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Ryze Build Guide by Ryze To Megatron

AP Offtank Ryze up and rule

AP Offtank Ryze up and rule

Updated on May 30, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ryze To Megatron Build Guide By Ryze To Megatron 2,031 Views 0 Comments
2,031 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ryze To Megatron Ryze Build Guide By Ryze To Megatron Updated on May 30, 2015
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Hey guys this is my build for Ryze.

As you see it is not a normal build but trust me it dominates!
This build however demands lots of care early game to maximize and carry the late game.

This character is AP carry, you have little movement but so much power if anyone takes you on they are decimated before they damage you. This is important to bear in mind early game so it is critical to not die and farm heavily.

You see the first item I start with is Spellthief. You must be thinking wtf?!? But honestly this is the perfect starting peice because of the gold advantage you gain. This means you can build your items quicker and reach the murderous late game all the earlier.
It also gives 25% mana regen which is perfect so you do not have to back for more mana.

The rest of the items are rather self explanatory.
Spellvamp is crucial in this build as there is little movement so it is all about killing your enemies before they get you.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ryze To Megatron
Ryze To Megatron Ryze Guide
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