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Gragas Build Guide by IVIaxy

AP Carry [S7] [PLAT] How To Play Ap Gragas : The Big Boi

AP Carry [S7] [PLAT] How To Play Ap Gragas : The Big Boi

Updated on March 1, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IVIaxy Build Guide By IVIaxy 49,164 Views 0 Comments
49,164 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author IVIaxy Gragas Build Guide By IVIaxy Updated on March 1, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Why play Gragas Mid?

Hi im IVIaxy, a platinum Gragas one trick from Oceania and i'm in love with Gragas. Gragas Mid hasn't had the best feedback since the change that turned him into the obese tank Jungler we know today but he is still definitely viable if anything he is coming back into the meta. Gragas mid is not only viable but a very fun champion to play, despite being quite difficult to master Gragas mid is fairly easy to pickup, learning combos is super important and knowing match ups can be hard but once you understand Gragas he is one of the most fun and satisfying mid laners there are, from outplaying your opponent to making huge mistakes Gragas is an insanely dynamic. fun. strong and most of all sexy champion that i'm honestly in love with. I suggest at least trying to pick up Gragas and see what happens from there :^)
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There are a number of runes you can take on Gragas, this ranges from simply changing the defensive glyphs and seals from health to armour or completely changing the way your builds and playstyle works but due to the way i play Gragas mid i think the rune page listed above is the best one to go.
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Pros / Cons

Pros :

Insanely High Burst Damage
Extremely Fun to Play
Great at Starting fights
Wombo Combo potential
Great Peel for ADC's
Big Belly

Cons :

Hard to play
Easily Counterable
Short Range
Risky Playstyle
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Team Work

Remember to let your team know when you want to engage, The Rabble Rouser's engages are extremely strong, ranging from pulling off an insane combo on the enemy ADC resulting in them getting one shot or simply ulting someone from the enemy team away/into your team. Letting your team know is insanely important because in a lot of cases if you haven't frequently typed or pinged your teammates you could engage without them realising consequently losing you a teamfight.
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Gragas Combos

This videos covers almost all of the Gragas Combo's you would use, some of the more difficult combos are rarely used.

remember when ER'ing someone into a barrel that your e will knock the target back a bit, always position your ultimate taking into account the slight knockback, after a while of practising in sandbox mode you should understand the angles.
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My Youtube & Summary

All in all Gragas is an insanely fun to play Ap Mid Laner with huge outplay potential and a myriad of playstyles, this guide aimed to capture the basic's of Gragas and hopefully helped you out with your first few games on my boy, The Rabble Rouser

Thanks for reading, :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IVIaxy
IVIaxy Gragas Guide
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[S7] [PLAT] How To Play Ap Gragas : The Big Boi

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