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Gragas Build Guide by Akumakill

AP Carry [S4] Gragas King of Fat and Jungle

AP Carry [S4] Gragas King of Fat and Jungle

Updated on June 27, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Akumakill Build Guide By Akumakill 2,584 Views 0 Comments
2,584 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Akumakill Gragas Build Guide By Akumakill Updated on June 27, 2014
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This guide is more of a template for those who want to experiment with Gragas in the Jungle. I expect people who look to use him to already have the knowledge in carrying and snowballing lanes, etc... this champ will allow all that to be easier and look more funnier.
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Why Pick Gragas JG?

Gragas gets his powers from the fat force which gives him good strength = top jung fighter

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Pros & Cons

The Pros
- Good clear
- Built-in sustain
- Best Early Ganks
- Huge D (Steal all drags/barons)
- Versatile (Can build tanky, ad, etc...)
- Free Drinks
- Fat

The Cons
- Very few (depends on how good you are)
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Explanation of Abilities

The Passive - Try to trigger this whenever you can.

Q - Very good in wave/jungle clearing, let it sit for a bit to increase damage and slow.

W - Makes him a strong man.

E - Gives him epic gank potential.

R - Nuclear bomb.
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Grabbing & Maintaining a Lead

IMO Gragas has very powerful early ganks. You'll want to use this on lanes that need it to most (mainly depends on your comp) typically the top lane is the easiest one to secure a kill in the beginning. Combining your flash with E can be very surprising and startling for the enemy which almost always results in their flash, this is when you would use your Q and hope your top laner follows up. If your top is pushing lane and isn't giving you an opening then you can either proceed right into enemy jungle or bot lane. If mid looks like it can use the help, then offer it.

Now, there isn't much I can explain to you. Like I said I expect you to already have some knowledge in jungling/carrying. All I can say is to don't be afraid to get aggressive, if you time your W correctly you'll win the fights. You can save E to always ensure a getaway or use it for a quick stun, but be careful of enemy laners helping.

You always want to be smart with your time. If enemy jung is ganking top, try to set something down bot to snag an easy drag. If you're in the other position, hope you're close enough to steal! And enemy team should never get baron if you play it right. The damage with Q+R on top of smite (if it's needed) should be more than enough to guarantee steals.

If your team is losing you have to look for easy targets. Always let your Q ferment before the wave comes in and pretty much everything else comes down to how you use your ult in team fights. If you built more damage than defense, you can look to one-shot their squishy targets (given if they don't have any one like Lulu that can mitigate the D.)
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Entrance into Insanity

The good stuff. Ranked Queue.

Now I know what you're asking and the answer is yes, he's more than viable for jungling. The other answer is no, I don't recommend him for ranked or at least in low elo. Some just don't understand or care to work with Gragas JG. They WILL blame your fat for the loss.
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The Conclusion

Maybe in time I'll add more information but for the most part, the choices are up to you! I'm only here to let you know that Gragas in the Jungle in this season is very much real and its effectiveness depends on how good you are as a team player and at decision making.
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