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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Gameplay (Early Game)
(Late Game)In the late game there is not something special that u have to do but focus on objectives and help your teammates.If you make full build or like 4-5 items you can dive like a boss but dont overextent.Have a clear mind about what u have to do to win the game and justCARRY HARDDDDDDD
+Great burst
+Super Engage ability
+Can zone out enemy carries with his ultimate, and knock-up
+Escape skill (E-Q combo)
+Bonus armor & attack speed (from skill E)
+Easy to snowball
-Sometimes poor of mana
-Kinda difficult to master him
-Poor usage of ultimate can be devastating to your own team
+Great burst
+Super Engage ability
+Can zone out enemy carries with his ultimate, and knock-up
+Escape skill (E-Q combo)
+Bonus armor & attack speed (from skill E)
+Easy to snowball
-Sometimes poor of mana
-Kinda difficult to master him
-Poor usage of ultimate can be devastating to your own team
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