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Recommended Items
Runes: Basic Riven Runpage (Works in most cases)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Most Matchups
Runic Blade (PASSIVE)
Riven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
It's pain in the ass to play vs renekton! Just ban him! But if u wanna play against him: Take TP, Doran's Shield, Freeze waves under a turret and look for jg ganks or play around other lanes! He spikes hard at lvl 6 You can try take ignite and cheese him at lvl 1 but if he takes W don't EVER do that
Good Engage, tankiness and CC Everything that riven needs from her teammates!
Good Engage, tankiness and CC Everything that riven needs from her teammates!
Champion Build Guide
This is my first riven guide for beginners and low elo players (like me) that just wanna to play riven and have fun playing her.
If you want to see high elo riven mains just check this guys out:
Adrian Riven:
General Sniper:
I learned from them a LOT soo be sure to check them out (they have youtube channels as well but twitch is main source of gameplay)
Overall knowledge that you should know before you decide to pick her:
+1v9 machine in late game (4-5 item spike)
+she's really mobile (you have 4 dashes in her kit!)
+one of the best 1v1 champs in the game
+provides cc and a lot of dmg
+strong snowball potential
+her skill ceilng practically doesn't exist (this means you can always improve her mechanics and combos)
+if you are better player you will stomp your lane NO MATTER WHAT (WARNING: this MAINLY applies for lower elo when you can stomp even a "Unwinnable lanes" and junglers don't know that "ganking top" exist [Seriously!!] )
-vulnerable in to heavy cc (and cc in general)
-needs gold to scale ( if too behing she can struggle)
-not easy to pick up
-requiers a matchup knowledge (at least basic!)
Other things that you can consider is:
She plays out like a character from fighting game (like Marth from SSBM)
She has pretty cool lore and a lot of cool skins
She's just got buffed!(patch 11.3) [E cd decrased, for more information look for patch notes]
Overall basic mechanics guide:
By Jethro
His YT Channel:
Basic combos guide:
(I like this guide because, this guide explains preety good basic riven combos like "fast q combo" and "double cast" combos)
By Retrad
His YT Channel:
For me,the best "matchup or laning guides" are made from guys that i mentionded before in introduction to this guide (General Sniper, Adrian Riven, Viper, Dayex3)so just look up for them on Youtube or just check their twitch streams (links in intro to this guide)
After you get the idea about combos or matchups just practice ur knowledge.
Best practice for me is:
1. 20 mins in practice tool (just fast q combo a dummy, and spam ur double casts, practice wall hops with 3rd q and just experiment)
2. play normals (but don't focus on winning games!! focus on MICRO AND MACRO, practice ur combos in real 1v1 or 2v1, limit test A LOT, try 2v1s if you think you have a chance of winning it,practice ur csing,roaming,practice TPs on bot,your main goal is to STOMP UR LANE, if u stomp ur lane and lose, dont worry it's only a normal game :D)
3. go ranked (try everything that you've learned and practice before but play more for win not for stomping lane, just try to use your all your knowledge to carry your team or just help them to CARRIES YOU [yeah, learn how to help your carries carry you, you don't need to 1v9 every single game] )
And the Most Important Thing:
Just have fun and experiment with your playstyle, runes, builds etc...
So good luck and have fun!
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