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Qiyana Build Guide by Allyooops

Middle [S14] 14.20 Full Guide to QIYANA MIDLANE ! YT GUIDES AT END

Middle [S14] 14.20 Full Guide to QIYANA MIDLANE ! YT GUIDES AT END

Updated on October 16, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Allyooops Build Guide By Allyooops 304 20 204,363 Views 6 Comments
304 20 204,363 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Allyooops Qiyana Build Guide By Allyooops Updated on October 16, 2024
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Runes: Current Meta (CONQ)

1 2 3 4
Presence of Mind
Legend: Haste
Last Stand

Sudden Impact
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
High Elo / Meta
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S14] 14.20 Full Guide to QIYANA MIDLANE ! YT GUIDES AT END

By Allyooops
Hey! My Name is Ally and I am a Qiyana OTP with over 4 million points on the champ and 4k + games.

I started Qiyana Last Season and am working to improve each season to reach my goal of Challenger.

I am Grandmaster basically only playing Qiyana. I am still learning but I have lots of games on the champion so I hope to share my knowledge of the champ with others trying to improve or just starting the champion. I would love to share my knowledge.

Thank you for taking the time to read my guide I appreciate it a lot and I hope it helps a lot of people as it was highly requested from my Stream :)

Why Qiyana?
When I decided to switch from Diana to Qiyana the main thing that made me want to play Qiyana is her highly mechanical kit and outplay ability. This Champion is high pace high APM so if you are looking for a challenging but rewarding champion this is the one for you.

If you are new the the game I dont recommend learning her as a first champion because she is very skilled and becomes harder to play the higher elo you are.

This champion is very fun to smurf on and being able to pull off fast combos is very rewarding.
Abilities and Combos
Instead of copy pasting all of Qiyana's combos and abilities I have made a beginner guide to everything about her kit.

The video with all this information is here. I also talk about tips and tricks and some things many people do not know about Qiyana. Each part of the video is timestamped if you would like to skip through some parts! I hope you enjoy.
Rune Discussion
Qiyana is constantly changing what items she goes as the meta is not very good for her right now. The most common questions I get are "When do you go first strike over electrocute"

Instead of answering this 100 times I will provide a little insight on how I decide.

ELECTROCUTE : This rune page means that you are looking to WIN MIDLANE with early trades and push your laner out of the game. This rune page also means that enemy is squishy and you feel like you can 1v9 with assassin setup. If you are plat and under I would recommend almost always going electrocute and looking to push enemy mid out of the game and carry every single game solo. People in these elos will not punish you for going this setup and often not even build against it. As of recent meta assassins are much harder to play and easily counterable with exh, bone plating, second wind + dorans shield, early armor, cheap hp stacking midlane mage items, hourglass, roa + seraphs, everfrost hp. This meta does not benefit qiyana and she becomes so hard to play in higher elos where almost every midlaner will build against your kit.

First Strike : This rune page feels much better for higher elos where a lot of the time enemy midlaner will not let you lane phase. You play for midgame where you get 2 item spike and use futures market to snowball any early leads. Often you are playing with your jungler and this playstyle is way less risk and much more reward. Most of your lane pressure goes away considering you do not have electrocute and last stand but it is much better midgame option for when people will stack armor and make your champ very useless. TP feels better in almost every high elo scenario as most midlaners will not let you lane. You are able to tp back for early tear and play with team. Solokilling enemy mid is way less rewarding this season with the current meta benefiting hp and resistance stacking champions.
Feel free to ask me any questions on any of these locations. I am very focused on growing my stream right now so come hang with us. We have a very welcoming community full of people who are learning Qiyana!

π™Žπ™©π™§π™šπ™–π™’π™¨ : Twitchπ™ˆπ™€π™£π™©π™–π™œπ™šπ™¨ 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂π™ͺπ™žπ™™π™šπ™¨ : Youtube
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I stream and play Qiyana/Diana every single day so I am very familiar with the changing metas. I will make sure to keep updating this guide for when I switch builds and start going certain items and other rune pages. I will add more matchups and in depth explanations on how to win them over time it is just a lot of effort and I want to get this guide released.

Thank you again for checking out my guide. If you made it to the end consider giving it and upvote it helps me a lot <3

Good luck to anyone learning the champ. If you have any questions come ask me in twitch stream / discord / youtube!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Allyooops
Allyooops Qiyana Guide
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[S14] 14.20 Full Guide to QIYANA MIDLANE ! YT GUIDES AT END

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