Being online against Yasuo is complicated because he will always win the trades, and if he has Grasp. You can only beat him by going Conqueror. And to beat him with Conqueror you need the first 3 items and Randiun's.
Playing against Akali is complicated because she will always be poking you and if Akali is good she will be able to cancel your E reset with her dash. Her W makes it complicated when you want to trade, it is best to play passive and not be able to trade a lot against Akali because you will go to base and lose XP.
Playing against Fizz is very difficult since trading with him is difficult due to his E, he has quite high damage and can burst you before you can do anything if he hits you with his ultimate.
Playing against Talon is very complicated, he will always beat you at level 2 or the next levels, you will only be able to beat him when you have the skills on cooldown or when the jg comes to gank you.
The matchup against Leblanc is very difficult since Leblanc is an abusive character against Diana, she will always have higher damage than you, the best thing is to avoid her E and try to beat her early when she doesn't have as much damage, trade her when she has W in cd, at level 6 if you don't have an advantage she will easily beat you. And if you are winning you can't trade her since she will have 2 dashes to be able to enter and exit with your ultimate.
Playing against Annie is very rare, because you can beat her when she doesn't have the stun, but you won't be able to when she has the ultimate since she can burst you very easily, buying a banshee could be a very good option.
Yone is a tricky lane, trading him is going to be difficult and because of his E he will always have the opportunity to kill you no matter how badly he plays it (Champ to basics lol)
Playing against Anivia is complicated because although you can trade her and lower her life constantly, every time you go near to trade her she will punish you quite a bit.
Katarina is a skill matchup that favors Diana, you can cancel her ultimate with yours, but it is very likely that she will leave, her mobility is very high.
Sylas is a ''complicated'' matchup, especially because he will always beat you 1 vs 1, but Diana can win trades if Sylas misses E, the trades will be quite easy to win.
Playing against Vex is a matchup where everything can go right or everything can go wrong, depending on how Vex plays. She can have all the lane pressure by poking with fear, but if she uses it, it will be very easy to get to her and be able to kill her since she does not have the E with fear. On the other hand, if you use fear on the E so that you do not trade to her, you can have the lane pushed and be able to help your jungler.
Playing with Akshan is complicated because of the range he takes out of you, he will always be poking you whenever he can, try to fight him at level 3 and play fairly safe in the first levels.
The matchup against Galio is not that complicated, you have to play with Phase Rush and trade him and get out as quickly as possible, the speed of Phase Rush will make it so that he doesn't hit you with his W or you can dodge his E. In the laning phase what you should do is push as much as you can and play with your jg to get an advantage elsewhere (You won't be able to kill Galio very quickly)
Playing against Kassadin is quite easy, you can win all of his trades up to lvl 11, it is best to leave him out of the game so that his scaling takes longer.
Ahri is an easy matchup, she can pocket you quite a bit but as long as she doesn't give you the charm the lane will be pretty decent, the playstyle is to rotate a lot to get an advantage
Zed is a Q-dependent champ, trading with him is easy since he doesn't have much base MR, trading with him when he doesn't have W, he'll use it to poke, if he doesn't use it to poke he'll push to rotate, it's good to have an impact on other lanes
Syndra is a pretty annoying matchup because every time you try to start her she will kick you out with her E, but it is best to trade when she has the cooldown.
Azir is an easy matchup until he gets to lvl 6, when he has the ultimate, you will always have to trade by hitting the Q first, because if you enter with the E, he can throw you to the tower and you will have to spend flash to get out (It's not worth it)
Playing against Aurora is being very patient and trading her when she doesn't have one of her first 3 abilities, it's easy to kill her especially when she doesn't have W try to kill her when she doesn't have it
Playing against a Cassio is trying to beat her in the first levels, since she needs her first item to hit, when she gets the R she usually wins her trades, so if you are ahead she should not beat you if she throws the ultimate at you.
Playing against Xerath is pretty easy, the lane is about dodging the abilities and not giving him the E so you can trade with him pretty easy
Ziggs is another annoying character, he will always be poking you but at any moment he has to move out of position to take down the tower. I recommend waiting until he doesn't have W because he cancels your reset, other than that you can burst him very easily.
Playing against Veigar is quite easy, you just have to worry about the jail, from level 2 you can beat him by trading him and sending him to base very quickly and taking advantage of him (Recommendation: Try to prevent him from scaling because he's a hypercarry)
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol suffers a lot in early lane because he doesn't have MR and trades will be quite easy (Recommendation: Try to prevent him from scaling because he's a hypercarry)
I think I shouldn't explain the wombo combo they have for their ultimates
Galio does a very good job of being on the front so that Diana can make a good entry, apart from that he also has a followup with the R every time Diana reaches the backside.
Rell makes a very good entry, the passive makes her lower MR, it is perfect for Diana to do great damage whether to tanks or not.
Amumu has a very good ganking and can combo ultimates, other than that, Amumu can stun the entire frontlane so that Diana can reach the backside without problems.
Diana and Nocturne have very good synergy since Diana can push relatively quickly, which will allow them to invade and kill the enemy jungler several times.
Lee Sin
Lee sin has a pretty high damage in the first levels, thanks to Diana having electrocute they will be able to burst any enemy (It is not necessary for Lee to hit the Q, Diana will be able to jump to the enemy and Lee sin will dash Diana to throw Q to melee and make it easier to hit it.
The ultimate combo between Diana and Rumble does too much damage, since Rumble's ultimate can be considered as ''DPS'' and Diana can help them stay in the same place.
When Diana throws her ultimate, she lifts up whatever Yasuo can throw his ultimate at and you'll have a few free seconds while the enemies are in the air for Yasuo.
Diana and Fiddle's TFs are solved if each one hits a correct R, they could erase even the most tanky with that combination.
Diana can get priority from mid pretty quickly with a few trades, which can be very beneficial for Kindred since Diana will be able to rotate the marks and make it very difficult for the opposing team to take them off (If Diana has a difficult lane, Kindred will be able to fix it since the slow and damage from the E can be significant for burst or taking down the life of any enemy).
Jarvan IV
Apart from Jarvan and Diana's ultimates, Jarvan has a very good gank for any lane, it's very easy for Jarvan's pick-up to end in a kill for the enemy midlaner. And having the two rotate to a lane (Top, Bot) could be a sure kill and get the target that is close to that lane for free.
Leona can stun everyone Diana pulls with her ultimate, other than that Leona can rotate to the midlane and help Diana since she has a very good gank.
Nilah can synergize with Diana's ultimate, it only works when Diana goes assassin
Don't take it out of my ultimate, thanks.
I think I shouldn't explain the wombo combo they have for their ultimates
Galio does a very good job of being on the front so that Diana can make a good entry, apart from that he also has a followup with the R every time Diana reaches the backside.
Rell makes a very good entry, the passive makes her lower MR, it is perfect for Diana to do great damage whether to tanks or not.
Amumu has a very good ganking and can combo ultimates, other than that, Amumu can stun the entire frontlane so that Diana can reach the backside without problems.
Diana and Nocturne have very good synergy since Diana can push relatively quickly, which will allow them to invade and kill the enemy jungler several times.
Lee Sin
Lee sin has a pretty high damage in the first levels, thanks to Diana having electrocute they will be able to burst any enemy (It is not necessary for Lee to hit the Q, Diana will be able to jump to the enemy and Lee sin will dash Diana to throw Q to melee and make it easier to hit it.
The ultimate combo between Diana and Rumble does too much damage, since Rumble's ultimate can be considered as ''DPS'' and Diana can help them stay in the same place.
When Diana throws her ultimate, she lifts up whatever Yasuo can throw his ultimate at and you'll have a few free seconds while the enemies are in the air for Yasuo.
Diana and Fiddle's TFs are solved if each one hits a correct R, they could erase even the most tanky with that combination.
Diana can get priority from mid pretty quickly with a few trades, which can be very beneficial for Kindred since Diana will be able to rotate the marks and make it very difficult for the opposing team to take them off (If Diana has a difficult lane, Kindred will be able to fix it since the slow and damage from the E can be significant for burst or taking down the life of any enemy).
Jarvan IV
Apart from Jarvan and Diana's ultimates, Jarvan has a very good gank for any lane, it's very easy for Jarvan's pick-up to end in a kill for the enemy midlaner. And having the two rotate to a lane (Top, Bot) could be a sure kill and get the target that is close to that lane for free.
Leona can stun everyone Diana pulls with her ultimate, other than that Leona can rotate to the midlane and help Diana since she has a very good gank.
Nilah can synergize with Diana's ultimate, it only works when Diana goes assassin
What Diana stands out the most is how in a trade she can do a lot of damage to the enemy team if she makes a mistake by positioning herself poorly or making a pick without vision since Diana's ultimate is very strong.
The character is strong to play solo or in a team:
1) Diana in a team has a very marked role, Bursting the ADC or the squishy carry / Being the entry of the tf.
Diana has enough damage to be able to burst any squishy in the game, especially the ADC'S, and playing Diana Conqueror is one of the best fronts there is, thanks to the fact that she can win almost all the 1 vs 1 trades alone.
2) Diana to play solo is to have the role of an assassin, you always have to go looking for picks or be in places where they don't have vision (Bush) to be able to burst the one who is unaware. Above all, going full damage can turn around a fight that was lost.
The worst of Diana
Diana in lane runs out of mana very quickly online, not knowing how to minister to her can make you back a lot or believe you have mana for trades and die because of it
Diana is very easy to gank, especially if the enemy team has a lot of CC. Once Diana trades, she is very sold out and the enemy jungler has a free gank to kill you.
(You have to ward a lot to see where the jungler is and be able to trade when he is far away)
Playing Diana entry has its big disadvantages, above all is that if your team does not follow your play, you will probably be left exposed and the enemy team will look for a fight where you are not and be greater in number.
Diana loses very easily against characters that have a pretty good level 2, let's take the example of Talon. Diana can't trade him because Talon will win in every way, and will always have a higher push than her.
Diana's trades
The best trade for targeting can be at LVL 2 applying the passive, Example:
Q+E+AA(Charged Passive)
You can throw the E without needing to hit the Q, when an enemy is at low health, normally they would wait for you to hit the Q and then dash, but if you throw the E first they will get scared and flash where the Q will give you the range to kill them with that
Remember that the damage of the W also makes a change, when you can try to throw it.
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