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Alistar CC is good enough to deny your engagements but if his eyes are on you and throws the CC first... he looses the trade. If he prioritizes your ADC, take a time to stun the enemy ADC and return to your ADC suing your 3rd.
Bard have low chances to survive an all in attack since he is lacks of CC as well as no escaping method, but beware of your enemy gameplay, it could read you easily and manage to sustain you a bad trade if you take risks. Take account on Bard's Q, it will give him chance to AA you, and Bard will only efficiently disengage you on level 6.
Braum is the one of the longest stun duration in the League, never take risk engaging him without letting him activate his shield first. Let your ADC poke him (but keep safe if your ADC have short range) and avoid his CC at all cost.
Since annie is a full pledge AP than Support, This would be a risk to engaging her in early (since your runes are for AD types) and her stun are bad enough to decrease your HP at 40% in wave of skill. Take account her squishiness and short ranged CC, this would give you a chance to engage her and she could not reach your ADC.
Polymorph, Slow, Ranged Attacks, GROWTH!
Even she is a very squishy support, a good Lulu will make your day annoying... make sure that she is little far to her ADC before picking it out. And watch out her AA and Glitter Lance, this would make your chances sway a little bit.
Lux is more like AP pokes to decrease your chances to engage in lvl 3. but 5 misses to her skill will decrease her mana to 30% before hitting lvl 3 and that is a bad choice for her and kill her ADC
She is a combination of Braum and Annie, just believe on me... never engage a good morgana or just wait your locket and dodge her 1st. And don't throw 1st on her quickly... have a delay for managing your stuns. Count her Black Shield and manage to have time delaying your skill throw to take initiative of who you will take.
Nami... Well her healing with DMG would poke you out but a non AP nami would be down for just 3 seconds for ramming CC with your ADC. Just make sure that she will not reach level 6 before engaging or she will have a good disengaging ultimate.
Never decieved at her... She may be so squishy, but her CD and DMG may sustain you to hug the tower if you don't have a good ADC that pokes her.
Watch her healing factor... Let your ADC poke her and her ADC if you managed to lvl 3 just watch her silence, root and ult to decide when you will engage. Even thou she doesn't have any hard CC, better to be safe diving or setting the clash than to fail and loose your chances in her silences.
Tahm Kench
Since this dude could devour you... just manage to dodge and aware of his movement and distance... he would bear no risk at all... a long distance pokes from your ADC would make him retrun to back at the creeps and manages to make an opening for you to engage thire ADC, just watch him that he could save his ADC also.
This dude can deny your engagement and turn the table quickly... his flay his hook and the ult... watch every throws of it and you could manage him to sustain your lane.
This can be your walking food at all. just dodge his skill and engage... 2 second is enough if you have vayne or lucian as ADC
She could root you up... but she cant stay up for long. She cant throw up CC at all except if you engage their ADC and the root is on you, that would be your risk. just watch her roots and plants. and you are good to go.
A good Janna agaist Leona will make your engagement on its low chances, Watch out her Tornado and Eye of the Storm befor deciding your engagement against your targets.
Her slow and shield with movement speed makes your engaging is like taking a risk, but if you could manage to dodge her skills and ram your CC to her, her squishiness will be your advantage against her.
Hey guys! I am Nrqse and im a season 2 player of League in PH Server (in Garena Client). I played Leona as my main character almost 3rd or 4th season, I think its season 3 to be precise. And my long history in playing Leona as my main support with my trusty ADC will ensure you will have a good time diving against towers and enemies. I never reached High Tiers (Diamond, Master and Challenger) but I ensure my experience having a match agaist this kind of player will deliver a good explanation how to play Leona as Tank and increase your chances of winning in the easiest way. I also take Thresh and Braum as my support so i have a wide knowledge how to play support as tank and to cover my ADC in the middle of clash.
Terminologies to be Encountered
AA - Auto Attack
CC - Crowd Control
AP - Ability Power
AD - Attack Damage
AoE - Area of Effect
ADC - Attack Damage Carry (mostly tells about ADR)
GPM - Gold per Minute
XPM - Experience per Minute
Pros and Cons
Pros and Cons
I prioritize here the runes for AR and a hint of MR. Why? Well, mostly or in general ADC in the bottom lane are physical, so rune are essential and support on the other hand is more on AP. Also in my experience in diving towers and tanking ADC, Armor is very suitable in the situations in general aspect. And in my build guide supports your healt so in the first 10 minutes of the game, your AR and MR will rely on your E and Runes, your HP is on kindlegem of Face of the Mountain and Sightstone.
Further Update!
Further Update!
I just have my photoshop returned after finished my annual desktop maintenance, I hope that I could bring InfoGraphics than words in the guide for having a good reading and learning experience.
. <<Nrqse>>
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