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Ryze Build Guide by Prodigy52

AP Carry [Ryze] All The Damage You Need. Low Elo. Patch 7.3

AP Carry [Ryze] All The Damage You Need. Low Elo. Patch 7.3

Updated on February 18, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prodigy52 Build Guide By Prodigy52 5,889 Views 0 Comments
5,889 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Prodigy52 Ryze Build Guide By Prodigy52 Updated on February 18, 2017
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Laning Fase

Poke with your E, if there is a low health minion use your E and Spread the Flux all over the enemies and use your Q to POP the Flux and do damage to the enemies without even enter in their range. Watch out your Mana Bar.

Most of the time at early game, you shoud last hit with AAs and save your mana for trades.

Rush mana items, you'll have a power spike when you have your fully-stacked Seraph's Embrace and your Rod of Ages.

The Abyssal Cepter and Frozen Heart will make you tanky enough to fight some assasins and the CDR is good to do fast combos. Last Hit all that you can.

You can start Combos with the flux that a champion takes from the minions in laning fase.
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Q + E + Q + W + Q + E + Q: Long Combo, tons of damage. Good for tanks. (No Shield) (Stormraiders)

E + W + Q + E + Q: Some CC and Damage. (Shield)

W + E + Q: Basic Combo / If enemy is under tower. (Shield)

Note: W and E cast resets Q cooldown, keep that in mind.
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Laning Vs Zed: Middle Lane.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prodigy52
Prodigy52 Ryze Guide
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[Ryze] All The Damage You Need. Low Elo. Patch 7.3

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