hyper mobile, W fog, and high base health make the only counterplay rushing wits end first item. ban this champion perma
at any point this guy can slow you and space you. best off not interacting with him at all
viego mid struggles into hyper mobile champs, which makes the katarina matchup pretty frustrating.
her level 6 makes it hard to get a solo kill, but largely immobile pre 6. get wave under your turret, and look to trade when they are pushed up
good akshan players will space the fuck outta you with their E. play for surprise attacks in the mist
post 6 the matchup can be cancer because of R slow plus rylais. take care early dont get poked out too much and try and call for the jungler if needed
same with akali. hops on a fucking stick and the counterplay is rushing wits end first
you literally only win trades at level 1. her Q healing is too strong to take extended trades, and she has enough mobility to chase you down regardless of wave state
level 6 full combo can delete you, but this matchup is pretty easy imo. just play for opportunities when annie stun is down
Aurelion Sol
for the most part, laning early against asol is super easy. throw E against lane walls to help close gaps. lategame, this guy can be a nightmare, but if you can catch him out of position, he is one-shot-able.
his mobility is an issue, but it eats a shit ton of mana. play the early game safe and look to engage when he is low on mana
skill based matchup, if he fights you inside the wave, itll be difficult to trade back effectively since you need to land W to trade combos.
just be careful of the 3 turret diagram heimer
tank matchups for viego are a bit of a struggle, but its largely not a huge issue
because of how much he can do with his kit, laning against him has varying levels of success. the same principles apply tho, look for low mana, key cc ability burned, or ganking jungler
just an ap version of vayne. land your skillshots and you can come out on top. use E to retreat/hide after trading
she has high range and is fast asf early. take care when trading and play for the jungle gank.
you win the level 1, and maybe even the level 2 if they dont have ignite, but you do not win the level 3 onwards. poke and chunk them before all-ing.
super heavy poke matchup, and depending on how well she uses E, this lane can be unplayable. rush boots early and bait out the Q.
once again a high mobility champion. rush wits end, look to poke with Q and time your W when she Ws in.
her root can make trades unfavourable, but you usually dont lose them. take care post 6.
his E makes trading back super painful. he will hop on you, chunk you, E away and you can't do anything about it
high poke matchup, but she has no cc early, so nothing is stopping you from engaging on her
same story as lux. rush boots early, bait out the E.
Twisted Fate
play around his W cards. if he burns it on the wave, look to trade
play around vex passive and engage when she burns it
very poke heavy, you're gonna have to dodge most skillshots. any time you engage, velkoz will buffer an E, so take care and engage only after he burns Q or both Ws
skill based matchup, you win level 1, but extended trades are not that favourable for you. if you can outlive his passive autos, you can continue to chase him down and trade
unbelievably aids early game since everytime you engage she can just E you. look to engage RIGHT after she uses Q. your R also can cancel the sleep cc if you time it correctly.
rush tabis and immortal shieldbow first, and look to engage after he pops W.
skill based matchup. poke with Q to proc his passive, then look to trade.
skill based matchup. if you can dodge yone Q3, you win the all-in. respect his E though, especially after he gets berserker greaves.
the speed effect he gets after his abilities makes it hard to engage on him. call for jungler and rush boots early
her little dogs can block W, so your trading pattern is limited. dodge both Qs and look to poke with your own.
buy a pink or oracles for when she goes invis
so much poke, and his W is a good way to displace a counter engage.
play around his passive and look to trade when its down. be careful of fighting in the wave with his W.
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