, Randuin's Omen Randuins or Spirit Visage sv or even Banshee's Veil depending on what ap champ you're playing against. Such as veig you should definitely grab a banshee. If you picked up a hex finish that into a Maw of Malmortius maw then last item IF YOU AREN'T TAKING GREAT AMOUNTS OF DAMAGE, just grab a BT. Just because it isn't as strong of a starting item doesn't mean you can't still pick it up. It provides you with good ad which will stack with your Warlord and lifesteal which just helps you sustain.
If you're facing heavy auto attack damage champs such as Yi or Tryn you should go tabis.

Same thing for merc threads if you are facing heavy cc teams, i.e. leona or Mao.

If you're gonna go all in 0-100 Ni*** real quick. You can start with Red pot which can bait an enemy into thinking you're low because popping it gives you ad and immediate health, or can just give you the damage to all in and early kill. Grab the xp and farm advantage and use the gold to grab two dorans or two longswords. Whatever will fit you best.
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Skill Sequence

Skill Sequence
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ok this is where my guide gets somewhat controversial over other guides. But this is where their guides let you down, whereas mine fills you in.
Maxing Broken Wings is 100 percent a must. It is where all your damage comes from and getting it to max cd is important. But so many people max Valor E second. Granted this is not a bad idea, IF you get ahead maxing e isn't necessary. Riven is a off assassin type champion. So why max shield when you can max damage? As i mentioned before you're like tryn. You're defense is killing them before they kill you. (lol--jokes) But if you're ahead maxing Ki Burst W second gives you a good amount of extra damage, its cd gets down to like 6 seconds, which gives you a great amount of cc considering its an aoe stun. It's just smarter. Now if you're getting poked hard taking a good amount of damage maxing E second is smarter. It could also depend on your play style but if you're riven and you get ahead and you're not playing aggressive your play style is just.... wrong. Once ahead you can kill anyone... So kill them.
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Runic Blade(passive)- Riven's abilities charge her blade for 5 seconds, causing her to do 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 % of her attack damage as bonus physical damage on her next basic attack. Riven can store up to 3 charges, and can only expend one at a time.

Because of this passive you should always auto attack in between Broken Wings Q's. Makes your damage output tenfold.

Broken wings(Active)- Riven steps forward and lashes out in a series of powerful slashes, dealing physical damage to all enemies within 112.5-range. Broken Wings can be cast two additional times within 4 seconds, with the timer resetting after each.
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 (+ 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% AD)
TOTAL DAMAGE: 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 / 270 (+ 120 / 135 / 150 / 165 / 180% AD)
All three strikes deal the same damage, with the third damaging enemies within 150-range and knocking them up. Riven will target the unit under your cursor; if no targets are present, Riven will simply strike the direction she is currently facing.

Pretty self explanatory. Just pushes you in a direction and does damage. Third q can leap over terrain.

Ki Burst(Active)-Riven's sword emits a burst of runic energy that shocks nearby enemies, dealing physical damage and stunning them for 0.75 seconds.

It is an aoe(Area of effect) stun. Can stun multiple targets. It has the same range as your auto attack so if you don't think you can auto attack you cannot stun either.

Valor(Active)- Riven dashes towards the cursor and gains a shield that absorbs incoming damage for 1.5 seconds.

Once again self explanatory. Only lasts 1.5 seconds now, (previously lasted 3 seconds). So be sure to use it at the right time when you will be taking damage or it will go away without being used to its full potential

Blade of the exile(active)-For 15 seconds Riven's sword is reformed, gaining 20% of her total AD as bonus attack damage and 75 bonus attack range (200 total range).
Broken Wings Broken Wings's 1st and 3rd area of effect radius increase to 162.5 and 200 respectively and Ki Burst Ki Burst's area of effect radius increases to 135.
For Blade of the Exile's duration, Riven can use Wind Slash once.
Wind Slash- Riven unleashes a 2200-speed wave of energy in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit.
The damage is increased by 2.67% for every 1% of an enemy's missing health, capping at 200% bonus damage (300% total damage) against enemies with 75% or more missing health.

You ult increases everyone of you abilities. It gives you a bigger shield a stronger stun, stronger q's. People fail to realize that ulting makes your survivabilty better and only think about the damage. Remember your ult does increased damage to lower health champions so never ult until around a quarter health. Unless you are just insanely fed.
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Tips and Tricks (FUN)

Tips and Tricks(FUN)

Animation cancelling is pretty much what separates a Riven riven from A RIVEN.. l0l.

Your passive Runic Blade Runic blade only hold three stacks. So if you are not auto attacking after every Broken Wings Q you lose soooo much damage. You should always aa after q and even inbetween abilities just so your passive is being used to it's fullest. This will increase your damage by 100 percent. If you're not practicing this or attempting to do it you should not play riven as you will never reach her true potential.

Using Valor E and directly after using Blade of the Exile R it will cancel the animation time of the ult which lets you aa faster.

You can also animation cancel your Broken Wings Q which puts out faster damage then not. You can watch box box do this, he teaches you how in his youtube videos.

This one is really difficult. If you Q twice, then animation cancel your ult with E and flash onto the enemy team, you can use your Ki Burst W to stun then use your last Q to knock up the enemy team. You cc them so hard and you can cover like 800 range with this combination. It will instantly catch the enemy team off guard and cc all of them. Easy clean up after wards.

Rivens 3rd Broken Wings Q can jump over a lot of terrain. What can riven jump?
However Valor E does not go over terrain except J4's wall.

Trolling level 2
If you take TP you can start Doran's Blade go do gromp and get level 2. Then back and buy 5 health pots and tp into lane level 2 while your opponent is still level 1. It's a hard cheese strategy and can get you way ahead. But if you play it wrong it could potential lose your lane.
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Pros / Cons

Pros / Cons

+Insane damage
+Close to the highest skill cap
+Good cc
+great snowball potential
+Very high mobility
+Easy carry potential
+Can mid,or top, and even jungle(not really recommended)
+Amazing roam and ganks
+Good team fights and synegry with teams
+Can zone and kill any carry

+Once behind useless. Have to split and farm which could cause loss
+High skill cap
+using abilities at wrong times can get you killed

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Laning phase

Laning phase

Rivo is one of the strongest laners there is. She is a bully from start to finish. Although facing other lane bullies such as Jayce Ryze, or Renekton, can be very frustrating and difficult, their is a way to make the process easier... Cheese.. I'm not talking about swiss either.. If you get 2 first it doesn't matter how strong the laner you're facing is you can always kill them. Broken Wings toward them once, then use Ki Burst auto attack q auto attack q and it's guaranteed to get you a flash or even first blood if you ignite. Once you get ahead use your advantage and keep sticking it to your lane. Don't forget to creep but at the same time, show your lane opponent who's daddy. If you can't get ahead or get behind it's very important that you creep the best you possible can.

How to keep advantage
Got an advantage and wanna keep it? ONce you are pushed to your opponents tower it is important that you just don't let them free farm. If you are far enough ahead you should be proxying between tier 1 and 2 towers that way you will be getting every creep while the tower takes his cs.

Another strong way to keep your advantage is to ward the junglers blue and when you see him go do gromp or blue you use your Blade of the Exile and Ignite and you kill him. If you are far enough ahead the jungler ganking is just a nice way of giving you a double kill and free dragon at the same time.. how sweet of him.
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Team fighting

Team Fighting

Once you move out of laning phase your job as riven is to make their carries wish they build tank instead of damage. While riven does have peel with her third Broken Wings and her Ki Burst you would be wasting a perfectly good champ on boring stuff when you can be using Flash to land on top of their carries and annihilate them. As i mentioned before the best way to initiate onto carries is by using Broken Wings x2 then using Valor and immediately following it up with Blade of the Exile. Now your have to flash directly on top of their carries and use Ki Burst straight into your third Broken Wings. Their carry will start complaining that his screen just turned grey and you will be pushing to victory.

Side note
You don't have to use Broken Wings twice before you initiate. That's just if you want the stun into the knock up. You can just use Valor straight into Blade of the Exile and flash Ki Burst it will give you a faster initiation and provide more damage because you're able to use all three Broken Wings instead of just one. However you may not land your knock up if you do it like this..

Both of these are viable ways to initiate.
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Split pushing


If you're facing someone like a or or Late game splitting isn't very smart unless for some odd reason you can still 1v1 them because Nasus is bronze and didn't farm his Siphoning Strike. However riven can split push as long as you can 1v1 anyone on the map. She clears waves ridiculously fast with Ravenous Hydra and pushes towers down fast as well, especially with Blade of the Exile. So this is just kind of a preferense. You have to use your game knowledge on whether its gonna work or not for your team. Unlike Tryndamere who can run away from a team fight watch his team die and you're wondering why your nexus just exploded after winning a 4 for 0 exchange.
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This is simple. If you dont farm, you'll hang out in bronze elo for a while. If you learn to manage farming along with gameplay like ganking taking objectives contesting dragon etc, you will climb with 0 problem using riven.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Faker pls no
Faker pls no Riven Guide
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Riven can q over terrain? Brb. Going to Challenger{Season 5

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