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Gragas Build Guide by DarnuS

Jungle [S14-2] (14.17) GRAGAS JUNGLE BOMBA GUIDE! #18 Gragas EUNE

Jungle [S14-2] (14.17) GRAGAS JUNGLE BOMBA GUIDE! #18 Gragas EUNE

Updated on August 29, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarnuS Build Guide By DarnuS 24 3 144,725 Views 18 Comments
24 3 144,725 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DarnuS Gragas Build Guide By DarnuS Updated on August 29, 2024
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Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

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[S14-2] (14.17) GRAGAS JUNGLE BOMBA GUIDE! #18 Gragas EUNE

By DarnuS

Hello guys, my name is DarnuS, and i was 18th gragas on the EUNE server(#118 World).

I mostly play AP gragas jungle, and i want to give you guys my builds,tips and advice on how to play AP gragas in a correct way.

Enjoy and let me know how you feel about my sugestions!

+ High damage burst
+ All abilities are AoE
+ Nice early CC
+ Body Slam + Flash combo
+ Nice scaling
+ Broken Ultimate Explosive Cask
+ Easy to shutdown enemy carries
+ Really nice ganks
+ Great jungle clear
+ Easy to learn
+ Nice sustain due Happy Hour
+ High outplay potential
- Mana hungry all game
- Relies on Body Slam and Flash for mobility
- Not the best early game
- Very very long cooldowns on early game
- Kiteable


Gragas - The Rabble Rouser
Melee, AP Assassin, Mage, Jungler
Jungler ganking potential: Powerful
Speciality: High damage burst
Description: Gragas is a melee-ap-jungle-assassin with a lot of burst damage and good engage. His base damage is really huuuge and sometimes enemies does not expect the damage, so you can easily make a turnover and one shot them. You have to play a couple of games to get used to your limits, but once you learn them, you will get extremely rewarded.

Gragas is also a bit tanky, even tho you are full ap. It's because of his passive Happy Hour and his W Drunken Rage. So dont be afraid to engage a bit deeper then usuall.

Health: 600 (+95 per lvl.)
Health regeneration: 5.5 (+0.5 per lvl.)
Armor: 38 (+3.6 per lvl.)
Magic resist: 32.1 (+1.25 per lvl.)
Bonus attack speed: (+2.05% per lvl.)
Base attack speed: 0.675
Attack speed ratio: 0.625
Mana: 400 (+47 per lvl.)
Mana regeneration: 6 (+0.8 per lvl.)
Attack damage: 64 (+3.5 per lvl.)
Critical strike damage: 175%
Bonus Movement speed: 330
Attack windup: 25%
Attack range: 125


I really really like playing Electrocute. It is the only rune i play and i pick it every game. You proc it almost everytime, because of your typical combo Body Slam + Drunken Rage + Barrel Roll. Remember to use Drunken Rage before combo ofcourse :).
From my experience, Sudden Impact does the same damage at the end of a ~30 min game as Electrocute. It is pretty straight forward, Body Slam is your whole set up and the most important ability. So because it is the first ability you start your combo with, that makes Barrel Roll and Drunken Rage and even Explosive Cask to do more damage
I mostly pick Eyeball Collection because it is just extra damage. As a Assassin you need all the extra damage you can have, so that is why i recommend taking it, but there is also another rune that is good this season which is Zombie Ward. Now with the new Lich Bane you get a lot of Attack Speed, which makes it easier for Gragas to takedown wards. So if you prefer taking this rune and it suits your playstyle go for it. It can even give you more ability power then Eyeball Collection in some scenarios.



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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarnuS
DarnuS Gragas Guide
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[S14-2] (14.17) GRAGAS JUNGLE BOMBA GUIDE! #18 Gragas EUNE

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